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Pavlov's Dogs Red Barricades CG III


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Day One, 17/10

Russians Purchase and At Start OB, STAVKA Melvin F.

Two Rifle Coy (one depleted).

Three SMG Coy (one depleted).

2x AT Guns 45LL w. Crews.

Two Btln MTR OBA 80+mm (FFE two black chits and one OBA retained).

Roadblock, one AT-Mine, 6 Fortified Loc., HIP 4 squads, 7x?.



German Purchase and At Start OB, OKH Christoffer L.

Two Rifle Coy. Sturm Coy (depleted). STUKA Geschwader (arrive on turn 3).

Pz IIIL Pltn. Two Pz IIIH Pltn.

Btln MTR OBA 80+mm (FFE 4 black chits), Offb'd Observer & two Pre-reg hexes.


Russian OB (SAN: 4), (ELR: 3): 8 Ldr, 47 sq-eq (46 1st Line, 2 crews).

7 SWs (MMG, 3 LMG, Lt MTR, 2 ATR), 2 AT Guns 45 LL.


German OB (SAN: 3), (ELR: 4): 8 Ldr, 33 sq-eq (9 Elite, 24 1st Line).

14 SWs (3 MMG, 5 LMG, 2 Lt MTR, 2 ATR, 2 DC). 9 PzKW (3 Pz IIIL, 6 Pz IIIH).



Russian: 3 Ldr, 18 squad-eq, 2 SWs.

German: 1 Ldr, 4 squad-eq, 1 SW, 3 AFVs (two Recalled).


Aftermath: The German onslaught of combined arms plowed through

the Russian line of defense and cut of retreat routs with artillery,

Panzer and Stukas.

The collapse along the railway embankments were about to happen

when suddenly the call for cease fire came on Turn 6.

In the Refitment phase the Russian OB was bolstered by a pack of

Pavlov's Dogs that had been ferried across the Volga during the night

(DR of 12 on the CPP table).





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  • 2 weeks later...

Day Two 18/10

Russians Purchase:

Two Rifle Coy (Reserves).

Militia Coy.

Dug-In T-70 pltn (depleted).

Retained Btln MTR OBA 80+mm (FFE three black chits).


German Purchase:

Two Sturm Coy.



Russian: 3 Ldr, 30.5 quad-eq, 2 SWs.

German: 3 Ldr, 16.5 squad-eq, 2 SWs, 3 AFVs (all 3 Recalled).


Aftermath: The German attacked along the whole front,

the Russians struggled to defend it for 8 Game Turns

but were always pushed backwards after horrendous losses.






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  • 2 months later...

Day Five 21st Oct, Dual Attack

Russians bought 3 Coys on-map

Germans entered with 2 Coys.


The Germans attacked in the south area, they tried to get a foothold in the Gully-area stone buildings, but failed and only gained contol of the working houses (wooden), but in the north they managed to rout out the Russian defenders from the area next to the large open debris sector.


In the center and Volga sector the stalemate was the norm during play. An early ceasefire (5 Turns for the first time) helped the Russians to endure.


Only two pictures today. Playing time after set up, in less than 5 hours.



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Shit vad skumt det ser ut när det inte finns några reserver på plan! :)


När bägge sidor anfaller med Leaflet-reglerna; Vad blir effekten när man inte kan vinna dagen? Eller måste man attackera ett visst antal gånger under ett visst antal dagar? Gäller det för bägge sidor?

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Shit vad skumt det ser ut när det inte finns några reserver på plan! :)


När bägge sidor anfaller med Leaflet-reglerna; Vad blir effekten när man inte kan vinna dagen? Eller måste man attackera ett visst antal gånger under ett visst antal dagar? Gäller det för bägge sidor?

Ingen effekt alls man försöker bara vinna kampanjen.

Behöver inte alls anfalla, kan ta hur många vilo dagar som helst, som förut trots House Rules, dvs behövdes inte anfalla även om man valde attack. Gäller för båda sidorna som förut, med eller utan hus regler.

