CTABKA Posted October 1, 2023 Report Posted October 1, 2023 Red Barricades - Stalingrad 1942 Barrikady CG III (30 CG Days) LEAFLET HOUSE RULES (see link) https://forum.aslsweden.com/index.php?/topic/4126-lhr-red-barricades-red-october/
CTABKA Posted October 1, 2023 Author Report Posted October 1, 2023 (edited) Day One—Stalingrad 1942, 17 October—German Assault, Clear, Moderate, no wind at start. German at start OB: ELR: 4, SAN: 3 OBA: Btln MTR 80+mm, two Pre-Reg Hexes & Offb'd Observer. OBA: Btln MTR 80+mm, one Pre-Reg Hex & Offb'd Observer. Rifle 1:Coy, Sturm 1&2:Coy, Pz IIIL pltn, Early Stuka. Total German OB: 9 Leaders, 3 Pz IIIL, 36 Sq-eq (24x 548 Elite, 12x 4671st Line), 15 SWs (3 MMG, 6 LMG, ATR, Lt MTR, 4 DC). Russian at start OB: ELR: 3, SAN: 4 OBA: Two Btln MTR 80+mm. 2 AT 45LL Guns & Crews. 100 FPP - Fortifications. Rifle 1&2:Coy, SMG 1&2&3:Coy. Total Russian OB: 10 Leaders, 2 AT 45LL Guns 52 Sq-eq (2x 228 Crews, 24x 4471st, 27x 5271st), 10 SWs (2 MMG, 4 LMG, 2 ATR, 2 Lt MTR). AFTERMATH (6 Game Turns): A new German Commander, Herr Cpt Falk transferred to the Stalingrad sector. Given the task to assault the Red Barricades on Saturday 17th October, short preparations for the task at hand is given to him, and he is instructed to be flexible enough to cope with the situation at hand. His opponent is an old hand and taken upon himself to manage the Russian defense. German Casualties: 3 Ldr, 12.5 Sq-eq, 2 SWs. Russian Casualties: 3 Ldr, 20.5 Sq-eq, 4 SWs. German OB, end of 17 Oct (SAN: 2) 6 Leaders, 3 Pz IIIL 23.5 Sq-Eq (15 Elite, 8.5 1st/2nd Line) 13 SWs (3 MMG, 4 LMG, ATR, Lt MTR, 4 DC). Russian OB, end of 17 Oct (SAN: 4) 7 Leaders, 4 Guns (2 AT 45mm & 2 MTR 82mm) 31.5 Sq-Eq (1 Crew, 27.5 1st Line, 3.5 Conscripts), 6 SWs (2 MMG, 2 LMG, ATR, Lt MTR). Edited October 18, 2023 by CTABKA 1
CTABKA Posted October 11, 2023 Author Report Posted October 11, 2023 Stavka Officer Liewendahl vs Stabsofficer Falk 1
CTABKA Posted October 17, 2023 Author Report Posted October 17, 2023 (edited) Day Two 18 October, German Assault, Moist, Clear, Mild Breeze at start. German Reinforcements: Sturm 3:Coy, Rifle 2:Coy, 3 STUKA. Total German OB ELR: 4, SAN: 2 12 Leaders, 3 Pz IIIL 47.5 Sq-Eq (27 Elite, 20.5 1st/2nd Line), 23 SWs (5 MMG, 8 LMG, 2 ATR, 2 Lt MTR, 6 DC). Russian Reinforcements: OBA: Btln MTR 80+mm, Rifle 3:Coy & SMG 4:Coy (Reserve), Militia 1:Coy, Heavy Weapon 1:Pltn. Total Russian OB ELR: 3, SAN: 4 11 Leaders, 4 Guns (2 AT 45mm & 2 MTR 82mm) 70.5 Sq-Eq (7 Crews, 48.5 1st Line, 18.5 Conscripts), 15 SWs (2 HMG, 5 MMG, 4 LMG, 2 ATR, 2 Lt MTR). AFTERMATH (7 Game Turns): The German assault press forward and force the Russian defenders to be eliminated or retreat. The Russians inflicted severe losses upon the Germans, in the initial start of the battle. The two Russian HMG caused many casualties early-on, but went silent and lost later, despite the early setback the German assault gained ground. Their force is strong at the beginning of the Campaign. German Casualties: 1 Ldr, 13.5 Sq-eq, 7 SWs, 1 AFV. Russian Casualties: 1 Ldr, 14 Sq-eq, 6 SWs. German OB, end of 18 Oct (SAN: 2) 11 Leaders, 2 Pz IIIL 34 Sq-Eq (19 Elite, 15 1st/2nd Line), 16 SWs (5 MMG, 4 LMG, ATR, Lt MTR, 5 DC). Russian OB, end of 18 Oct (SAN: 4) 10 Leaders, 4 Guns (2 AT 45mm & 2 MTR 82mm) 56.5 Sq-Eq (7 Crews, 1.5 Elite, 33.5 1st Line, 18 Conscripts), 9 SWs (3 MMG, 2 LMG, 2 ATR, 2 Lt MTR). TOTAL LOSSES 17-18 October (6+7= 13 Turns) German Casualties: 4 Ldr, 26 Sq-Eq, 9 SWs, 1 AFV. Russian Casualties: 4 Ldr, 34.5 Sq-Eq, 10 SWs. Edited October 18, 2023 by CTABKA
CTABKA Posted October 17, 2023 Author Report Posted October 17, 2023 (edited) Day Three 19 October, German Assault, Moderate, Overcast, Heavy Wind at start. German Reinforcements: Sturm 4:Coy, Pz IIIL pltn, OBA: Btln MTR 80+mm. Total German OB ELR: 4, SAN: 2 15 Leaders, 5 Pz IIIL 46 Sq-Eq (31 Elite, 15 1st/2nd Line), 21 SWs (6 MMG, 6 LMG, ATR, Lt MTR, 7 DC). Russian Reinforcements: OBA: Lt Arty 70+mm, Gds Rifle 1:Coy (Reserve), Militia 2:Coy, Fortifications 40FPP. Total Russian OB ELR: 3, SAN: 4 16 Leaders, 4 Guns (2 AT 45mm & 2 MTR 82mm) 83.5 Sq-Eq (7 Crews, 13.5 Elite, 33.5 1st Line, 33 Conscripts), 17 SWs (4 MMG, 5 LMG, 4 ATR, 4 Lt MTR). AFTERMATH (6 Game Turns): The Germans planned to attack along the railway embankments and to grind their way into the factory halls, and hold the line - in sight of the Volga. A heavy rain started to fall quite early in the battle. The Russians were slaughtered in the buildings adjacent to the railway tracks, and often went berserk in vain attempts to stop the Sturm Coy with support of Pz IIIL pltn. In the factory the going were more tough, but the relentless attack led by experienced German leaders forced the Russians to retreat, and the Germans followed deeper into the halls. In the Volga sector, the Russians launched their own attack in the area and eliminated several German outposts, until they reached the north most factory, although the attack had been costly. German Casualties: 2 Ldr, 10 Sq-eq, 6 SWs, 1 AFV. Russian Casualties: 1 Ldr, 30.5 Sq-eq, 3 SWs, 2 Guns. German OB, end of 19 Oct (SAN: 2) 13 Ldr (3x 9-2, 2x 9-1, 3x 