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  1. Day 13, 30 October, IDLE DAY, Overcast. German reinforcements: Rifle 13:Coy (Reserve), Pz IIIH Pltn, Pz IIIL Pltn. Russian reinforcements: Gds SMG 3&4:Coy (Reserve), OBA: Btln MTR 80+mm Offb´d Observer, Fortifications (40 FPP). Day 15, 31 Oct, German Assault, Overcast, Moist, No Wind at start. German reinforcements [ELR: 4] [SAN: 2]: Sturm 8:Coy, OBA: Heavy Weapon Pltn 4:Pltn. German Order of Battle: 18 Ldr, 85.5 Sq-Eq (16 Crews, 8 Assault Eng, 36.5 Elite, 33 1st/2nd Line), 66 SWs (6 HMG, 12 MMG, 25 LMG, 8 ATR, 5 Lt MTR, 2 FT, 8 DC), 5 Guns (2x GrW34, PaK38, INF 75 & 150mm), 6 AFVs (3x Pz IIIH, 3x Pz IIIL). Russian reinforcements [ELR: 3] [SAN: 3]: Rifle 13 & 14 Coy (Reserve), OBA: Med Arty 120+mm. AT Gun Battery. Russian OB: 34 Ldr, 146.5 Sq-Eq (22 Crews, 9 Assault Eng, 33.5 Elite, 80 1st Line, 13 Conscripts), 48 SWs (2 HMG, 8 MMG, 14 LMG, 10 ATR, 7 Lt MTR, 7 DC), 7 Guns (4x AT 45mm, 3x MTR 82mm), 1 AFV T-70 (Dug-In). AFTERMATH (6 Game Turns): The Germans give up, the Russians have a substantiv force and AD Hoc Coy will enter soon. Some fast decisions and play by the German command led to defeat. German Casualties: 3 Ldr, 21 Sq-Eq, 18 SWs, 3 Guns, 2 AFVs. Russian Casualties: 3 Ldr, 23.5 Sq-Eq, 8 SWs, 1 Gun. Germ OB, end of 31th Oct [SAN: 2]: 15 Ldr, 64.5 Squad-Equival (14 Crews, 8 Assault Engineers, 30.5 Elite, 19 1st/2nd Line), 48 SWs (5 HMG, 12 MMG, 24 LMG, 3 Lt MTR, 2 FT, 2 DC), 2 Guns (PaK38, INF 150mm), 4 AFVs (2x Pz IIIH, 2x Pz IIIL). Russian OB, end of 31th Oct {SAN: 3]: 31 Ldr, 123 Sq-Eq (20 Crews, 7.5 Assault Engin, 31.5 Elite, 63.5 1st Line, 10.5 Conscripts), 40 SWs (2 HMG, 6 MMG, 14 LMG, 5 ATR, 6 Lt MTR, 7 DC), 6 Guns (4x AT 45mm, 2x MTR 82mm), 1 AFV T-70 (Dug-In). TOTAL LOSSES 17-31 October (6+7+6+6+0+7+8+7+6+6+7+0+7+6= 79Turns) German Casualties: 53 Ldr, 211 Sq-Eq, 81 SWs, 13 Guns, 11 AFVs (one Recalled). Russian Casualties: 38 Ldr, 313 Sq-Eq, 78 SWs, 18 Guns, 2 AFVs.
  2. Ja, om du slår en dr of 1. Om det står fler fordon i Location ökar chansen, kan även träffa friendly fordon om det ska slumpas vilket fordon som blir träffat.
