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Friendly Fire 25-27 Sept, 2020, Rimforsa Strand Hotell


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Välkommen till Rimforsa Strand Hotell (adress: Fredrika Bremers Alle 2 - Linköping)

Pris: Helpension: Enkelrum 2 960:- (plus avgift för ASL material, 100 kr).


Inkluderat i priset:

Fredag - Checkar in på rummen kl 14:00. Tillgång till konferensrum från 16:00 eller tidigare.

Middag: Fredagsgryta med sallad,bröd och kaffe/te - Vickning.



-Frukostbuffé 07:30 - 09:30

-Förmiddagskaffe/te med liten kaka

-Afternoon Tea - matiga snittar, scones, kakor och bakverk serveras i salongen

-två-rätters middag med kaffe/te och en liten dessert



-Frukostbuffé 07:30 - 09:30

-Förmiddagskaffe/te med liten kaka

-Lunch (varm) på buffé med lättöl/vatten och kaffe/te


konferensrum fram till 16:00

Edited by CTABKA
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Några frågor om ovanstående uppdateringar:


FrF64: Jag tolkar ändringen som att antalet 1S foxholes ska vara 1. Stämmer det?


FrF55 ska uppdateras enligt ovan men det står inte hur. Har du den informationen Mel?



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Friday, round 1, kl 16:00-00:00
SP79 THE MIUS TRAP 1943 July
FrF99 BOY SOLDIERS 1945 February

Saturday, round 2, kl 09:00-19:00
G1 TIMOSHENKO`S ATTACK 1941 July Updated http://forum.aslswed...3743#entry26746
FrF64 NO TIME TO BLEED 1943 November
FrF56 SALUTING A GENERAL 1942 September


Saturday, round 3, kl 21:00-00:00


Sunday, continue of round 3, 09:00-14:15


Sunday 14:15-14:30 Good bye


Document: Tournament rules, HIP/depletion/notes, ABS:

FrF 2020 September Tournament.pdf

Edited by CTABKA
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Det här är ju för djävligt... I morse när jag vaknade hade jag hosta med förkylning och huvudvärk. Jag tror att det är direkt olämpligt att jag kommer.... Det känns så förbaskat tråkigt. När jag för en gångs skull var någorlunda förberedd och skulle spela skiten ur er alla.



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Ser du någon i salen på lördag som ser spelsugen ut, så är det Stef som kommer förbi under dagen för att beskåda våran ASL turnering, välkommen.


Stor tack för ert varmt välkomnande, det var riktigt kul att träffa er alla ! Nästa gång får jag vara "tournament fodder"... ;)

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Gratulationer till Sandblom för en segersvit på 3 raka segrar.


Först som försvarare i Urban Guerillas och nekade ryssen broövergångarna, därefter som försvarare i Timoshenko's Attack som höll linjen med nöd och näppe.


Slutligen, About His Shadowy Sides, återigen som försvarare och tyska ad-hoc försvaret kollapsade och gav tapp på byn, men motanföll med ny tropp och pansar för att sätta stopp på det ryska genombrottet, i rapp takt, huvudstupa rakt mot ryssarna som nu lagt sig i försvarställningar i byn, men drevs ut ur flera hus eller eliminerades.

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Updated version of Scenario G1

- New: Victory Conditions: The Russians win immediately upon exiting > 13 VP off the north edge of any one mapboard [EXC: prisoners do not count].

- New text on the Turn Record Chart: The Germans set up first___The Russians moves first

- New German set up text: set up concealed on hexrows Q-FF (see SSR 3): {SAN: 0}

- Delete the following from the German OB: Two LMG and one MMG.

- New Russian set up text: The Russian groups are allocated by the Russian player with one group per board and set up concealed on hexrow B and AFVs in Motion (see SSR 6): {SAN: 0}

- Replace the following Leaders in the Russian OB: Group 1: Replace the 8-1 Leader with a 10-0 Commissar.  Group 3: Replace the 8-0 Leader with a 9-0 Commissar.

