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  1. Day Two 18 Oct, Germ Assault, Clear, Moderate, Hvy wind.
  2. https://www.aslscenarioarchive.com/scenario.php?id=64164 Vi spelar Bloody Bobruisk i Ukraina sommaren 2004.
  3. Det tror jag den gör det är väl bara gå igenom loggen, om det är oklart. Axis anfaller med allt mellan 15-30 dummies, och ska ta kontroll på ca 25 hexes, svårt att veta vad som gått igenom vad. med så många dummies som anfaller. https://www.aslscenarioarchive.com/scenario.php?id=66783 Läser man kommentarerna är det samma klagomål om de allt för många dummies som anfaller. Det hade funkat om VCs hade varit mer FrF liknade såsom "VCs Axis Win at game end if they Control at least 5 of the 7 wooden buildings." Det var väl den största input/kritik vid speltestning av FrF scenarior, speciellt -at the very beginning. Tror knappt någon kommer spela scenariot i köpenhamn. Precis som i Arnhem, av 40 spelare, spelade ingen TotR scenariot.
  4. ASL 295 Death Box Spelade mitt första TotR scenario, betyg 4, det som drar ned betyget är allt för dåliga VCs som kräver allt för mycket översikt och noteringar av vad som kan tänkas vara under Axis kontroll eller inte. Antar att i VASL håller datorn koll på det automatiskt och verifierar att det stämmer at game end.
  5. Andra fel i artikeln: Flamethrower "Final TK# is an 8" (should be 9) "on an Original DR < 7" (should be 8 ) "An Original DR = 8" (should be 9) Molotov Cocktail "on a Final < 7" (should be 8 ) "A Final TK DR = 8" (should be 9)
  6. Day 30, 15th Nov — Germ Assault, Clear, Moderate, No Wind. Germ Reinf: StuG IIIG pltn, StuG IIIB pltn, SAN increase to 3. OBA: Two Nebelwerfer Rocket module 150+mm, each with a pre-reg Hex. German OB ELR: 3, SAN: 4 6 Ldr, 2 Guns (2x PaK 40), 10 AFVs (StuIG 33B, 4 StuG IIIG, 3 StuG IIIB, 2 Pz IIIL). 10.5 Sq-Eq (2 Crews, 5.5 Ass Eng, 2 Elite, 2 1st/2nd Line). 19 SWs (3 MMG, 3 LMG, 7 FT, 6 DC) Russ Reinf: OBA: Hvy Arty 150+mm with a Pre-Reg hex, Med Arty 120+mm with pre-reg hex, SAN increase to 4. 160 FPP A-T Ditches, Trenches, Wire, Minefield, ?. Russian OB ELR: 2, SAN: 4 5 Ldr, 10 Guns (3x INF 76mm, 5x ART 76L, 2x AT 45mm). 15 Sq-Eq (12 Crews, 4.5 Ass Eng, 2 Elite, 1.5 1st Line, 1 Con). 10 SWs (2 LMG, 4 ATR, 4 DC). AFTERMATH (7 Game Turns): The last day of the campaign, two nebelwerfer struck down at the fanatic building nest,rubbled half the building, cleared of plenty of fortifications and caused severe casualties. Two pltns of German panzer position themselves in front of the building 200m away and start to blast the Russian positions. A barrage of smoke blind the lined up Panzer, they start up and roll forward, enter the smoke barrage and some roll pass it and one StuG IIIB crashed into the building and fall down into the cellar. Now, the German Infantry decide to take advantage of the smoke barrage and charge forward, suddenly another artillery barrage is called down blasting the Germans with high explosives. A single 8-3-8 manage to enter the building after taking two 2 MC outside the building blasted by an INF gun. Inside the 8-3-8 advance up to 1 st level and CC one Russian 2-4-8 HS eliminating it and thereafter attacked by hvy artillery blast 30 FP +2 (Gutted upper