CTABKA Posted September 1, 2019 Report Share Posted September 1, 2019 (edited) 23rd October, German Morning Assault (1st phase) OKH German OB: ELR:4, SAN:3, Early STUKA.Three Rifle Coy (one depl). One 2nd Line Rifle Coy.Two Sturm Coy. One Assault Engineers Coy.StuG IIIB pltn, StuG IIIG pltn, Pz IIIL pltn. 18 Ldr, 77 Sq-Eq (8 AE, 24 Elite, 45 1st/2nd Line).37 SWs (5 MMG, 14 LMG, 4 Lt MTR, 4 ATR, 3 FT, 7 DC). 9 AFVs (3 StuG IIIB, 3 StuG IIIG, 3 Pz IIIL).OBA: Nebelwerfer Rocket 150+mm (Radio)......................................................... STAVKA Russian OB ELR:3, SAN:4. Level C Booby Trap, 60FPP. (Crew & HMG).Two Gds Rifle Coy. One Gds SMG Coy. Two Rifle Coy (Reserve, one depl).INF Battery 76*mm Guns (depl). AT Battery 45mm Guns (depl). 10 Ldr (one Ldr creation), 56.5 Sq-Eq (33 Elite, 5 Crews, 21 1st Line).25 SWs (1 HMG, 3 MMG, 9 LMG, 5 Lt MTR, 6 ATR, 1 DC). 2 INF Guns (76mm), 2 AT Guns (45mm).OBA: Two Btln MTR 80+mm (Phone).60 FPP: HIP 3 Sq, 1 Crew, 1 Ldr, SET DC, 34x ?.......................................................... 8 Game Turns German Cas: 6 Ldr, 24 Sq-Eq, 2 SWs, 2 AFVs, Russian Cas: 4 Ldr, 35 Sq-Eq, 13 SWs, 1 Gun. ......................................................German OB End of 23rd Oct Morning Assault. ELR:4, SAN:2. 12 Ldr, 53 Sq-Eq (6 AE, 17 Elite, 30 1st/2nd Line).35 SWs (3 MMG, 14 LMG, 4 Lt MTR, 4 ATR, 3 FT, 7 DC). 7 AFVs: (2 StuG IIIB, 3 StuG IIIG, 2 Pz IIIL).OBA (retained): Nebelwerfer Rocket 150+mm (Radio)......................................................... Russian OB End of 23rd Oct Morning Assault ELR:3, SAN:4. 6 Ldr, 21,5 Sq-Eq (13 Elite, 4 Crews, 4.5 1st Line, 2 Conscripts).12 SWs (2 MMG, 4 LMG, 3 Lt MTR, 3 ATR).2 INF Guns (76mm), 1 AT Gun (45mm).................................................... SUMMARY: The Russian defense line was linked up with the resting reserve soup-eating troops, a few skirmisher was a litte bit up front to lay down fire at vital cross-roads at the German attack-approaches, these Russians pulled back quickly to the reserve line as the massive on-slaught rolled forward. Russian artillery started to pour down a rain of grenades shells and had no problem to find targets for the 7 fire missions that during the day pounded the German troops. Tze Germans struggled to get across the Tramvanaya wide city boulevard as the soup-eating Russian reserves had to tuck their spoons in their belts and started to aim and shoot at the reckless Germans, crossing the boulevard often with the help of smoke placed by hand or panzers. At that point a StuG IIIB was wrecked by a hidden Russian AT gun and the Smoke-Stack Sniper killed two German leader and wounded a third, in matter of minutes. The fighting became brutalized as hand-hand fighting erupted among the soup eaters that flung themselves at the front Germans on the east side and wrong side of the wide street. Suddenly a roar in the sky from a Stuka formation of four heavy birds dived down at the Russians and had no problem to sight the Gds SMG sq in the stone building and achieved a direct hit and disintegrated them as the earth trumbled. Another disaster struck a few moments earlier as a StuG hit the .50-cal HMG crew and killed it out right and malfunction the weapon in the process the leader picks it up and repairs it as another 458 squad joins him but suddenly lose his mind as they turn berserk under fire from a German light MTR that achieves a critical hit and wounds the leader, the charging 458 squad first suffer casualties by a nose-diving Stuka spraying its machineguns at them and then the remaining 248 rush into the Russian artillery in the open and face death. The Russians rout back into the factories and hope the Germans do not dare to cross the open terrain and will be satisfied to have reached the railway embankment, but the proffesional Germans can sense a weakness of collapse and rush the hapless defenders on Turn 8 and get a foothold in the factory on the east side of the railway and manage to eliminate several russian squads and capture a handful of Russian weapons without