  3. Shocked, Stun (each): +1 DRM, Crew Survival DR.
  4. German Reserv pool: 6 Coy 24x 467, 32x 838 = 56 squad -equiv. Cost to enter: 70 CPP ………………………………………….. Russian Res pool: 9 Coy, 1 HW Pltn 12x 447, 9x 527, 24x 458, 36x 628, 9x 628AE, 6x 228 = 93 squad-equiv. Cost to enter: 67 CPP (Reserve Will reduce the cost, more for the Russ). Den tuffaste delen återstår för tyskan att ta de återstående husen på 8 scenarior, tid finns det gott om men inte tropp, Ryska Offb’d Observers har mycket god LOS över terrängen. Ryssen har just nu gott om stridsvagnar mot inga, fler Guns, Fanatic-fortified-nest och vet var tysken kommer att anfalla, en fördel med kort frontavsnitt. Nästa dag 6 November är Overcast Germ Assault och 9 November måste bli en Idle Day om det inte sker 7-8 Nov. Ska även nämna att 6 Nov får tysken endast purchase ett Rifle Coy, 7 Nov får tysken endast purchase ett Rifle Coy (eller två Rifle Coy, om inget köptes in 6 Nov). Först 8 Nov får Assault Engineers Coy (1 av de 4 sista Coy) bli purchased. 9 Nov måste bli en Idle Day om det inte skett 7-8 Nov. Ser öppet ut vem som ska vinna.
  5. Exempel: Tysken har en rysk POW HS som blir eliminated by Russian FP/Minefield/OBA/etc , då blir det dubbla 2 CVP direkt till tysken. Om Ryska POW blir eliminerat by German FP/Minefield/OBA/etc då blir det 1 CVP direkt. Captured AFVs/Guns får man endast dubbla CVP att Game End, dvs om ryssen tar capture på tysk Gun och tysken skjuter sönder captured Gun, då får ryssen endast 2 CVP.
  6. Day 20, 5th Nov — German Assault, Overcast, Wet, No Wind at start. German Reinforcements: Pionier 3:Coy, OBA: Btln MTR 80+mm. Total German OB ELR: 3, SAN: 2 18 Leaders, 4 Guns (PaK 40, 2x PaK 38, GrW 34). 54 Sq-Eq (14 Crews, 9 AE, 17 Elite, 21 1st/2nd Line). 34 SWs (4 HMG, 8 MMG, 10 LMG, 1 ATR, 1 Lt MTR, 4 FT, 6 DC). Russian Reinforcements: Gds Rifle 4:Coy, Heavy Weapon 5:Pltn, OBA: Btln MTR 80+mm with Offb´d Observer, Fortifications: 80 FPP (Set DC, HIP & ?). Ad Hoc Coy (4 Ldr, 2 LMG, 10 Sq) & AFV pltn (2x T-70 and OT-34). Total Russian OB ELR: 2, SAN: 2 16 Leaders, 4 Guns (2 AT 45mm, 2 MTR 82mm), 7 AFVs (4x T-70, 2x KV-1 M42, OT-34), 53.5 Sq-Eq (9 Crews, 5.5 Assault Engineers, 22 Elite, 9.5 1st Line, 12 Conscripts), 25 SWs (2 HMG, 4 MMG, 7 LMG, 3 ATR, 2 Lt MTR, 2 FT, 5 DC). AFTERMATH (5 Game Turns): Another assault by the Germans, that captured 3 multi-hex buildings from the Russians, that now only hold onto the remaining 4 multi-hex buildings. Three row-houses clustered together, down south in the bread-factory area and the two-hex building south of the oil-storage area, located in an open field and must be attacked over open ground, even worse it is fortified and turned into a Fanatic building nest. The high command have issued an order that these objectives must been taken the next 10 days (i.e., 8- Assaults-/2-Idle-Days). German Casualties: 4 Ldr, 18.5 Sq-eq, 6 SWs, 2 Guns. Russian Casualties: 1 Ldr, 12 Sq-eq, 4 SWs. German OB, end of 5th Nov (SAN: 2) 14 Leaders, 2 Guns (PaK 40, PaK 38), 35.5 Sq-Eq (13 Crews, 6 AE, 12.5 Elite, 10.5 1st/2nd Line). 28 SWs (4 HMG, 6 MMG, 8 LMG, 1 Lt MTR, 3 FT, 6 DC). Russian OB, end of 5th Nov (SAN: 2) 15 Leaders, 4 Guns (2 AT 45mm, 2 MTR 82mm), 7 AFVs (4x T-70, 2x KV-1 M42, OT-34), 41.5 Sq-Eq (7 Crews, 4.5 Assault Engineers, 18.5 Elite, 6.5 1st Line, 8.5 Conscripts), 21 SWs (2 HMG, 3 MMG, 7 LMG, 3 ATR, 2 FT, 4 DC). TOTAL LOSSES 17 Oct - 5 Nov (5+7+6+7+0+6+8+6+6+5+6+0+7+7+6+6+6+0+6+5= 105 Turns) German Casualties: 72 Ldr, 289.5 Sq-Eq, 125 SWs, 28 Guns, 13 AFVs (one Recall). Russian Casualties: 65 Ldr, 438.5 Sq-Eq, 137 SWs, 20 Guns, 22 AFVs.