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..... är det inga reserver i leaflet-reglerna ?? o vi som körde en omgång med dessa .....OOOoooopppssss

Glömmer man så snabbt .......... ??

I post 6 finner du i texten, att ryssen ej har köpt reserver.

Ja två nystartade kampanjer i år, blir troligen de sista kampanjerna på den här orginal kartan ifrån 1988.

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Ingen effekt alls man försöker bara vinna kampanjen.

Behöver inte alls anfalla, kan ta hur många vilo dagar som helst, som förut trots House Rules, dvs behövdes inte anfalla även om man valde attack. Gäller för båda sidorna som förut, med eller utan hus regler.


Okej. Då är anledningen till att man deklarar anfall som ryss att man helt enkelt vill få initiaivet antar jag?

Vad jag menar är att ryssen är ju inte den som har pressen på sig att vinna, det är tysken. Alltså kan man som ryss helt enkelt luta sig tillbaka och se vad tysken gör.

– Om man inte vill bli Attacker första rundan.

– Eller om man spelar med nattregler, för dem som gör det.

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Okej. Då är anledningen till att man deklarar anfall som ryss att man helt enkelt vill få initiaivet antar jag?

Vad jag menar är att ryssen är ju inte den som har pressen på sig att vinna, det är tysken. Alltså kan man som ryss helt enkelt luta sig tillbaka och se vad tysken gör.

Om man inte vill bli Attacker första rundan.

Eller om man spelar med nattregler, för dem som gör det.

Man kan välja attack 8 ggn som ryss (kostar Ryssen ca 3-4 CPP) brukar dessa attack chits tills front perimetern går rätt igenom stora fabrikerna, eller fronten är lång och vidsträckt eller som i det här fallet när 4 CPP har andvänts till on-map set up, om tysken då väljer Idle och köpt reserver får du som ryss intiativet.


Man kan i hälften av fallen möjligen se vad tysken har kraftsamlat om man kan få honom att sätta upp först, om du får gå först som Ryss och du springer in med något kompani ifrån kartkanten får du fram förstärkningarna fortare samt en Stuka formation kommer in senare.


Varför ska man vilja spela natt scenarior i den här skalan förstår jag inte , tråkigt och segt, dessutom är det inte historisk korrekt, Sovjet propagandan lever vidare antar jag, tysken utförde fler nattanfall än ryssen och i större omfattande skala än ryssen.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Total Casualities Day 1-5 (17-21 Oct):


Russian: 15 Ldr, 115 Sq-Eq, 11 SWs, 1 Gun, 2 AFVs.

German: 14 Ldr, 50 Sq-Eq, 14 SWs, 2 Guns, 7 AFVs (5 Recall).




Total Order of Battle Day 1-5 (17-21 Oct):


Russian OB: 5x Rifle Coy (one depleted), 5x SMG Coy (one depleted),

4x Militia Coy, 1x Gds SMG Coy, 1x Hwy Pltn, 1x T-70 Dug-In pltn (depleted),

1x AT Gun battery (depleted), 2x Btln MTR OBA, 3x Lt Arty.

220 FPP (WIRE, Roadblock, 1 A-T mine, 6x Fort Loc, HIP 22 Squads,

2 crews, 3 Ldr, 53x ?).


German OB: 6x Rifle Coy, 3x Sturm Coy (one depleted), 1x Hwy Pltn,

1x AT Gun battery PaK 38, 4x Pz III Pltn, 1x Stuka, 2x Btln MTR OBA,

2x SAN increase.