8-1, 3x 8-0, 2x 7-0), 4 Pz IIIL 36 Sq-Eq (24x 548, 1x 238, 10x 467, 1x 447, 1x 237), 15 SWs (6 MMG, 4 LMG, ATR, Lt MTR, 3 DC). Russian OB, end of 19 Oct (SAN: 4) 15 Ldr (10-0, 3x 9-0, 2x 8+1, 9-2, 2x 9-1, 2x 8-1, 2x 8-0, 2x 7-0), 2 Guns (AT & MTR) 53 Sq-Eq (5x 228, 12x 458, 5x 447, 1x 237, 9x 527, 24x 426), 14 SWs (3 MMG, 5 LMG, 2 ATR, 4 Lt MTR). OBA: Lt Arty 70+mm (retained). TOTAL LOSSES 17-19 October (6+7+6= 19 Turns) German Casualties: 6 Ldr, 36 Sq-Eq, 15 SWs, 2 AFVs. Russian Casualties: 5 Ldr, 65 Sq-Eq, 13 SWs, 2 Guns. Edited October 18, 2023 by CTABKA
CTABKA Posted October 18, 2023 Author Report Posted October 18, 2023 (edited) Day Four 20 October, Dual Attack, Wet, Clear, No Wind at start. German Reinforcements: Rifle 3&4:Coy. Total German OB ELR: 4, SAN: 2 19 Ldr, 4 Pz IIIL 60 Sq-Eq (24x 548, 1x 238, 34x 467, 1x 447, 1x 237), 25 SWs (8 MMG, 8 LMG, 3 ATR, 3 Lt MTR, 3 DC). Russian Reinforcements: OBA: Btln MTR 80+mm, Rifle 4:Coy (Reserve), Militia 3:Coy, ART Gun Battery, Fortifications 40FPP. Total Russian OB ELR: 3, SAN: 4 19 Ldr, 6 Guns (4x ART 76mm, AT 45mm, MTR 82mm) 82 Sq-Eq (9x 228, 12x 458, 17x 447, 1x 237, 9x 527, 39x 426), 19 SWs (4 MMG, 7 LMG, 3 ATR, 5 Lt MTR). OBA: Lt Arty 70+mm (retained). AFTERMATH (6 Game Turns): A dual attack, clashes in the factories, goes poorly for the Germans. They managed to hold the line in the largest factory to a high cost in fallen men. In the other factory the Germans pushed deeper across the factory floor but only about 40 meters when some nasty Russian 76mm ART guns fired upon them and caused many casualties and blunted their attacks throughout the day. At the Volga sector, the Germans re-claimed the out-post lost the previous day and even gained a foothold in the Russian held stone-building. In the railway embankments, Germans attempts to attack turned into a stalemate. The Germans suffered plenty of booby traps during the battle. A bleak day for the Wehrmacht, the only highlight during the day was the elimination of the Russian snipers that have caused discomfort during the four days since the Red Barricades campaign started. German Casualties: 5 Ldr, 19 Sq-eq, 6 SWs, 1 AFV. Russian Casualties: 3 Ldr, 16.5 Sq-eq, 2 SWs. German OB, end of 20 Oct (SAN: 2) 14 Ldr, 3 Pz IIIL 41 Sq-Eq (15.5 Elite, 25.5 1st/2nd Line) 19 SWs (5 MMG, 8 LMG, 3 ATR, 3 Lt MTR). Russian OB, end of 20 Oct (SAN: 2) 16 Ldr, 6 Guns (4x ART 76mm, AT 45mm, MTR 82mm) 65.5 Sq-Eq (9 Crews, 11 Elite, 23 1st Line, 27 Conscripts), 17 SWs (2 MMG, 7 LMG, 3 ATR, 5 Lt MTR). OBA: Lt Arty 70+mm (retained again). TOTAL LOSSES 17-20 October (6+7+6+6= 25 Turns) German Casualties: 11 Ldr, 55 Sq-Eq, 21 SWs, 3 AFVs. Russian Casualties: 8 Ldr, 81.5 Sq-Eq, 15 SWs, 2 Guns. Edited October 19, 2023 by CTABKA