  7. Leaflet House Rules Red Barricades CG I - Into The Factory The CG I - Into The Factory is now added to the LHR and provides a shorter CG of the CG III - The Barrikady. Both CG starts off in the same manner. The problem with the CG I was its VCs that have been replaced with new and better VCs, also shortened the CG with 2 CG days - 17-27 Oct (i.e., deleted 28-29 Oct) and as a consequence decreased the number of Infantry Reinforcements Groups available. The VCs is derived after going over all stats and perimeter from all the CG III played in recent years. A discovery made is that CG III is most fun the two first weeks. Will start at least two new CG I - Into The Factory later this year. AAR will follow if time permits. Never played CG I before, but its not really true, since the 100+ CG III played (vs 10+players), starts and continues in exactly the same manner, although the different VCs will determine the long term goal/planning. Last note, if CG I INTO THE FACTORY is about to come to a conclusion, and you both think that the CG should continue beyond 27 October, then you simple shift over and continue to play CG III THE BARRIKADY (or start over with CG I again).
  8. Leaflet House Rules Red Barricades: The Barrikady CG III Red Barricades: Operation Hubertus CG II Red Barricades: Into The Factory CG I Red October: X-Tag CG I LHR 2021 Red Barricades-Red October.pdf
  9. Red Barricades: The Barrikady CG III Red Barricades: Operation Hubertus CG II Red Barricades: Into The Factory CG I Red October: X-Tag CG I One-page document with the following: German & Russian Leader Tables. Armor Leader & Stuka Ace Table. German & Russian OBA Tables. Infantry Company SW Charts. AFV Armaments Repair Table. Fortification Purchase & Removal Tables. RB CG III Tables & Charts.pdf
  10. Red Barricades: The Barrikady CG III Red Barricades: Operation Hubertus CG II Red Barricades: Into The Factory CG I Red October: X-Tag CG I Historical DRM Charts, Reinforcement Charts, CPP Replenishment Table, Weather Table & EC Table. Red Factories Reinforcements.pdf
  11. 1. Newly berserk unit in the MPh charge immediately. 2. Same hex as the berserk, see index for Know Enemy Unit. If it has no LOS to a Know Enemy unit (POW is not an Enemy unit), it will stand still (no MF expenditure) and return to non-berserk status in the end of its MPh.