- Replace the SPECIAL RULE section (11 SSR) with the following:


1. EC are Moderate, with no wind at start. On board 22 the two Multi-Story Buildings (A23.23) are treated as single-story buildings and hex CC7 contains no building depiction, the two hexsides CC6-CC7, BB6-CC7 can be bypassed [EXC: not by a Vehicle]. Kindling is NA.

2. Although all three boards are placed side by side, they represent three separate attack lanes. Play is simultaneous on all three boards, but no fire, movement or LOS is allowed between them, leave a slight space between the mapboards.

3. The German OB is secretly divided into four groups, after any deployment (A2.9). Three groups must set up on the mapboards (one group to each board). The fourth group must contain at least 6 squad-equivalents, 3 Leaders and 3 SWs. The fourth group is the reserve and portions, or all of it may be called into play as reinforcements on any board(s) after a one-turn delay (i.e., if called upon in the German RPh of Turn 1, they would arrive during the German Turn 2).

4. German reinforcements are called upon at the end of a German RPh and declare on which mapboard each force intend to enter the next turn along the north edge, place each called upon force concealed in one stack and adjacent to its board, but the force do its set up offboard next RPh when it may enter. Reinforcement groups may be as few or as many as desired, and comprise any portion of the remaining reserve. But, for each board and each turn that reinforcements enter, there must be at least one leader with the group.

5. The German radio represents a module of 105+mm artillery. The Kfz 1 vehicle is removed from play if it has neither Passengers nor a Gun in Tow.

6. The Russian radio represent a module of 80+mm Btln MTR. No Russian Leader can be exchanged for a Commissar.

7. When attempting Battery Access for an OBA Module and no more than one black and/or red chit(s) have been permanently removed from the Draw Pile and the second permanently-removed red chit is drawn, return it to the Draw Pile instead, and that ends the Observer’s OBA actions for that Player Turn (i.e., the second red chit can only be removed from the Draw Pile if at least two black chits have been permanently removed from the Draw Pile for that OBA Module). An Original Contact/Maintenance DR of 12 does not cause the breakdown of a Radio, although an Original DR of 12 does cause the loss of Radio Contact.

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Friendly Fire Tournament 2020, 25th-27th September (12 scenarios played). Winner – Svante Sandblom.


Round 1, “J1", URBAN GUERILLAS, German Victory, Mattias Bergwall, Gustav Lidemyr, Russian.

Round 1, “J1", URBAN GUERILLAS, German Victory, Svante Sandblom, Matts Dagerhäll, Russian.

Round 1, “SP79", THE MIUS TRAP, German Victory, Christoffer Peyre, Anders Olsson, Russian.

Round 1, “FrF99", BOY SOLDIERS, Russian Victory, Martin Yngerskog, Christian Lindberg, German.


Round 2, “G1", TIMOSHENKO'S ATTACK, German Victory, Svante Sandblom, Martin Yngerskog, Russian.

Round 2, “FrF56", SALUTING A GENERAL, German Victory, Gustav Lidemyr, Christian Lindberg, Russian.

Round 2, “FrF56", SALUTING A GENERAL, Russian Victory, Mattias Bergwall, Christoffer Peyre, German.

Round 2, “FrF64", NO TIME TO BLEED, German Victory, Matts Dagerhäll, Anders Olsson, Russian.


Round 3, “BoF4", ABOUT HIS SHADOWY SIDES, German Victory, Svante Sandblom, Mattias Bergwall, Russian.

Round 3, “BoF4", ABOUT HIS SHADOWY SIDES, German Victory, Christoffer Peyre, Martin Yngerskog, Russian.

Round 3, “BoF5", ADOLF'S AMATEURS, Russian Victory, Matts Dagerhäll, Gustav Lidemyr, German.

Round 3, “BoF5", ADOLF'S AMATEURS, German Victory, Christian Lindberg, Anders Olsson, Russian

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