CTABKA Posted October 19, 2023 Author Report Posted October 19, 2023 (edited) Day Five 21 October, IDLE DAY, Clear, Moderate. German Reinforcements: Rifle 5&6:Coy (Reserve), INF Gun Battery. Russian Reinforcements: Heavy Weapon pltn (Reserve), Rifle 5:Coy (Res), SMG 5&6 Coy (Reserve), OBA: Btln MTR 80+mm. Day Six 22 October, Dual Attack, Dry, Clear & Gusty, No Wind at start. German Reinforcements: Rifle 7:Coy (+1 Ldr DRM), 4 STUKA-early, SAN increase, OBA: Heavy Arty 150+mm with Spotter Plane. Total German OB ELR: 4, SAN: 3 23 Ldr, 4 Guns (3x INF 75mm, INF 150mm), 3 Panzer IIIL 79 Sq-Eq (4 Crews, 15.5 Elite, 61.5 1st/2nd Line) 34 SWs (8 MMG, 14 LMG, 6 ATR, 6 Lt MTR). Russian Reinforcements: Guards SMG 1:Coy (Reserve), SMG 7:Coy (Reserve), SAN increase, AT Gun Battery, Fortifications 40FPP. Total Russian OB ELR: 3, SAN: 3 OBA: Lt Arty 70+mm (retained-used today). 25 Ldr, 12 Guns (4x ART 76mm, 5x AT 45mm, 3x MTR 82mm) 118.5 Sq-Eq (19 Crews, 20 Elite, 62 1st Line, 27 Conscripts), 27 SWs (2 HMG, 5 MMG, 9 LMG, 4 ATR, 6 Lt MTR, 1 DC). AFTERMATH (7 Game Turns): After a day of rest and reinforcements arrive, the second dual attack in short time occur. As the Germans plan to initiate their attack, the Russians forestall them and attack first. German Casualties: 5 Ldr, 28 Sq-eq, 6 SWs, 1 Gun, 2 AFVs. Russian Casualties: 4 Ldr, 49 Sq-eq, 8 SWs, 3 Guns. German OB, end of 22 Oct (SAN: 2) 18 Ldr, 3 Guns (2x INF 75mm, INF 150mm), 1 AFV (Panzer IIIL). 51 Sq-Eq (2 Crews, 16.5 Elite, 33.5 1st/2nd Line) 28 SWs (5 MMG, 14 LMG, 4 ATR, 5 Lt MTR). Russian OB, end of 22 Oct (SAN: 2) 21 Ldr, 9 Guns (2x ART 76mm, 4x AT 45mm, 3x MTR 82mm) 69.5 Sq-Eq (14 Crews, 16.5 Elite, 31.5 1st Line, 14.5 Conscripts), 19 SWs (2 MMG, 7 LMG, 4 ATR, 5 Lt MTR, 1 DC). TOTAL LOSSES 17-22 October (6+7+6+6+0+7= 32 Turns) German Casualties: 16 Ldr, 83 Sq-Eq, 27 SWs, 1 Gun, 5 AFVs. Russian Casualties: 12 Ldr, 130.5 Sq-Eq, 23 SWs, 5 Guns. Edited December 9, 2023 by CTABKA 1
Jerry Posted October 23, 2023 Report Posted October 23, 2023 En mer central attack, jag tror i 90% av våra spel går attacken in mera nordöst ifrån, ofta syftande till att ta det där 3-hex-huset borta vid sänkan ner mot volga.(W10 ?) Vi (de flesta) här nere, har samma uppfattning om värdet av den kåken