lvl). Then the 8-3-8 is attacked by a placed DC that it shrugs off, then ambushed by a 6-2-8 that had placed the DC, and miss hurting the 8-3-8 that now kills it in return. All the while more Panzer is turned to wrecks outside the building and German troops breaks, but when the building falls the Russian do desperate actions and is moved down, the battle is over. German Casualties: 4 Ldr, 4 Sq-eq, 4 SW, 1 Gun, 8 AFVs. Russian Casualties: 5 Ldr, 13.5 Sq-eq, 8 SWs, 9 Guns. German OB, end of 15th Nov (SAN: 3) 2 Ldr, 1 Gun (PaK 40), 2 AFVs (StuG IIIG) 6.5 Sq-Eq (1 Crew, 3.5 Ass Eng, 1.5 Elite, 1 1st/2nd Line). 15 SWs (3 MMG, 3 LMG, 5 FT, 4 DC) Russian OB, end of 15th Nov (SAN: 2) 0 Ldr, 1 Gun (ART 76L). 1.5 Sq-Eq (1 Crews, 1 Ass Eng, 0 Elite, 0 1st Line, 0 Con). 2 SWs (1 ATR, 1 DC). TOTAL LOSSES 17 Oct - 15 Nov (5+7+6+7+0+6+8+6+6+5+6+0+7+7+6+6+6+0+6+5+7+6+0+6+7+6+6+0+6+7= 156Turns) German Casualties: 103 Ldr, 377.5 Sq-Eq, 180 SWs, 35 Guns, 32 AFVs (two Recalled). Russian Casualties: 98 Ldr, 594.5 Sq-Eq, 192 SWs, 49 Guns, 29 AFVs.
  7. Bara 12 veckor kvar till sammankomsten. Dags för mig att börja förbereda.
  8. Stämmer inte A15.2 ...If a wnd hero fails a MC it is eliminated. Dvs om en wnd hero blir wnd igen i CC, på IFT (K/) eller av Sniper 2:a så slår den för wnd severity A17.11.
  9. Think it is becoming clear that Twilight of the Reich - scenarios is designed with the intent for VASL first and foremost and most of the playtesting was made through that format. Clearly these overdesigned SSRs is not what made ASL popular and if this type of scenario designs had been released at the very beginning, players going over from Squad Leader to Advanced Squad Leader would never happen as it did.
  10. Summary: PIN Passengers, when fired upon, the FFNAM -1 DRM still applies when they Unloads from a Vehicle and possible FFMO if unloading from a truck in Open Ground, despite being PIN. A4.6...Units loading onto/disembarking from vehicles are always subject to FFNAM. A further -1 First Fire DRM applies to units moving in the open (FFMO). D6.5 UNLOADING:...(end of line 22) Unloading PIN Passengers may not leave the Dismount Location during that MPh. FFNAM always applies vs loading or unloading units (A4.6).
  11. Tror att Pin units i detta fall syftar på enheter som blir Pin i sin MPh och då gäller inte FFMO (A7 Fire Attacks A7.1) Overun sker för samma enheter i fiende AFV MPh och drabbas av FFMO oavsett om pin eller inte.
  12. Day 28, 13th Nov, Idle Day, Clear & Gusty, Moderate, Hvy Wind. Day 29, 14th Nov — Germ Assault, Overcast, Moist, Mild Breeze. Germ Reinf during idle day: StuG IIIG pltn, StuIG 33B pltn, Pz IIIL pltntn, SAN increase to 3. Germ Reinf: StuIG 33B pltn, OBA: Nebelwerfer Rocket module 150+mm with pre-reg Hex, Btln MTR 80+mm with pre-reg Hex, PaK 40 Battery. German OB ELR: 3, SAN: 3 6 Ldr, 3 Guns (3x PaK 40), 12 AFVs (6x StuzIG 33B, 3x StuG IIIG, 3x Pz IIIL). 14.5 Sq-Eq (3 Crews, 7.5 Ass Eng, 5.5 Elite). 25 SWs (3 MMG, 7 LMG, 1 ATR, 7 FT, 7 DC). Russ Reinf during idle day: ART Battery, At Battery, Hvy Arty 150+mm, SAN increase to 3. Russ Reinf: INF Battery, Hvy Arty 150+mm, 160 FPP, SAN increase to 4. Russian OB ELR: 2, SAN: 4 7 Ldr, 16 Guns (1x MTR 82mm, 5x INF 76mm, 6x ART 76L, 4x AT 45mm). 