ORDER OF BATTLE (end of Day 5, 21st Oct):


Russian OB (SAN:2)

9 Ldr, 58 Sq-eq (3 Elite, 27 1st Line, 25 Conscripts, 6 Crews),

3 Guns (AT 45LL, 2x MTR 82mm), 16 SWs (4 MMG, 6 LMG, 2 ATR, 4 Lt MTR).


German OB (SAN:3)

13 Ldr, 59.5 Sq-eq (16.5 Elite, 40 1st/2nd Line, 6 Crews),

3 Guns (PaK38, 2 GrW34), 34 SWs (2 HMG, 8 MMG, 14 LMG, 5 ATR, 1 DC, 4 Lt MTR),

5 AFVs (Pz IIIH, 4 Pz IIIL).


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  • 1 month later...

After an Idle Day 6 (22nd Oct), The German attack resume on Day 7 (23rd Oct).


Russian Cas: 21.5 Sq-Eq, 3 Ldr, 10 SWs, 1 Gun.

German Cas: 13.5 Sq-Eq, 1 Ldr, 2 SWs, 1 Gun, 2 AFVs.


Russian OB, SAN: 3, Mine Dogs: 7, 13 Ldr

80 Sq-Eq (8 AE, 0.5 Elite, 44 1st Line, 22.5 Conscripts, 9 Crews),

30 SWs (6 MMG, 9 LMG, 4 ATR, 3 Lt MTR, 3 MOL-P, 3 DC, 2 FT),

4 Guns (3x MTR 82mm, 1x AT 45mm).


German OB, SAN: 3, 17 Ldr

72 Sq-Eq (19.5 Elite, 46 1st/2nd Line, 13 Crews).

44 SWs (3 HMG, 12 MMG, 17 LMG, 7 ATR, 4 Lt MTR, 1 DC).

8 Guns (2x PaK 38, 2x GrW 34, 3x INF 75, 1X INF 150).

6 AFVs (1x Pz IIIH, 4x Pz IIIL, 1x StuG IIIB).






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  • 1 month later...

Day 8, 24th Oct, Overcast, Moist, Mild Breeze.


Russians Purchase:

Two Rifle Coy (one depl). One SMG Coy. KV-M42 pltn.

HIP 7 squads, Set DC, 4x?.



German Purchase:

Sturm Coy. Two Btln MTR OBA 80+mm, Sniper Increase.




Russian: 8 Ldr, 49.5 squad-eq, 14 SWs, 2 AFVs, 2 Guns.

German: 2 Ldr, 21.5 squad-eq, 9 SWs, 3 AFVs.


Aftermath: bloody bloodbath.






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  • 1 month later...

Day 9, 25th Oct, Overcast, Wet, No Wind at start.


Russians Purchase:

Two Rifle Coy (Reserve).

Two Katyshua Rocket 200+mm Module each with a Pre-Reg Hex.

HIP 7 squads, 19x?.



German Purchase:

Sturm Coy & Rifle Coy (both enter).

Btln MTR OBA 80+mm.




Russian: 1 Ldr, 28.5 squad-eq, 8 SWs.

German: 7 Ldr, 23.5 squad-eq, 11 SWs, 3 Guns, 2 AFVs.


Aftermath: Two Katyshua Rocket strikes, hit almost perfectly, overlapping each other and in the inferno a full strenght German coy simple vanished in rubble and smoke, a few armed russia factory workers were also killed. In the south the German pressed forward and the Russians had to retreat or rout in front of the relentless pressure.








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  • 2 weeks later...

Day 10, 26th Oct, Overcast, Wet, Mild Breeze in direction to Northwest at start.


Russians Purchase:

Gds Rifle Coy & Rifle Coy (enter).

OBA: Btln MTR 80+mm & Lt Arty 70+mm.

SAN inrease & HIP 8 squads, 2 Ldr, 14x ?.


German Purchase:

Assault Engineers Coy (enter), Pz IIIH pltn (depleted).




Russian: 4 Ldr, 31 squad-eq, 10 SWs.

German: 4 Ldr, 18.5 squad-eq, 9 SWs, 2 Guns, 2 AFVs.


