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  1. Record keeping sheet for the Stalingrad Campaigns: Date, Weather, Blazes, SAN, OB strength, Units, Casualties, etc. OB Casualties-record Stalingrad.pdf
  2. Day 22, 7th Nov — German Assault, Clear, Wet, No Wind at start. German Reinforcements: Rifle 15:Coy (on-map), SAN increase. Four Stuka (early). German OB ELR: 4, SAN: 3 16 Leaders, 2 Guns (PaK 40, PaK 38). 48 Sq-Eq (11 Crews, 2 AE, 11.5 Elite, 29 1st/2nd Line). 30 SWs (2 HMG, 6 MMG, 11 LMG, 2 ATR, 2 Lt MTR, 2 FT, 5 DC). Russian Reinforcements: Gds SMG 6:Coy, Hvy Weapon 6:Pltn, SAN increase, Fort: 40 FPP. Russian OB ELR: 3, SAN: 3 18 Ldr, 6 Guns (AT 45mm, INF 76mm, 4 MTR 82mm), 2 AFVs (KV-1 M42, OT-34). 52.5 Sq-Eq (14 Crews, 2.5 Ass Eng, 16 Elite, 22.5 1st Line, 4.5 Conscript). 24 SWs (3 HMG, 5 MMG, 5 LMG, 4 ATR, 1 Lt MTR, 2 FT, 4 DC). AFTERMATH (7 Game Turns): The battle starts with the Germans open up with a large volume of fire in the Row-house area, the Russian returns fire and X12 its hand-held flamethrower, as the battle rage on the OT-34 enter the scene and toast a German unit in a row-house and when it attempts to start up and go for exit into hiding, before the Stukas arrive it X12 its engine and later on eliminated by Stuka bombs. The Germans gains Contol of the rowhouse adjacent to the stone rubble, the Russians attempts to Counter attack the row-house throughout the battle, but the Germans have two flammenwerfer in it, that throw fire volley after volley against the Russians units and after more of a dozen flamming attacks the Russian realize the attacks are futile and starts to call the row-house - the petroleum station. In the Oil Storage area the Germans attack and press on and gain control of a handful of more single story buildings, closer to the fanatic building nest, that dominate the area. German Casualties: 6 Ldr, 16 Sq-eq, 6 SWs, 1 Gun Russian Casualties: 4 Ldr, 24 Sq-eq, 7 SWs, 3 Guns, 2 AFVs. German OB, end of 7th Nov (SAN: 3) 10 Leaders, 1 Gun (PaK 38). 32 Sq-Eq (6 Crews, 1 AE, 10.5 Elite, 17.5 1st/2nd Line). 24 SWs (2 HMG, 5 MMG, 9 LMG, 2 ATR, 1 Lt MTR, 2 FT, 3 DC). Russian OB, end of 7th Nov (SAN: 2) 14 Ldr, 3 Guns (AT 45mm, 2x MTR 82mm). 28.5 Sq-Eq (4 Crews, 2 Ass Eng, 9 Elite, 6 1st Line, 9.5 Conscript). 17 SWs (2 HMG, 3 MMG, 4 LMG, 3 ATR, 1 Lt MTR, 1 FT, 3 DC). TOTAL LOSSES 17 Oct - 7 Nov (5+7+6+7+0+6+8+6+6+5+6+0+7+7+6+6+6+0+6+5+7+6= 118 Turns) German Casualties: 82 Ldr, 317 Sq-Eq, 139 SWs, 29 Guns, 13 AFVs (one Recall). Russian Casualties: 72 Ldr, 486 Sq-Eq, 151 SWs, 26 Guns, 29 AFVs.