much losses taken to themselves, in this final stage, thanks to the Stukas that pin down the Russians that tries to respond to the final charge. The first step have been taken, despite the bleak ending for the Russian defenders in this first morning assault, they call in more troops under the noisy loudspeaker from the German side calling for their-surrender. Edited September 11, 2019 by CTABKA 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CTABKA Posted September 11, 2019 Author Report Share Posted September 11, 2019 (edited) 23rd October, German Afternoon Assault (2nd phase), Overcast, EC: Moist. OKH German OB: ELR:4, SAN:2.One Rifle Coy. One 2nd Line Rifle Coy. Hvy Weapon pltn (on-map). 17 Ldr, 80 Sq-Eq (6 AE, 17 Elite, 6 Crews, 54 1st/2nd Line).48 SWs (2 HMG, 6 MMG, 18 LMG, 6 Lt MTR, 6 ATR, 3 FT, 7 DC).2 Guns (GrW 34). 7 AFVs: (2 StuG IIIB, 3 StuG IIIG, 2 Pz IIIL).OBA (retained) Nebelwerfer Rocket 150+mm (radio).................................................................. STAVKA Russian OB ELR:3, SAN:4. Level C Booby Trap.Two Militia Coy (on-map), Rifle Coy (reserve).T-34 M41 pltn (Dug-In & HIP), T-70 pltn (Dug-In & HIP).40 FPP: HIP 6 sq, 1 Ldr, 21x ?. 11 Ldr, 63,5 Sq-Eq (13 Elite, 4 Crews, 16.5 1st Line, 32 Conscripts).20 SWs (3 MMG, 9 LMG, 4 Lt MTR, 4 ATR). 2 INF Guns (76mm), 1 AT Gun (45mm).6 AFVs (Dug-In HIP 3 T-34 M41, 3 T-70)....................................................................... 6 Game Turns German Cas: 4 Ldr, 23 Sq-Eq, 7 SWs, 1 AFV, Russian Cas: 4 Ldr, 31.5 Sq-Eq, 9 SWs, 4 AFVs. ......................................................German OB End of 23rd Oct Afternoon Assault. ELR:4, SAN:2. 13 Ldr, 57 Sq-Eq (4 AE, 13 Elite, 6 Crews, 37 1st/2nd Line).41 SWs (2 HMG, 5 MMG, 15 LMG, 5 Lt MTR, 4 ATR, 3 FT, 7 DC).2 Guns (GrW 34). 6 AFVs: (2 StuG IIIB, 3 StuG IIIG, 1 Pz IIIL)......................................................... Russian OB End of 23rd Oct Afternoon Assault ELR:3, SAN:3. 7 Ldr, 32 Sq-Eq (7 Elite, 3 Crews, 9.5 1st Line, 14 Conscripts).11 SWs (2 MMG, 5 LMG, 2 Lt MTR, 2 ATR). 2 INF Guns (76mm), 1 AT Gun (45mm).2 AFVs (Dug-In HIP 2 T-70)......................................... SUMMARY: The Germans called down a Rocket mission that struck some factories in the rear causing no casualities, then they pushed head into the Russians lines, the Russian left flank held on to their perimeter but in the other sectors the German assault gained momentum especially when parts of the two German infantry coy had reached the Russian defense line, then the defenders were forced to conduct a fighting withdrawel in the factories [EXC: on the Russian left flank]. The dug-in T-34 tanks revealed themselves early in the battle and knocked out a Pz III with a flank shoot and repulsed the German infantry and started to fire intensive fire as their fanatic infantry support lacked the power to support them as they had their own problems caused by the relentless pressure by the Germans, When all had collapse in the central sector a cease fire luckily ended the fight for the Russians. Edited October 23, 2019 by CTABKA 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CTABKA Posted October 21, 2019 Author Report Share Posted October 21, 2019 The CG is over, not a chance to hold the terrain against the German onslaught. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carlsson Posted October 22, 2019 Report Share Posted October 22, 2019 Två dagar spelade och ni ger redan upp? Trasig kampanj eller oflyt? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
B-E Karlsson Posted October 22, 2019 Report Share Posted October 22, 2019 Det var någon kille som skrev på Facebook att någon kampanj i RO var helt trasig. Han menade att den var omöjlig för Ryssen att vinna. Han på stod att det måste ha blivit fel i OB:en för setupen. Tror att Klas (han får så klart rätta mig om jag har fel) sa att det som är tryckt är det som blev inlämnat till honom. Nu kommer jag inte i håg om det var den som Mel kör här men kanske. Melvin lär veta bättre än honom (killen på FB)om det finns trasiga CG i RF/RO. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