Aftermath: A dual attack clash in the largest factory, while the Germans awaits the reinforcements of an 838 pltn Assault Engineers, the Russians make an aggressive effort and evicts the Germans before their reinforcements arrive. In the central factory complex, the Germans slowly eradicate the Russiand from their defensive positions and at a faster pace when an 838 pltn arrives. In the South-Gully area the Russian attack with two Coys with the support of two artilleries, the Germans are forced to retreat despite the newly arrived support of an 838 pltn and two Panzer III that are both knocked out by Russian artillery.







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  • 4 weeks later...

Day 11, 27th Oct Idle Day, Clear, Wet and no wind.
Day 12, 28th Oct German Assault. Overcast, Moderate, Mild Breeze in direction to North at start.

Russians Purchase:
27th Oct: Rifle Coy (Reserve), Two SMG Coy (on-map, one depleted), Fortifications 40 FPP (2x Set DC, HIP 2.5 Squads & 2 Ldr).
28th Oct: Assault Engineers Coy (enter), Ad Hoc Staff HQ Coy (enter), OT-34 & 2x T-70 pltn (enter). OBA: Two Lt Arty 70+mm.

German Purchase:
27th Oct: Two Rifle Coy (Reserve, one depleted), PaK 40 battery.
28th Oct: Sturm Coy (enter), Sniper Increase. OBA: Btln MTR 80+mm, Nebelwerfer 150+mm Rockets.

Russian: 3 Ldr, 36.5 squad-eq, 15 SWs, 1 Gun, 1 AFV.
German: 0 Ldr, 18 squad-eq, 3 SWs, 2 Guns.





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Total Casualities Day 1-12 (17-28th October):

Russian: 34 Ldr, 281 Sq-Eq, 69 SWs, 5 Guns, 5 AFVs.

German: 28 Ldr, 145 Sq-Eq, 48 SWs, 10 Guns, 16 AFVs (5 Recall).

Russian Total Order of Battle Day 1-12 (17-28th October):

31 Companies: 13 Rifle Coy (3 depl), 9 SMG Coy (2 depl), 4 Militia Coy, 2 Assault Engineers Coy,

1 Gds SMG Coy, 1 Gds Rifle Coy, 1 Ad Hoc HQ Coy, 2 Hvy Weap pltn, 1 MOL-P pltn.

1x T-70 Dug-In pltn (depl), 1x Ad Hoc AFV pltn (OT-34, 2x T-70), 1x KV-1 M42 pltn, 1x AT Gun battery (auto-depl).

OBA: 4x Btln MTR 80+mm, 7x Lt Arty 70+mm, 2x Katyusha Rocket 200+mm. SAN increase 3 times. 8 Mine-Dogs

650 FPP (5 WIRE, Roadblock, 1 A-T mine, 6 Fort Loc, 8 SET DC, HIP 45 Squads, 6 crews, 9 Ldr, 224 ?).


56 Ldr (6 Ldr Creations), 343.5 Sq-eq (18x 628 AE, 11x 628, 14x 458, 17x 228 Crews, 151x 447, 77x 527, 64x 426).

6 Guns (2x AT 45LL, 4x MTR 82mm), 7 AFVs (4x T-70, 2x KV-1 M42, 1x OT-34),

100 SWs (4 HMG, 17 MMG, 34 LMG, 14 ATR, 13 Lt MTR, 3 MOL-P, 4 FT, 11 DC).


German Total Order of Battle Day 1-12 (17-28th October):

18 Companies: 11 Rifle Coy (2 depl), 6 Sturm Coy (1 depl), 1 Assault Engineers Coy, 2 Hvy Weap pltn.

1x PaK 38 (50L), 1x PaK 40 (75L), 1 INF Gun battery (3x 75mm/ 1x 150mm).

3x Pz IIIH pltn (1 depl), 2x Pz IIIL pltn, 1x StuG IIIB pltn. 1x STUKA formation.