  3. Day Two—Stalingrad 1942, 18 October—Germ Assault, Overcast, Moist, Mild Breeze. German Reinforcements: ELR: 4, SAN: 4 Rifle 4:Coy, Hvy Wpn 1:Pltn, SAN increase (to 4). Total German OB: 12 Leaders, 2x GrW 34, 1x Pz III L 52 Sq-Eq (6 Crews, 8.5 Elite, 40.5 1st/2nd Line) 25 SWs (2 HMG, 7 MMG, 9 LMG, 2 ATR, 3 Lt MTR, 2 DC) Russian Reinforcements: ELR: 3, SAN: 4 Gds SMG 1:Coy, Rifle 4:Coy, SMG 2:Coy (all three Coy in Reserve). T-70 Pltn Dug-In. Total Russian OB: 8 Leaders, 2x AT 45LL Guns, 3x T-70 Dug-In 68.5 Sq-Eq (2 Crews, 10 Elite, 45.5 1st Line, 12 Conscripts) 19 SWs (4 MMG, 7 LMG, 3 ATR, 4 Lt MTR, 1 DC) AFTERMATH (7 Game Turns): A heavy rain pour down during the whole battle, the German attack in force and the Russians starts to retreat to the reserve line and with the Germans following them in their path as several buildings and one factory hall falls into German hands. At the reserve line a bloody clash resulting in deadly losses. At the Volga sector another story unfolds as the Russians made the Chemist Shop into a mini fortress, and the Russian reserve line is behind the building. The Germans open up with small arms fire, Machineguns and mortars, immediately one of the Light 50 mm mortars scores two critical hits in the Russian fortress and eliminate two Russian squads and eliminate a LMG in the process, and the Germans eventually manage to gain a foothole in the Shop but the Rusdians manage to kill and thrown out the Germans from the building. During the battle the Russian and German Sniper duel with each other and the two Russians snipers are eliminated (SAN 4 decreased to 2) and at the very end the sniper eliminate a concealed 10-0 Commissar the 426 squad take a LLMC and became berserk and charge the German lines without any support and machined gunned down. The only Russian leader loss today. Germ Cas: 3 Ldr, 9 Sq-eq, 2 SWs, 1 AFV Russ Cas: 1 Ldr, 19.5 Sq-eq, 4 SWs, 2 Guns, 1 AFV German OB, end of 18 Oct (SAN: 4), 9 Leaders, 2x GrW 34 43 Sq-Eq (5 Crews, 5.5 Elite, 35 1st/2nd Line) 24 SWs (2 HMG, 7 MMG, 10 LMG-Scrounged one BMG, 1 ATR, 3 Lt MTR, 1 DC) Russian OB, end of 18 Oct (SAN: 2), 7 Leaders, 2x T-70 Dug-In 49 Sq-Eq (2 Crews, 9 Elite, 31.5 1st Line, 7.5 Conscripts) 15 SWs (4 MMG, 4 LMG, 2 ATR, 4 Lt MTR, 1 DC) TOTAL LOSSES 17-18 October (6+7= 13 Turns) German Casualties: 6 Ldr, 20 Sq-Eq, 6 SWs, 3 AFVs (one Recalled). Russian Casualties: 7 Ldr, 42 Sq-Eq, 6 SWs, 2 Guns, 1 AFV.
  4. 10-2 har 10 i moral om den har "11" och är Encircled, 9 i moral om den blir attackerad av Friendly Artillery (eller 10 i moral om det är en rysk fanatisk 10-2 som befinner sig i samma Location som en 9-0 Com).
  5. A10.2 For each leader eliminated... ...after the resolution of the attack (if any) all other friendly Personnel units with a currently lower Morale Level... ...must take a LLMC Regel man spelat fel på förut, lätt hänt eftersom man tror att reglerna är konsekventa när det gäller Encirclement på units att de alltid tar MC/TC med ett i lägre moral. Dvs enheter tar LLMC/LLTC med current Moral level (lägre moral pga Encirclement gäller inte eftersom det inte är en attack). "(if any)" ovan menas troligen om ledaren dör på fate i Rally Phase eller eliminated via failure to rout, etc.
  6. Spelar ryss mot C Liewendahl som spelar tysk, första gången vi spelar Red Barricades CG I , startar likadant som CG III men pågår bara i 11 dagar istället för 30 dagar.
  7. Nej, och ingen lägre moral när man Rally. Endast lägre moral på IFT attacker.
  8. Precis, så fort location töms på de som drabbas av Encirclement , försvinner Encirclement. Ett trick man kan göra är att en Encircled squad kan försöka Streetfighta i MPh ett fordon som kör förbi, även om oddsen är usla, blir man av med Encirclement när man kliver ut på vägen, sedan återgår man till sin hex, fri från Encirclement.
  9. Bersek/Hero: Nej påverkas inte alls. Japs: Tappar ej moral, men får +1 och dubbel movement. Alla andra drabbas fullt ut.
