CTABKA Posted October 4, 2004 Report Share Posted October 4, 2004 Här följer lite funderingar angående skid-reglerna som i mitt tyckeskulle behöva ändras en del och med det menas tre ändringaren som är stor och de andra två lite mindre men ändock av betydelse,en fråga finns även med. Hi Toumo what is your opinion about the Ski-rules?Do You Think it is worth to try to have them changed? Here is some thoughts about them.... Here are the complete list of scenarios that use the Ski-rules(the symbol * indicates Ski-capable units in the scenario) G12 AVALANCHE! (Russ*-Germ*)G13 A WIEW FROM THE TOP (US*-Germ)G17 HAKKAA PAALE (Russ*-Finn*)A11 SILENT DEATH (Russ-Finn*)A54 THE RAATE ROAD (Russ-Finn*)A120 UNCOMMON VALOR (Russ-Finn*)J37 TRETTEN IN FLAMES (British-Germ*)J38 BITTER DEFENSE AT OTTA (British-Germ*) Since there are only 8 scenarios with skis, maybe a rewrite of theruleswould be appropriate before the number of ski-scenarios are twice as manywhen the HP-module is released. The complete section of ski-rules are included herefor ease of reference.There are some suggested changes and a question about rule clarification included. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- E4. SKI TROOPS4.1 DYO: Ski capability (and Winter Camouflage; 4.4) can be purchased for aDYO OB (H1.202). 4.2 SKI MODE: The special rules for ski troops apply only to thosescenariosin which Ground or Deep Snow is present. Ski-capable units (those beginninga scenario with ski counters or that pass a ski-use dr; 4.21) may be onfoot, on skis, or transported by any other normal means when not in skimode. Units on skis are in ski mode and are referred to as skiers. Skiersare indentified by being placed on ski counters. Ski troops may switchbetween ski and foot/passenger(or Rider) mode only during their ownMPh/RtPh/APh. There is no cost for switching from ski to foot mode, but itcosts two MF to switch from foot to ski mode. Normal CX restrictions andpenalties (A4.72) apply to units switching to ski mode and advancing (orvice versa) in the same APh. Vehicle crews never start a scenario withskis. -- DELETE: The wording "or that pass a ski-use dr; 4.21" in line 3 above. 4.21 SKIS: When not in ski mode, skis are carried atop a unit at a cost ofone PP. A unit cannot carry skis in excess of its own usage requirements.Skis can be eliminated like any SW (A9.73-.74). If skis areRecovered/Transferred they can be used by their new owner , only if itbeganthe scenario with ski capability or makes a ski-use dr of 1 immediatelyuponRecovery/Transferred . A ski-use dr of 2-6 eliminates the skisautomatically. -- REPLACE The RULE PARAGRAPH above with this instead:4.21 SKIS: When not in ski mode, skis are carried atop a unit at a cost ofone PP. Flip the ski counter to the 1/2 para chute side to show that it iscarried. Skis cannot be Transferred /Captured and if they are unpossessedthey are automatically removed from the game. Possession of skis isconsidered a form of status in the case of any SMC creation derived from aMMC Skier or if two HS are recombined and only one of them had skis thentheski counter is removed. 4.3 MOVEMENT: Skiing is considered a form of infantry movement and istherefore subject to all the pertinent rules of such , except as amendedherein. A skier pays no extra MF due to Snow/Drift, and pays normalInfantryMF entrance costs. However; a skier may never enter rubble, nor a building,pillbox, vehicle, entrenchment (nor does it ever receive shellhole TEMbenefits),nor can a skier cross a cliff hexside or move beneath a wirecounter. The skier must first change to foot mode to enter these areas,although a building hex that contains no rubble(see B24.2) can be enteredvia Bypass, and once beneath a wire counter a unit can return to ski mode.If forced to remain in a building hex following Bypass entry of that hex,loss of Skier status occurs automatically. Once in such a restricted area,the unit may not change to ski mode until it has left that area (a unit inabuilding can spend one MF for Bypass to an Open Ground vertex of its hexwhere it can then expend two more MF to switch to ski mode and thus leaveits hex as a Skier). The extra MF bonus for exclusive use of roadmovementdoes not apply to a Skier. -- ADD THESE RULES "A Skier may not portage a wounded SMC (A17.2). A SMConSkies (a Skier) cannot add its IPC to another unit (A4.42), " In the endof the PARAGRAPH above. 