OBA: 7x Btln MTR 80+mm, 1x Nebelwefer Rocket 150+mm. 2 Offb´d Observers.

SAN increase 5 times.


50 Ldr (2 Ldr Creations), 214 Sq-eq (8x 838 AE, 69x 548, 22x 228 Crews, 126x 467).

14 Guns (3x PaK 38, 3x PaK 40, 3x INF 75mm, 1x INF 150mm, 4x GrW 34), 17 AFVs (8x Pz IIIH, 6x Pz IIIL, 3x StuG IIIB),

97 SWs (4 HMG, 21 MMG, 34 LMG, 11 ATR, 9 Lt MTR, 3 FT, 15 DC)


ORDER OF BATTLE (end of Day 12, 28th October):

Russian OB (SAN: 3, Booby Trap Level: C, Mine-Dogs: 5):

22 Ldr, 62.5 Sq-eq (9 AE, 9.5 Elite, 1 Crew, 32 1st Line, 11.5 Conscripts),

31 SWs (2 MMG, 9 LMG, 6 ATR, 2 Lt MTR, 4 FT, 8 DC).

1 AT Gun (45LL), 2 AFVs (OT-34, T-70).


German OB (SAN:2, Two Vehicle 127 crews on foot):

22 Ldr, 69 Sq-eq (7.5 AE, 29 Elite, 10 Crews, 27.5 1st/2nd Line),

49 SWs (2 HMG, 10 MMG, 18 LMG, 7 ATR, 4 Lt MTR, 2 FT, 6 DC).,

4 Guns (2 PaK40, INF 75mm, INF 150mm), 1 AFV (Pz IIIL).

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5 Gds Rifle Coy, 7 Gds SMG Coy, 3 Rifle Coy , 4 SMG Coy, 2 Assault Eng Coy (21 Coy remains of 52 Coy available).

4 HW pltn, 5 MOL-P pltn (9 pltn remains of 12 pltn).




4 Rifle Coy, 4 Sturm Coy, 6 Assault Eng Coy (14 Coy remains of 32 Coy available).

3 HW pltn (3 pltn remains of 5 pltn).

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Day 13, 29th Oct, Clear, Wet, Mild Breeze in direction to North at start.


Russians Purchase:

Two Gds SMG Coy (reserve). Heavy Weapon Pltn.


German Purchase:

Assault Engineers Coy (enter), Early Stuka, SAN increase.




Russian: 7 Ldr, 25.5 squad-eq, 9 SWs, 1AFV.

German: 4 Ldr, 8.5 squad-eq, 6 SWs, 1 Gun, 1 AFV.






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  • 4 weeks later...

Day 14, 30th Oct, Clear & Gusty, Moist, Heavy Wind at start.


Note that the 7 historical overlays are now used, since no fighting have occured in the Volga area it seemed like a good opportunity to include the now.


Russians Purchase:

Two SMG Coy (reserve, one depl). Heavy Weapon Pltn. Fotifications 80 FPP. SAN increase.


German Purchase:

Hvy Arty 150+mm, two Pre-reg Hexes directed by Spotter Plane,

Btln MTR 80+mm, one Pre-reg Hex. Early Stuka, SAN increase.




Russian: 2 Ldr, 16.5 squad-eq, 3 SWs, 2 Guns.

German: 5 Ldr, 9.5 squad-eq, 1 SW.


The Germans called upon the All-seeing God of War - Spotter Plane, luckily only two black chits was allowed from the Artillery command, a German Battalion Mortar pulled 5 black chits and pounded one building throughout the day and set the building on fire, the struggle in the factories did not resolve much except that the Russians were forced back.






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Day 15, 31st Oct, Clear, Moderate, Mild Breeze at start.

Note that the 7 historical overlays are now used.


Russians Purchase:

3 Gun Batteries: INF 76mm Guns, Art 76mm Guns, AT 45mm Guns, Fotifications 40 FPP.

Two Btln MTR 80+mm OBA each module with a Pre-registered Hex.