CTABKA Posted December 9, 2023 Author Report Posted December 9, 2023 (edited) Day Seven 23 October, German Assault, Moist, Clear & Gusty, No Wind at start. German Reinforcements: Rifle 8:Coy (+1 Ldr DR DRM), HW 1:Pltn, PaK 38 Battery. Total German OB ELR: 4, SAN: 2 21 Ldr, 8 Guns (2x INF 75mm, INF 150mm, 3x PaK 38, 2x GrW 34), 1 Panzer IIIL. 67.5 Sq-Eq (11 Crews, 16.5 Elite, 45.5 1st/2nd Line) 37 SWs (2 HMG, 8 MMG, 16 LMG, 5 ATR, 6 Lt MTR). Russian Reinforcements: Rifle 6&7:Coy (Reserve), SMG 8:Coy (Reserve), SAN increase, T-70 Pltn (Dug-In), OBA: Two Lt Arty 70+mm. Total Russian OB ELR: 3, SAN: 3 25 Ldr, 9 Guns (2x ART 76mm, 4x AT 45mm, 3x MTR 82mm), 3x T-70 (Dug-In). 102.5 Sq-Eq (14 Crews, 16.5 Elite, 64.5 1st Line, 14.5 Conscripts), 29 SWs (4 MMG, 11 LMG, 6 ATR, 7 Lt MTR, 1 DC). AFTERMATH (8 Game Turns): German Casualties: 4 Ldr, 14.5 Sq-eq, 3 SWs, 1 Gun, 1 AFV. Russian Casualties: 5 Ldr, 30 Sq-eq, 9 SWs, 2 Guns. German OB, end of 23 Oct (SAN: 2) 17 Ldr, 7 Guns (2x INF 75mm, INF 150mm, 2x PaK 38, 2x GrW 34). 53 Sq-Eq (10 Crews, 16.5 Elite, 31.5 1st/2nd Line) 34 SWs (2 HMG, 7 MMG, 15 LMG, 4 ATR, 6 Lt MTR). Russian OB, end of 23 Oct (SAN: 3) 20 Ldr, 7 Guns (ART 76mm, 3x AT 45mm, 3x MTR 82mm), 3x T-70 (Dug-In). 72.5 Sq-Eq (10 Crews, 6 Elite, 47 1st Line, 14.5 Conscripts), 20 SWs (3 MMG, 7 LMG, 3 ATR, 6 Lt MTR, 1 DC). TOTAL LOSSES 17-23 October (6+7+6+6+0+7+8= 40 Turns) German Casualties: 20 Ldr, 97.5 Sq-Eq, 30 SWs, 2 Guns, 6 AFVs. Russian Casualties: 17 Ldr, 160.5 Sq-Eq, 32 SWs, 7 Guns. Edited January 17, 2024 by CTABKA
CTABKA Posted December 9, 2023 Author Report Posted December 9, 2023 (edited) Day Eight 24 October, German Assault, Dry, Clear & Gusty, Mild Breeze at start. German Reinforcements: Sturm 5:Coy, StuG IIIG Pltn, OBA: Btln MTR 80+mm. Total German OB ELR: 4, SAN: 2 20 Ldr, 7 Guns (2x INF 75mm, INF 150mm, 2x PaK 38, 2x GrW 34), 3x StuG IIIG. 65 Sq-Eq (10 Crews, 28.5 Elite, 31.5 1st/2nd Line) 39 SWs (2 HMG, 8 MMG, 17 LMG, 4 ATR, 6 Lt MTR, 2 DC). Russian Reinforcements: Gds Rifle 2:Coy (Reserve), SMG 9:Coy (Reserve), Militia 4:Coy, SAN increase, OBA: Btln MTR 80+mm. Total Russian OB ELR: 3, SAN: 4 24 Ldr, 7 Guns (ART 76mm, 3x AT 45mm, 3x MTR 82mm), 3x T-70 (Dug-In). 108.5 Sq-Eq (10 Crews, 18 Elite, 56 1st Line, 29.5 Conscripts), 28 SWs (4 MMG, 10 LMG, 5 ATR, 8 Lt MTR, 1 DC). AFTERMATH (7 Game Turns): German Casualties: 3 Ldr, 19 Sq-eq, 10 SWs, 1 Gun. Russian Casualties: 4 Ldr, 31.5 Sq-eq, 7 SWs, 4 Guns, 2 AFVs. German OB, end of 24 Oct (SAN: 2) 17 Ldr, 6 Guns (INF 75mm, INF 150mm, 2x PaK 38, 2x GrW 34), 3x StuG IIIG. 46 Sq-Eq (8 Crews, 21.5 Elite, 20.5 1st/2nd Line). 29 SWs (HMG, 5 MMG, 13 LMG, 4 ATR, 4 Lt MTR, 2 DC). Russian OB, end of 24 Oct (SAN: 4) 20 Ldr, 3 Guns (ART 76mm, AT 45mm, MTR 82mm), T-70 (Dug-In). 77 Sq-Eq (8 Crews, 14 Elite, 32.5 1st Line, 26.5 Conscripts), 21 SWs (3 MMG, 7 LMG, 5 ATR, 5 Lt MTR, 1 DC). TOTAL LOSSES 17-24 October (6+7+6+6+0+7+8+7= 47 Turns) German Casualties: 23 Ldr, 116.5 Sq-Eq, 40 SWs, 3 Guns, 6 AFVs. Russian Casualties: 21 Ldr, 192 Sq-Eq, 39 SWs, 11 Guns, 2 AFVs. Edited December 19, 2023 by CTABKA 1