  10. Day One—Stalingrad 1942, 17 October—Germ Assault, Clear, Moderate, no wind at start. German at start OB: ELR: 4, SAN: 3 OBA Btln MTR 80+mm, two Pre-Reg Hexes & Offb'd Observer. Rifle 1,2,3:Coy, Sturm 1:Coy, Pz IIIL pltn, 3x STUKA. Total German OB: 12 Leaders, 3 Pz IIIL 48 Sq-eq (12x 548 Elite, 36x 4671st Line) 20 SWs (4 MMG, 8 LMG, 3 ATR, 3 Lt MTR, 2 DC) Russian at start OB: ELR: 3, SAN: 4 100 FPP: HIP 5 squads, Wire, 6 Fortified Locations, 10x ? Rifle 1,2,3:Coy (one Rifle Coy in Reserve) SMG 1:Coy, Militia 1:Coy Total Russian OB: 10 Leaders, 2 AT 45LL Guns, 61 Sq-eq (2x 228 Crews, 36x 4471st, 9x 5271st, 15× 4-2-6). 15 SWs (3 MMG, 6 LMG, 3 ATR, 3 Lt MTR). AFTERMATH (6 Game Turns): The German attack into the Red Barricades factory district is planned with a force of 500 men, supported by a Pz pltn, Stukas and artillery. 600 Russians awaits them with the only support of two AT guns. The German Artillery call down two fire missions, one in each Pre-Reg hex, then it is cancelled, and then the Stukas enter directly thereafter. The battle rage on and the Germans encounter several hidden Militia squads that flung themselves into CC with a deathwish. The Germans breach the defenses towards the Volga banks, and eliminate almost all defenders in the area, the clash along the railway embankments and the central sector surge forward at start of the battle, then it turns into a stalemate, until a ceasefire is called for. Germ Cas: 3 Ldr, 11 Sq-eq, 4 SWs, 2 AFVs (one Recalled). Russ Cas: 6 Ldr, 22.5 Sq-eq, 2 SWs. German OB, end of 17 Oct (SAN: 3), 9 Leaders 37 Sq-Eq (8.5 Elite, 28.5 1st/2nd Line), 1 Pz IIIL 16 SWs (4 MMG, 7 LMG, ATR, 2 Lt MTR, 2 DC). Russian OB, end of 17 Oct (SAN: 4), 4 Leaders 38.5 Sq-Eq (2 Crews, 1 Elite, 24.5 1st Line, 12 Conscripts), 2 AT Gun 45LL 13 SWs (3 MMG, 5 LMG, 2 ATR, 3 Lt MTR).
  11. Red Barricades - Stalingrad 1942 CG I (11 CG Days) LEAFLET HOUSE RULES (see link) https://forum.aslsweden.com/index.php?/topic/4126-lhr-red-barricades-red-october/
  12. Errata D7.15 delete "/Cavalry" Cavalry receives no TEM for a wreck, behind Hedge/Wall One odd thing is that Bridges give CAV +1 TEM as if Infantry. That should be corrected or I suggest a House Rule in the meantime. Cav receives no TEM behind Bocage, that may not be crossed by CAV, it should be TEM for CAV, although I have never seen a CAV-Bocage scenario. Height Advantage +1 TEM. CAV receives TEM only in Woods/Forest/Crag/Olive-Groves/or-similar-type-of-terrain.
  13. Det stämmer -4 / +4 DRM. Vi brukar räkna baklänges, dvs en -3 Ldr i Rally Terrain (-1 DRM), på det printade moral värdet (10). -2 Ldr, ett lägre det printade värdet (9 i det här fallet). -1 Ldr (två lägre på 8). 0 Ldr på 7 (tre lägre än den printade moralen).
  14. Funderar på att göra en ny liten utgåva av dessa två A5 charts från 2001, ca 12st av varje, sålde av ca 150 st under 5 år. De är påklistrade på hård vit kartong. Ej laminerat, de kommer instoppade i en nedklippt plastficka som byts ut var 5-10år beroende på hur mycket man använder dem. 65kr st. Kommer vara tillgängliga till Rimforsa om turneringen blir av.
  15. GAME END: A CG scenario can no longer end on Game Turn 5 and 8. End of Game Turn 6 it will end on a dr < 4, otherwise it ends Game Turn 7. Calculated 24 CG Days, with the original rule it would be in total about 152 (151.7) Turns. With the new LHR the total of Game Turns is about the same 152 Turns. The chance that a CG tilt, due to two days in a row with only 5 Turns or 8 Turns (happened before), have now been removed.
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