German Purchase:

Two Rifle Coy (enter), Stuka, SAN increase.


RUSSIAN OB At Start ELR: 3, SAN: 3, Mine-Dogs: 5, Booby Trap Level: C

20 Ldr, 67 Sq-Eq (7 AE, 17.5 Elite, 23 Crews, 25.5 1st Line, 5.5 Conscripts).

29 SWs (HMG .50cal, 5 MMG, 8 LMG, ATR, 2 Lt MTR, 2 FT, 10 DC).

14 Guns (5x AT 45mm, 3x INF 76mm, 4x ART 76mm, 2x MTR 82mm). 1 Dug-In AFV (T-70).



GERMAN OB At Start ELR: 4, SAN: 3. (3x 1-2-7 vehicle crews).

22 Ldr, 83 Sq-Eq (10.5 AE, 26 Elite, 10 Crews, 41.5 1st/2nd Line).

60 SWs (2 HMG, 12 MMG, 22 LMG, 9 ATR, 5 Lt MTR, 2 FT, 8 DC).

3 Guns (1x INF 75mm, 1x INF 150mm, 1x PaK 75mm).




Russian: 5 Ldr, 31 squad-eq, 7 SWs, 5 Guns, 1 AFV.

German: 3 Ldr, 28.5 squad-eq, 13 SWs, 1 Gun.


RUSSIAN OB At the end of 31st Oct. ELR: 3, SAN: 2, Mine-Dogs: 5.

18 Ldr, 36 Sq-Eq (4 AE, 11.5 Elite, 14 Crews, 12.5 1st Line, 1 Conscripts).

22 SWs (HMG .50cal, 2 MMG, 6 LMG, ATR, Lt MTR, 2 FT, 9 DC).

9 Guns (2x AT 45mm, 2x INF 76mm, 4x ART 76mm, 1x MTR 82mm).



GERMAN OB At the end of 31st Oct. ELR: 4, SAN: 3. (3x 1-2-7 vehicle crews).

20 Ldr, 54.5 Sq-Eq (6 AE, 19 Elite, 8 Crews, 25.5 1st/2nd Line).

47 SWs (2 HMG, 12 MMG, 12 LMG, 9 ATR, 4 Lt MTR, 1 FT, 7 DC).

2 Guns (1x INF 150mm, 1x PaK 40).







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  • 1 month later...

Day 16, 1st November, Overcast, Wet, No Wind at start.

Note that the 7 historical overlays are now used.


Russians Purchase:

Two Rifle Coy (Reserve-depleted, enter-Full Strength).

SMG Coy (enter-depleted). SAN increase.

Btln MTR 80+mm OBA (with offb'd Observer).


German Purchase:

Sturm Coy (enter), Pz III L pltn (depleted). SAN increase.




Russian: 8 Ldr, 21 squad-eq, 8 SWs, 1 Gun.

German: 5 Ldr, 12 squad-eq, 7 SWs, 1 Gun.






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  • 3 weeks later...

Day 17 Dual Attack, 2nd November, Clear, Wet, Hvy Wind at start.


Russians Purchase:

Gds Rifle Coy (on-map). MOL-P pltn (Reserve). SAN increase. Fortifications (40 FPP).

Btln MTR 80+mm OBA (Phone). Lt Arty 70+mm OBA (offb'd Observer).


German Purchase:

Hvy Arty 150+mm OBA (Pre-Reg hex, directed by Spotter Plane), SAN increase. Btln MTR 80+mm OBA (Pre-Reg hex, Radio). Early Stuka, Fortifications (20 FPP).



Russian: 2 Ldr, 16.5 squad-eq, 7 SWs, 3 Guns.

German: 2 Ldr, 7.5 squad-eq, 8 SWs.