CTABKA Posted December 19, 2023 Author Report Posted December 19, 2023 (edited) Day Nine 25 October, German Assault, Clear, Moist, Hvy Wind at start. German Reinforcements: Rifle 9&10:Coy (+1 and +2 Ldr DRM), STUKA. Total German OB ELR: 4, SAN: 2 21 Ldr, 6 Guns (INF 75mm &150mm, 2x PaK 38, 2x GrW 34), 3x StuG IIIG. 70 Sq-Eq (8 Crews, 21.5 Elite, 44.5 1st/2nd Line). 39 SWs (HMG, 7 MMG, 17 LMG, 6 ATR, 6 Lt MTR, 2 DC). Russian Reinforcements: Rifle 8:Coy, SMG 10:Coy (both Reserve), Heavy Weapon 3:Pltn, Sniper increase to SAN: 5, OBA: Lt Arty 70+mm, Fortifications 40 FPP. Total Russian OB ELR: 3, SAN: 5 25 Ldr, 5 Guns (ART 76mm, AT 45mm, 3x MTR 82mm), T-70 (Dug-In). 101 Sq-Eq (14 Crews, 14 Elite, 53.5 1st Line, 26.5 Conscripts), 30 SWs (2 HMG, 6 MMG, 9 LMG, 6 ATR, 6 Lt MTR, DC). AFTERMATH (6 Game Turns): German Casualties: 6 Ldr, 19.5 Sq-eq, 6 SWs, 1 Gun, 1 AFV. Russian Casualties: 2 Ldr, 19.5 Sq-eq, 9 SWs, 2 Guns. German OB, end of 25 Oct (SAN: 2) 15 Ldr, 5 Guns (INF 75mm &150mm, 2x PaK 38, GrW 34), 2x StuG IIIG. 50.5 Sq-Eq (8 Crews, 16.5 Elite, 30 1st/2nd Line). 33 SWs (HMG, 4 MMG, 15 LMG, 6 ATR, 6 Lt MTR, DC). Russian OB, end of 25 Oct (SAN: 4) 23 Ldr, 3 Guns (AT 45mm, 2x MTR 82mm), T-70 (Dug-In). 81.5 Sq-Eq (13 Crews, 8.5 Elite, 39 1st Line, 27.5 Conscripts), 21 SWs (2 HMG, 3 MMG, 7 LMG, 5 ATR, 4 Lt MTR). TOTAL LOSSES 17-25 October (6+7+6+6+0+7+8+7+6= 53Turns) German Casualties: 29 Ldr, 136 Sq-Eq, 46 SWs, 4 Guns, 7 AFVs. Russian Casualties: 23 Ldr, 211.5 Sq-Eq, 48 SWs, 13 Guns, 2 AFVs. Edited January 17, 2024 by CTABKA 1
Jerry Posted December 22, 2023 Report Posted December 22, 2023 Jag ser ett lokalt motanfall minsann fabriken längst i norr återtagen 💪
CTABKA Posted January 7, 2024 Author Report Posted January 7, 2024 (edited) Day Ten 26 October, Dual Attack, Overcast, Dry, Mild Breeze at start. German Reinforcements: Sturm 6:Coy, Hvy Wpn 2:Pltn. Total German OB ELR: 4, SAN: 2 18 Ldr, 7 Guns (INF 75mm & 150mm, 2x PaK 38, 3x GrW 34), 2x StuG IIIG. 65.5 Sq-Eq (14 Crews, 28.5 Elite, 30 1st/2nd Line). 42 SWs (3 HMG, 7 MMG, 17 LMG, 6 ATR, 6 Lt MTR, 3 DC). Russian Reinforcements: Rifle 9:Coy, Assault Engineer 1:Coy (both Reserve). Total Russian OB ELR: 3, SAN: 4 26 Ldr, 3 Guns (AT 45mm, 2x MTR 82mm), T-70 (Dug-In). 