20.5 Sq-Eq (17 Crews, 4.5 Ass Eng, 6.5 Elite, 0.5 1st Line, 0.5 Con). 14 SWs (4 LMG, 4 ATR, 2 FT, 4 DC). AFTERMATH (6 Game Turns): During the idle day both sides gather strength for the final battle. German call in several panzer pltns while the Russian bring gun batteries to the frontline. The battle start with German panzer roll forward, other panzer have taken up hulldown positions and try to blast the Russian positions, a Nebelwefer is called down and knock out several Guns and a Btln MTR blast the fanatic building nest. In respone heavy Russian artillery is called down and blast several panzer to wrecks and cause the German infantry to lose heart and flee the scene. After the loss of two thirds of the German panzer the assault is called off. German Casualties: 0 Ldr, 4 Sq-eq, 6 SW, 1 Gun, 8 AFVs (one Recalled) Russian Casualties: 2 Ldr, 5.5 Sq-eq, 4 SWs, 6 Guns. German OB, end of 14th Nov (SAN: 3) 6 Ldr, 2 Guns (2x PaK 40), 4 AFVs (StuzIG 33B, StuG IIIG, 2x Pz IIIL) 10.5 Sq-Eq (2 Crews, 5.5 Ass Eng, 2 Elite, 2 1st/2nd Line). 19 SWs (3 MMG, 3 LMG, 7 FT, 6 DC) Russian OB, end of 14th Nov (SAN: 3) 5 Ldr, 10 Guns (3x INF 76mm, 5x ART 76L, 2x AT 45mm). 15 Sq-Eq (12 Crews, 4.5 Ass Eng, 2 Elite, 1.5 1st Line, 1 Con). 10 SWs (2 LMG, 4 ATR, 4 DC). TOTAL LOSSES 17 Oct - 14 Nov (5+7+6+7+0+6+8+6+6+5+6+0+7+7+6+6+6+0+6+5+7+6+0+6+7+6+6+0+6= 149Turns) German Casualties: 99 Ldr, 373.5 Sq-Eq, 176 SWs, 34 Guns, 24 AFVs (two Recalled). Russian Casualties: 93 Ldr, 581 Sq-Eq, 184 SWs, 40 Guns, 29 AFVs.
  13. 4-6-7 ser inte 2-2-6 på första bilden som står på vägen (+6 Hindrance), på andra bilden skjuter 4-6-7, 4 FP +4 Hindrance. 5-punkts regeln ser ut som en hockeyklubba.
  14. Day Eight — 24 Oct —Germ Assault, Clear, Moist, No Wind. Russ Reinf: Militia 4:Coy, SMG 7:Coy(R), Hvy Wpn 2:pltn, SAN increase to 3, OBA: Btln MTR 80+mm. Fortifications 40 FPP, HIP 9 squads, 13x ? Total Russian OB ELR: 3, SAN: 3 Leaders: 21, Guns: 5 (1x AT, 1x INF, 3x MTR), AFVs: 4 (T-70 Dug-In) Sq-Eq: 99 (Crews: 12, AE: 2.5, Elite: 14, 1st Line: 49.5, Conscripts: 27) SWs: 29 (HMG: 2, MMG: 6, LMG: 8, ATR: 3, Lt MTR: 5, FT: 1, DC: 4). Germ Reinf: Sturm 4:Coy, Stuka, Pz IIIH pltn, Nebelwerfer 150+mm Rocket-Pre-Reg Hex. Total German OB ELR: 4, SAN: 3 Leaders: 19, AFVs: 8 (5 Pz IIIH, 2 SPW 251/1, SPW 251/10) Sq-Eq: 74 (Crews: 6, AE: 7.5, Elite: 21.5, 1st/2nd Line: 42), SWs: 46 (HMG: 2, MMG: 11, LMG: 19, ATR: 1, Lt MTR: 3, FT: 2, DC: 😎 AFTERMATH (6 Game Turns): The German attack into the Red Barrikady Russ Cas: Ldr: 4, Sq-eq: 30, SWs: 10, Guns: 1, AFVs: 2. Germ Cas: Ldr: 5, Sq-eq: 25.5, SWs: 11, AFVs: 4. Russian OB, end of 24 Oct (SAN: 3) Leaders: 17, Guns: 4 (1x AT, 1x INF, 2x MTR), AFVs: 2 (T-70 Dug-In) Sq-Eq: 69 (Crews: 11, AE: 2.5, Elite: 11, 1st Line: 34.5, Conscripts: 15.5) SWs: 19 (HMG: 2, MMG: 4, LMG: 3, ATR: 2, Lt MTR: 5, FT: 1, DC: 2). German OB, end of 23 Oct (SAN: 2) Leaders: 14, AFVs: 4 (2 Pz IIIH, 2 SPW 251/1) Sq-Eq: 48.5 (Crews: 6, AE: 6, Elite: 9, 1st/2nd Line: 30.5), SWs: 35 (HMG: 2, MMG: 9, LMG: 12, Lt MTR: 2, FT: 2, DC: 😎 TOTAL LOSSES 17-23 October (6+7+7+6+6+0+6+6= 44 Turns) Russi Cas: 18 Ldr, 176.5 Sq-Eq, 41 SWs, 5 Guns, 7 AFVs. Germ Cas: 23 Ldr, 96 Sq-Eq, 35 SWs, 5 Guns, 12 AFVs (one recalled).