Day 18 Idle Day, 3rd November, Clear, Wet, Mild Breeze.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Day 18 Idle Day, 3rd November, Clear, Wet, Mild Breeze.
Day 19 German Assault, 4th November, Overcast, Wet, Hvy Wind at start.

Russians Purchase 3rd Nov: Assault Eng. (Reserve), HW pltn (Reserve).


Russian Purchase 4th Nov:
Gds SMG Coy (depleted, reserve). Hw pltn (on-map). SAN increase. Fortifications (40 FPP).
Retained Btln MTR 80+mm OBA (Phone). Retained Lt Arty 70+mm OBA (offb'd Observer).

German Purchase 3rd Nov: Sturm Coy (Reserve), HW pltn (Reserve, depleted).


German Purchase 4th Nov:
Pionier Coy (enter), Btln MTR 80+mm OBA, Retained Btln MTR 80+mm OBA (Pre-Reg hex),
Fortifications (20 FPP), SAN increase.

Russian: 4 Ldr, 19 squad-eq, 14 SWs, 1 Gun.
German: 3 Ldr, 16.5 squad-eq, 7 SWs, 1 Gun.



Total Casualities Day 1-19 (17th October to 4th November):
Russian: 62 Ldr, 410.5 Sq-Eq, 117 SWs, 17 Guns, 7 AFVs.
German: 50 Ldr, 227.5 Sq-Eq, 90 SWs, 14 Guns, 17 AFVs (5 Recall).



4 Gds Rifle Coy, 4 Gds SMG Coy, 1 Assault Eng Coy, 1 Rifle Coy, 1 SMG Coy (11 Coy remains of 52 Coy available).

0 HW pltn, 4 MOL-P pltn (4 pltn remains of 12 pltn).



2 Rifle Coy, 2 Sturm Coy, 4 Assault Eng Coy (8 Coy remains of 32 Coy available).

2 HW pltn (2 pltn remains of 5 pltn).


ORDER OF BATTLE (end of Day 19, 4th November):
Russian OB (SAN: 3, Booby Trap Level: C, Mine-Dogs: 13):
16 Ldr, 43 Sq-eq (10.5 AE, 17 Elite, 17 Crew, 6.5 1st Line, 0.5 Conscripts),
27 SWs (2 HMG, 2 MMG, 3 LMG, 3 ATR, 3 MOL-P, 3 FT, 11 DC).
8 Guns (AT 45mm, INF 76mm, 3x ART 76mm, 3x MTR 82mm). Retained: OBA 80+mm (Phone).

German OB (SAN: 3, Three Vehicle 127 crews on foot):
19 Ldr, 53 Sq-eq (11.5 AE, 17 Elite, 8 Crews, 20.5 1st/2nd Line),
47 SWs (3 HMG, 10 MMG, 12 LMG, 7 ATR, 1 Lt MTR, 3 FT, 11 DC).,
INF 150mm, 2 Pz IIIL.







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  • 2 months later...

Day 20 German Assault, 5th November, Clear & Gusty, Wet, No Wind at start.


Russians Purchase: Assault Eng. (On-map), SAN increase, Fortifications 40 FPP.


German Purchase: Rifle Coy (enter), HW pltn (on-map), SAN increase, Stuka, Btln MTR 80+mm OBA & Pre-Reg Hex.



Russian: 10 Ldr, 27 squad-eq, 13 SWs, 6 Guns.

German: 3 Ldr, 13 squad-eq, 8 SWs.


ORDER OF BATTLE (end of Day 20, 5th November):


Russian OB (SAN: 3, Booby Trap Level: C, Mine-Dogs: 12):

9 Ldr, 25 Sq-eq (8.5 AE, 8.5 Elite, 11 Crew, 2.5 1st Line),

22 SWs (2 HMG, 1 MMG, 2 LMG, 1 ATR, 3 MOL-P, 3 FT, 10 DC).

2 Guns (ART 76mm, MTR 82mm).


German OB (SAN: 2, Three Vehicle 127 crews on foot):

18 Ldr, 55 Sq-eq (8 AE, 14 Elite, 12 Crews, 27 1st/2nd Line),

48 SWs (4 HMG, 11 MMG, 12 LMG, 7 ATR, 2 Lt MTR, 2 FT, 10 DC).,

3 Guns (INF 150mm, 2x MTR 81mm), 2 Pz IIIL.

Retained Btln MTR 80+mm OBA & Pre-Reg Hex.