4.31 DOWNHILL: A Skier recieves a bonus of two MF for each Crest Linecrossed while moving to a lower elevation during the MPh/RtPh. This bonuscan be used to exceed the special MF allotment of broken(A10.5)/wounded(A17.2)/berserk(A15.431) units. -- Question: Is the MF bonus still available to a unit that stops being aSkier? My own answer should be Yes, but in either casemaybe it should be clarified in this paragraph. 4.32 APh: A Skier can advance one hex during the APh, subject to the normalpossibility of Difficult Terrain restrictions (A4.72) such an advance canpossibly include changing to/from ski mode in an allowable Location ateither the start or end of that APh, although the MF expenditure for doingso is included in the A4.72 MF calculation. 4.33 ROUTING: Broken units may change ski mode/ use skis during the RtPh bypaying the applicable MF cost. Skiers may Low Crawl only if they firstremove their skis. 4.4 CAMOUFLAGE: A unit that is ski-equipped at scenario start is alsoassumed to be wearing winter camouflage (3.712). 4.5 CC: Skiers engaged in CC must add +2 to their CC Attack DR and aresubject to a -2 DRM when attacked in CC. However, Skiers in Melee have theoption in their MPh to leave it or change to foot mode (A11.71). 4.6 ATTACK RESTRICTIONS: A skier may not fire any GUN, ordnance SW, orMMG/HMG; he must change to foot mode first. 4.7 Berserk: A berserk unit may not change from foot to ski mode, or viceversa (EXC: A berserk Skier charging a known enemy unit in a Location thatthe Skier cannot normally enter (4.3) must change to foot mode when itreaches the point where, due solely to being on skis, it can move no closerto the unit as per A15.431). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Detta sändes till Toumo Lukkari för drygt ett år sedan svaret blev att han tyckte att de dög för honom men höll med om attkanske en del klarifieringar skulle behövas och föreslog därmedatt jag skulle vända mig till MMP ( har skickat e-post två ggr -inget svar). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Janusz Posted October 4, 2004 Report Share Posted October 4, 2004 Här är mina regelförslag till Bruce Childs, som gör en scenariopack om Norge.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------Design for effect.Already the ski rules are quite cumbersome. So all changes/addintions must be weighted against this. Problems right now:Unit on skis can engage enemy in firefight with no penalty.Skis make a unit much to fast, even more so in hilly terrain.Skis can be carried, put on, taken off again way to easy (for realism) Here's my sugestions:1: Downhill bonus should be only 1.2: 2 MP to put on, free to take off but must be recovered. 3: Same CC penalty for unit on or carrying skis.4: 2PP for MMC, 1PP for SMC.5: 1/2 inherent and SW FP when skis are on. That's pretty much it. I say these changes make skis a tool for transportation TO the battle, not IN the battle. Janusz Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maglica Posted October 4, 2004 Report Share Posted October 4, 2004 Måste säga att jag är tveksam till omskrivningar av dessa regler. Knappast värt det med tanke på hur få scenarion det handlar om. Om tveksamheter finns bör "clarifications" vara tillräckligt. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carlsson Posted October 4, 2004 Report Share Posted October 4, 2004 Måste säga att jag är tveksam till omskrivningar av dessa regler. Knappast värt det med tanke på hur få scenarion det handlar om. Om tveksamheter finns bör "clarifications" vara tillräckligt. ...å andra sidan är det precis som Mel skriver att om det ska ändras, är det lika bra att göra det nu! Å andra sidan är jag inte insatt i reglerna och anpassar mig efter vad som står i reglerna (annars får min motståndare bevisa motsatsen - och han får skaffa skidorna själv!). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Klas Malmström Posted October 5, 2004 Report Share Posted October 5, 2004 Måste säga att jag är tveksam till omskrivningar av dessa regler. Knappast värt det med tanke på hur få scenarion det handlar om. Om tveksamheter finns bör "clarifications" vara tillräckligt. Håller med. Jag är också tveksam till om det är nödvändigt med omskrivningar av dessa regler. Jag har bara spelat med dom några få gånger men inte upplevt något större problem. Dessutom finns ju risken att dom scenarion som redan finns med skid-enheter blir obalanserade, konstiga, etc. om man ändrar reglerna nu. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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