B-E Karlsson Posted October 22, 2019 Report Share Posted October 22, 2019 Det var den stora Operation Hubertus som han menade inte kunde vinnas av ryssen. Det blev en jätte diskussion. Så inte den som Mel spelade här. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Klas Malmström Posted October 22, 2019 Report Share Posted October 22, 2019 Den personen menade RO CGII, och ja, den är tryckt som den är inlämnad. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
B-E Karlsson Posted October 22, 2019 Report Share Posted October 22, 2019 Det ska bli kul att se hur det går för han om han tog utmaningarna han fick på Fejan. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CTABKA Posted October 23, 2019 Author Report Share Posted October 23, 2019 (edited) Vi köpte in trupper för nästkommande dag, men att tro att man kan hålla stånd i 50+turns och max få köpa in två Ryska coy om dagen är allt för optimistiskt, dessutom när Johan tycker att jag bör ger upp, med motiveringen att det är totalt bortkastad tid att spela något som det inte går att vinna eller förlora, det förtar all spänning i spelandet, håller med, dessutom bör CG modifieras till det bättre. Det är ca 22% att det blir 8 Turns första scenariot, hade det tagit slut turn 6, 33% Då drog vi en generell slutsats att det blir en liknade perimeter efter 3 scenarior (dvs Ca 18-20 Turns på 3 scenarior istället för bara 14 Turns på två scenarior). Med den slagstyrkan tysken har bedömde vi att Ryssen håller ut i max 2-3 scenarior till (det är 8 scenarior kvar att spela). Tror att CG är obalanserad, dessutom förstår vi inte hur Ryssen kunde vara i sådan bra kontroll av Martinovski, men när man synar den historiska kampen om fabriken framkommer det, att det finns en lång stor och hemlig kulvert till fabriken finns inte representerad på något sätt i CG, därutöver fanns det masugnar, breda betongbrogångar, etc som var fördelaktiga i försvaret av fabriken, tysken hade en tendens att dra sig tillbaka ifrån motanfall som strömmade in i fabriken via kulverten. Tycker CG har svagheter i design och då syftar vi inte på balans, Smokestack sniper överdesignad, ingen regler för Martinovski. Båda sidor kommer pumpa in infanteri och billiga "leksaker", begränsa infanteri inköp och höja förekomsten av support istället. Håller på att gå över CG, gör en större översyn vad som bör göra CG roligare mer historisk, sedan får vi ta balansen därefter. Släpper LHR för CG I X-TAG framöver, ska börja spela en ny CG med nya LHR anpassade för X-TAG. Håller samtidigt på att göra en översyn av LHR för Red Barricades CGs. Detta är vad vi båda köpte in på skoj, innan ryssen viker ned sig,notera att halva ryska infanteriet ligger i reservlinjen. German OB At Start of 24th Oct, German Assault. ELR:4, SAN:2. Purchase: Assault Engineers (on-map), Stuka. 16 Ldr, 65 Sq-Eq (12x 838, 11x548, 2x468, 6x228 Crews, 37x467/447).49 SWs (2 HMG, 5 MMG, 17 LMG, 5 Lt MTR, 4 ATR, 6 FT, 10 DC). 2 Guns (GrW 34). 6 AFVs: (2 StuG IIIB, 3 StuG IIIG, 1 Pz IIIL)......................................................... Russian OB At Start of 24th Oct, ELR:3, SAN:4. Purchase: Gds SMG (reserve), Two Rifle Coy (Reserve, one depleted),OBA 80+mm Btln MTR, SAN increase, Fortifications. 11 Ldr, 62 Sq-Eq (11x628, 5x458, 3x 228 Crews, 28x 447, 1x237, 2x527, 14x426).20 SWs (4 MMG, 8 LMG, 3 Lt MTR, 4 ATR, 1 DC). 2 INF Guns (76mm), 1 AT Gun (45mm).2 AFVs (Dug-In HIP 2x T-70). Edited October 25, 2019 by CTABKA 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CTABKA Posted October 23, 2019 Author Report Share Posted October 23, 2019 Det var den stora Operation Hubertus som han menade inte kunde vinnas av ryssen. Det blev en jätte diskussion. Så inte den som Mel spelade här.Tänkte spela den CG senare, men vi valde att börja med den stora först. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maglica Posted October 24, 2019 Report Share Posted October 24, 2019 Vad är en X-TAG? Vilken färg har den? Luktar den gott eller illa? /Robert Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CTABKA Posted October 24, 2019 Author Report Share Posted October 24, 2019 Vad är en X-TAG? Vilken färg har den? Luktar den gott eller illa? /RobertX-TAG tyska översätts X-DAY (dvs CG I X-DAY). Vet inte om det även ska åsyfta Soldiers TAG (dvs Dog-TAG, X-Death-TAG). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Maglica Posted October 25, 2019 Report Share Posted October 25, 2019 OK! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CTABKA Posted November 10, 2019 Author Report Share Posted November 10, 2019 (edited) Tredje försöket att spela kampanjen, prövar ut nya regler för att förstärka ryssens chanser till att kunna hålla stången mot den tyska ånvälten. 23rd October, German Morning Assault (1st phase) OKH German OB: ELR:4, SAN:3, Early STUKA.Two Rifle Coy, Three Sturm Coy. One Assault Engineers Coy.StuG IIIB pltn, StuG IIIG pltn, Pz IIIL pltn. 68 Sq-Eq (8 AE, 36 Elite, 24 1st Line).33 SWs (5 MMG, 12 LMG, 2 Lt MTR, 2 ATR, 3 FT, 9 DC).9 AFVs (3 StuG IIIB, 3 StuG IIIG, 3 Pz IIIL).OBA: Nebelwerfer Rocket 150+mm, Offb'd Observer with one Pre-Reg Hex.OBA: Btln MTR 80+mm, Offb'd Observer......................................................... STAVKA Russian OB ELR:3, SAN:4. Level C Booby Trap, 60FPP. (Crew & HMG).Two Gds Rifle Coy. One Gds SMG Coy. Two Rifle Coy (Reserve).Two 76*mm INF Guns. Two AT 45mm Guns.3 Trenches, 5x (6)A-P Mines, 5 WIRE, HIP 4 squads, 30x ?. 59.5 Sq-Eq (33 Elite, 5 Crews, 24 1st Line).28 SWs (1 HMG-50cal, 4 MMG, 10 LMG, 6 Lt MTR, 6 ATR, 1 DC).2 INF Guns (76mm), 2 AT Guns (45mm).OBA: Two Btln MTR 80+mm (Phone).......................................................... 6 Game Turns German Cas: 3 Ldr, 18.5 Sq-Eq, 3 SWs, 2 AFVs (one Recall). Russian Cas: 8 Ldr, 32 Sq-Eq, 12 SWs, 2 Guns. ...................................................... Edited November 10, 2019 by CTABKA Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CTABKA Posted November 14, 2019 Author Report Share Posted November 14, 2019 (edited) Den tyska blåa amöban maler ner allt motstånd, omöjligt att hålla emot, i 45-50 Turns till trots att vi har förstärkt ryssens chanser. Håller mer på att speltestar än spelar kampanjen. Har mer kraftiga förslag på att göra kampanjen spelbar. Hursomhelst kampanjen är inte speltestad, 23rd October, German Afternoon Assault (2nd phase) OKH German OB: ELR:4, SAN:3:Purchased: Rifle Coy (enter), Pz IIIH pltn, INF Battery, Early Stuka. SAN increase. 18 Leaders (one Ldr Creation). 63.5 Sq-Eq (8 AE, 23.5 Elite, 4 Crews, 30 1st/2nd Line).35 SWs (6 MMG, 12 LMG, 3 Lt MTR, 3 ATR, 3 FT, 8 DC).4 Guns (3 INF 75mm, 1 INF 150mm).10 AFVs (2 StuG IIIB, 2 StuG IIIG, 3 Pz IIIL, 3 Pz IIIH). ........................................................ STAVKA Russian OB ELR:3, SAN:4. Level C Booby Trap. Purchased: Milita Coy (on-map), Gds Rifle Coy (reserve), SAN increase, Fortifications 40FPP HIP 5 squads, 25x ?, Two Btln MTR 80+mm each with a Pre-Reg Hex. 8 Ldr (one Ldr creation), 54.5 Sq-Eq (23 Elite, 3 Crews, 13 1st Line, 17 Conscripts).23 SWs (1 HMG-50cal, 2 MMG, 7 LMG, 6 Lt MTR, 6 ATR, 1 DC).2 INF Guns (76mm),......................................................... 6 Game Turns German Cas: 3 Ldr, 19 Sq-Eq, 9 SWs, 2 Guns. Russian Cas: 5 Ldr, 34 Sq-Eq, 13 SWs, 2 Guns. Edited November 14, 2019 by CTABKA Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
carlsson Posted November 14, 2019 Report Share Posted November 14, 2019 Ryssen gör nog fel. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CTABKA Posted November 14, 2019 Author Report Share Posted November 14, 2019 Ryssen gör nog fel. Haha, bara för att du ska bli införstådd med vad som gäller, i RB CG III, är tyskens styrka värderad ca 14 CPP mer än vad ryssen har. I RO CG I, har tysken ca 34 CPP mer än ryssen (dvs 20 CPP mer än i RB CG III). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CTABKA Posted February 6, 2022 Author Report Share Posted February 6, 2022 Leaflet House Rules Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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