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  • 4 weeks later...

Day 21 Dual Attack, 6th November, Clear, Wet, Hvy Wind at start.


Russians Purchase: Gds SMG Coy (on-map), SMG Coy (on-map), SAN increase, Fortifications 40 FPP.


German Purchase: Sturm Coy (enter, depl), Early Stuka, SAN increase, Nebelwerfer 150+mm Rocket OBA with Pre--reg Hex. Btln MTR 80+mm OBA & Pre-Reg Hex.


ORDER OF BATTLE (At Start of Day 21, 6th November):


Russian OB (SAN: 4,ELR: 3, Booby Trap Level: C, Mine-Dogs: 12):

13 Ldr, 43 Sq-eq (8.5 AE, 17.5 Elite, 11 Crew, 11.5 1st Line),

23 SWs (2 HMG, 1 MMG, 2 LMG, 1 ATR, 3 MOL-P, 3 FT, 11 DC).

2 Guns (ART 76mm, MTR 82mm).


German OB (SAN: 3, ELR: 3, Three Vehicle 127 crews on foot):

21 Ldr, 64 Sq-eq (8 AE, 23 Elite, 12 Crews, 27 1st/2nd Line),

51 SWs (4 HMG, 12 MMG, 13 LMG, 7 ATR, 2 Lt MTR, 2 FT, 11 DC).,

3 Guns (INF 150mm, 2x MTR 81mm), 2 Pz IIIL.

Retained Btln MTR 80+mm OBA & Pre-Reg Hex.



Russian: 12 Ldr, 39 squad-eq, 20 SWs, 1 Gun.

German: 7 Ldr, 18 squad-eq, 13 SWs, 1 Gun, 1 AFV.


Aftermath: The Russians take a gamble and conduct a Human Wave in the large factoriy in hopes that the Germans can be eliminated, it only succeed to attract the German reonforcements and a vicious counterattack eliminate the Russians instead and the few survivors are hunted down in the streets outside. At that point the Russians defense line collapse and only isolated pockets offer any resistance the 40 remaining Russians defenders surrenders. The CG is over, a clear German victory have been achieved.





Edited by CTABKA
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Hur många kampanjer har du kört i RB/RO Mel? Känns som om du ligger bra till för mest spelat på de kartorna någonsin. Ballt.

Det ligger nog på 100 strecket nu, uppskattningsvis 80+ RB CG III (Ca 10 st har bara spelats en dag, ca 40 st har avslutats efter första veckan som den i borås när ryssen blev utplånad på en vecka. Ca 30 st har tagit slut innan november såsom Panzer Blitz CG, ca 10 st tagit slut tredje vecka som den här- Pavlovs Dogs, en handfull har nått in på fjärde veckan.


Därutöver har RB CG II Op Hubertus spelats 5 ggn.


RO CG I har spelats 2 ggn (2+1 = 3 CG scenarior) påbörjat en tredje CG nu , CG är helt obalanserat, speltestat är det absolut inte, vi håller på att skapa nya RO LHR för att balansera CG och få med historiska aspekter som saknas eller överdrivs i pappers-designen.



Håller nu på att revidera LHR, och Pavlovs Dog kommer strykas, var för dåliga fõr att ha ett värde av att ha kvar samt fanns de i staden?


- Kommer bli några förändringar som att använda Red October Leader Tables som innebär sämre ledare för båda sidorna, och några till ändringar som boostar ryssen mer än tysken.

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