  12. 29th Oct, Sunday—German Assault, Overcast, Wet, no wind at start. German Reinforcements: Pz IIIL pltn (On-Map), OBA: Two Btln MTR 80+mm, one with two Pre-Reg Hexes and the other with one Pre-Reg Hex, Sniper Increase. Total German OB, ELR: 4, SAN: 3 8 Ldr, 1 Gun (GrW34), AFVs: 3 Pz IIIL. 28.5 Sq-Eq (1 Crew, 22 Elite, 6.5 1st/2nd Line), 21 SWs (2 HMG, 4 MMG, 9 LMG, 1 ATR, 2 Lt MTR, 3 DC). Russian Reinforcements: T-34 M41 Pltn (Dug-In), INF Gun Battery, Fortifications 40 FPP. OBA: Two 120+mm, each with a Pre-reg Hex, and both with Offb´d Observers. Total Russian OB, ELR: 3, SAN: 3 10 Leaders, 5 Guns (AT 45mm, MTR 82mm, 3x INF 76mm), 6 AFVs (3x Dug-In T-70, 3x Dug-In T-34 M41). 23 Sq-Eq (10 Crews, 5 Assault Engineers, 3 Elite, 7 1st Line, 3 Conscripts), 9 SWs (2 HMG, 1 MMG, 1 ATR, 1 FT, 4 DC). AFTERMATH (-- Game Turns): The CG is over, the last day of the CG the Germans feel pressured to order a frontal assault without regards to losses, it is doomed to fail, only bloody luck can help, but it will not reveal itself, the Germans call for a ceasefire and retreat from the front line.
  13. Day 15 — 31 Oct, Russian Assault, Overcast, Moist, Mild Breeze. German Reinforcements: Rifle 10:Coy, Hvy Wpn 2:Pltn, OBA: Btln MTR 80+mm. Total German OB ELR: 3, SAN: 3, 16 Leaders, 6 Guns (PaK 38, 2x PaK 40, INF 75, 2x GrW 34), 1 AFV (Pz IIIH), 53 Sq-Eq (10 Crews, 1 AE, 16 Elite, 31 1st/2nd Line), 38 SWs (2 HMG, 12 MMG, 14 LMG, 5 ATR, 4 Lt MTR, 1 DC). Russian Reinforcements: Assault Engineers 2:Coy, OBA: Katyusha Rocket 200+mm with Pre-Reg Hex. Total Russian OB ELR: 3, SAN: 2, 24 Ldr, 4 Guns (3x ART 76L, MTR 82mm), 4 AFVs (T-60 M42 Dug-In, 2x T-70, OT-34). 74 Sq-Eq (12 Crews, 9 Assault Eng, 11 Elite, 39.5 1st Line, 8.5 Conscripts), 30 SWs (1 HMG, 6 MMG, 9 LMG, 5 ATR, 2 Lt MTR, 2 FT, 5 DC). AFTERMATH (-- Game Turns): The CG is over, one Human Wave after another crushed the German lines and they were forced to retreat, it resulted in the re-capturing of several factories.
  14. Day 14 — 30 Oct, German Assault, Overcast, Moist, Mild Breeze. German Reinforcements: Rifle 9:Coy, Pak 40 Battery, OBA: Nebelwerfer Rocket 150+mm with Pre-Reg Hex. Total German OB ELR: 3, SAN: 3, 17 Leaders, 6 Guns (2x PaK 38, 3x PaK 40, INF 75), 1 AFV (Pz IIIH), 52 Sq-Eq (7 Crews, 2.5 AE, 19 Elite, 27 1st/2nd Line), 39 SWs (9 MMG, 16 LMG, 5 ATR, 3 Lt MTR, 1 FT, 5 DC). Russian Reinforcements: Gds SMG 3:Coy (On-Map), SMG 13:Coy (last, Reserve), OBA: Two Lt Arty 70+mm each with an Offb´d Observer, Fortifications: 40 FPP (HIP & Set DC). Ad Hoc HQ Coy with an AFV Pltn. Total Russian OB ELR: 3, SAN: 2, 28 Ldr, 4 Guns (3x ART 76L, MTR 82mm), 4 AFVs (T-60 M42 Dug-In, 2x T-70, OT-34). 