  15. Day Six — 22 Oct Idle Day Day Five — 23 Oct —Germ Assault, Clear, Wet, Mild Breeze. Russ Reinf during Idle Day: Engineer 1:Coy (Res), Rifle 6:Coy (Res). Russ Reinf: Gds Rifle 1:Coy(R), Rifle 7:Coy(R), T-70 Dug-in 3:pltn, OBA: Btln MTR 80+mm. Total Russian OB ELR: 3, SAN: 2 Leaders: 21, Guns: 3 (1x AT, 1x INF, 1x MTR), AFVs: 5 (T-70 Dug-In) Sq-Eq: 101 (Crews: 6, AE: 9, Elite: 14.5, 1st Line: 55, Conscripts: 19.5) SWs: 35 (HMG: 2, MMG: 6, LMG: 12, ATR: 4, Lt MTR: 5, FT: 2, DC: 4). Germ Reinf during Idle Day: Pionieer 1:Coy (Res). Germ Reinf: Rifle 6&7:Coy, Stuka, Btln MTR 80+mm. Total German OB ELR: 4, SAN: 3 Leaders: 19, AFVs: 5 (2 Pz IIIH, 2 SPW 251/1, SPW 251/10) Sq-Eq: 73 (Crews: 6, AE: 8, Elite: 14, 1st/2nd Line: 48), SWs: 46 (HMG: 2, MMG: 10, LMG: 19, ATR: 2, Lt MTR: 4, FT: 3, DC: 6) AFTERMATH (6 Game Turns): The German attack into the Red Barrikady Russ Cas: Ldr: 2, Sq-eq: 29, SWs: 10, AFVs: 1. Germ Cas: Ldr: 4, Sq-eq: 11, SWs: 5. Russian OB, end of 23 Oct (SAN: 2) Leaders: 19, Guns: 3 (1x AT, 1x INF, 1x MTR), AFVs: 4 (T-70 Dug-In) Sq-Eq: 72 (Crews: 6, AE: 2.5, Elite: 14, 1st Line: 40.5, Conscripts: 12) SWs: 25 (MMG: 4, LMG: 8, ATR: 3, Lt MTR: 5, FT: 1, DC: 4). German OB, end of 23 Oct (SAN: 3) Leaders: 15, AFVs: 5 (2 Pz IIIH, 2 SPW 251/1, SPW 251/10) Sq-Eq: 62 (Crews: 6, AE: 7.5, Elite: 9.5, 1st/2nd Line: 42), SWs: 41 (HMG: 2, MMG: 10, LMG: 17, ATR: 1, Lt MTR: 3, FT: 2, DC: 6) TOTAL LOSSES 17-23 October (6+7+7+6+6+0+6= 38Turns) Russi Cas: 14 Ldr, 146.5 Sq-Eq, 31 SWs, 4 Guns, 5 AFVs. Germ Cas: 18 Ldr, 70.5 Sq-Eq, 24 SWs, 5 Guns, 8 AFVs (one recalled).
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