82.5 Sq-Eq (13 Crews, 17 Elite, 51 1st Line, 8 Conscripts), 25 SWs (1 HMG, 6 MMG, 8 LMG, 5 ATR, 3 Lt MTR, 2 DC). AFTERMATH (5 Game Turns): German Casualties: 4 Ldr, 14 Sq-eq, 10 SWs, 2 Guns. Russian Casualties: 5 Ldr, 17.5 Sq-eq, 3 SWs. German OB, end of 30 Oct (SAN: 3), 13 Leaders, 4 Guns (PaK 38, 2x PaK 40, INF 75), 1 AFV (Pz IIIH), 38 Sq-Eq (4 Crews, 1 AE, 16 Elite, 19 1st/2nd Line), 29 SWs (9 MMG, 12 LMG, 4 ATR, 3 Lt MTR, 1 DC). Russian OB, end of 30 Oct (SAN: 2), 23 Ldr, 4 Guns (3x ART 76L, MTR 82mm), 4 AFVs (T-60 M42 Dug-In, 2x T-70, OT-34). 65 Sq-Eq (12 Crews, 11 Elite, 39.5 1st Line, 8.5 Conscripts), 22 SWs (1 HMG, 6 MMG, 7 LMG, 5 ATR, 2 Lt MTR, 1 DC). TOTAL LOSSES 17-30 October (7+6+6+0+7+7+8+7+7+7+0+6+7+5= 80Turns) German Casualties: 45 Ldr, 167.5 Sq-Eq, 66 SWs, 11 Guns, 17 AFVs (four Recalled). Russian Casualties: 47 Ldr, 313.5 Sq-Eq, 69 SWs, 11 Guns, 17 AFVs.
  15. 28th Oct, Saturday—German Assault, Overcast, Moderate, no wind at start. German Reinforcements: Sturm Coy (enter), OBA: Two Btln MTR 80+mm, each with a Pre-Reg Hex, Sniper Increase. Total German OB, ELR: 4, SAN: 3 16 Ldr, 2 Guns (GrW34), 2 AFVs (Pz IIIH, StuG IIIB), 51.5 Sq-Eq (4 Crews, 2 AE, 37 Elite, 10.5 1st/2nd Line), 31 SWs (2 HMG, 5 MMG, 13 LMG, 1 ATR, 2 Lt MTR, 1 FT, 7 DC). Russian Reinforcements: Two SMG Coy (one On-map, one Reserve), Fortifications 80 FPP. OBA: Btln MTR 80+mm, Pre-reg Hex, Lt Arty 70+mm, both with Offb´d Observers. Total Russian OB, ELR: 3, SAN: 3 17 Leaders, 4 Guns (2x AT 45mm, 2x MTR 82mm), 3 AFVs (3x Dug-In T-70). 61.5 Sq-Eq (13 Crews, 6.5 Assault Engineers, 7 Elite, 33.5 1st Line, 8 Conscripts), 16 SWs (2 HMG, 2 MMG, 3 LMG, 2 ATR, 2 Lt MTR, 1 FT, 4DC). AFTERMATH (7 Game Turns): German Casualties: 8 Ldr, 23 Sq-eq, 10 SWs, 1 Gun, 2 AFVs. Russian Casualties: 7 Ldr, 40 Sq-eq, 7 SWs, 2 Guns. German OB, after German Assault 28th Oct (SAN: 2) 8 Ldr, 1 Gun (GrW34) 28.5 Sq-Eq (1 Crew, 22 Elite, 6.5 1st/2nd Line), 21 SWs (2 HMG, 4 MMG, 9 LMG, 1 ATR, 2 Lt MTR, 3 DC). Russian OB, after German Assault, 28th Oct (SAN: 3) 10 Leaders, 2 Guns (AT 45mm, MTR 82mm), 3 AFVs (3x Dug-In T-70). 21.5 Sq-Eq (7 Crews, 5 Assault Engineers, 3 Elite, 7 1st Line, 3 Conscripts), 9 SWs (2 HMG, 1 MMG, 1 ATR, 1 FT, 4DC).
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