102.5 Sq-Eq (13 Crews, 9 AE, 8.5 Elite, 51 1st Line, 27.5 Conscripts), 34 SWs (2 HMG, 4 MMG, 11 LMG, 6 ATR, 5 Lt MTR, 2 FT, 4 DC). AFTERMATH (6 Game Turns): German Casualties: 7 Ldr, 16.5 Sq-eq, 5 SWs, 2 Guns. Russian Casualties: 2 Ldr, 24.5 Sq-eq, 4 SWs, 1 Gun. German OB, end of 26 Oct (SAN: 2) 11 Ldr, 5 Guns (INF 75mm & 150mm, 2x PaK 38, GrW 34), 2x StuG IIIG. 49 Sq-Eq (12 Crews, 24.5 Elite, 18.5 1st/2nd Line). 37 SWs (3 HMG, 5 MMG, 16 LMG, 6 ATR, 5 Lt MTR, 2 DC). Russian OB, end of 26 Oct (SAN: 3) 24 Ldr, 2 Guns (AT 45mm, MTR 82mm), T-70 (Dug-In). 78 Sq-Eq (12 Crews, 9 AE, 7.5 Elite, 32 1st Line, 23.5 Conscripts), 30 SWs (HMG, 3 MMG, 11 LMG, 5 ATR, 4 Lt MTR, 2 FT, 4 DC). TOTAL LOSSES 17-26 October (6+7+6+6+0+7+8+7+6+6= 59Turns) German Casualties: 36 Ldr, 152.5 Sq-Eq, 51 SWs, 6 Guns, 7 AFVs. Russian Casualties: 25 Ldr, 236Sq-Eq, 52 SWs, 14 Guns, 2 AFVs. Edited January 7, 2024 by CTABKA
CTABKA Posted February 13, 2024 Author Report Posted February 13, 2024 (edited) Day 11, 27 Oct, Germ Assault, Clear & Gusty, Wet, no wind at start. German reinforcements [ELR: 4] [SAN: 2]: Rifle 11:Coy, Rifle 12:Coy. German Order of Battle: 17 Ldr, 73 Squad-Equivalents (12 Crews, 24.5 Elite, 42.5 1st/2nd Line), 47 Support Weapons (3 HMG, 7 MMG, 20 LMG, 8 ATR, 7 Lt MTR, 2 DC), 2 AFVs (2x StuG IIIG), 5 Guns (2x PaK38, INF 75mm, INF 150mm, GrW 34). Russian reinforcements [ELR: 3] [SAN: 3]: Gds SMG 2:Coy, SMG Coy 11:Coy (both Reserve), OBA: Lt Arty 70+mm, Med Arty 120+mm with Pre-Reg Hex. Fortifications (40 FPP). Russian OB: 27 Ldr, 96 Sq-Eq (12 Crews, 9 AE, 16.5 Elite, 41 1st Line, 23.5 Conscrip), T-70 dug-in, 31 SWs (HMG, 3 MMG, 11 LMG, 5 ATR. 4 Lt MTR, 2 FT, 5 DC), 2 Guns (AT 45mm, MTR 82mm). AFTERMATH (7 Game Turns): German assaults into the Red Barrikady German Casualties: 4 Ldr, 19.5 Sq-Eq, 6 SWs, 1 Gun, 2 AFVs (Recalled). Russian Casualties: 6 Ldr, 30.5 Sq-Eq, 7 SWs. German OB, end of 27th Oct [SAN: 2]: 13 Ldr, 53.5 Sq-Eq (7 Crews, 19.5 Elite, 30.5 1st/2nd Line), 41 SWs (3 HMG, 6 MMG, 19 LMG, 7 ATR, 5 Lt MTR, 1 DC), 4 Guns (2x PaK38, INF 75 & 150mm). Russian OB, end of 27th Oct {SAN: 3]: 21 Ldr, 65.5 Sq-Eq (10 Crews, 9 AE, 13.5 Elite, 22 1st Line, 16 Conscripts), 24 SWs (2 MMG, 8 LMG, 5 ATR. 4 Lt MTR, 5 DC), 2 Guns (AT 45mm, MTR 82mm), T-70 dug-in, TOTAL LOSSES 17-27 October (6+7+6+6+0+7+8+7+6+6+7= 66Turns) German Casualties: 40 Ldr, 172 Sq-Eq, 57 SWs, 7 Guns, 9 AFVs (one Recalled). Russian Casualties: 31 Ldr, 266.5 Sq-Eq, 59 SWs, 14 Guns, 2 AFVs. Edited February 13, 2024 by CTABKA 1
CTABKA Posted February 14, 2024 Author Report Posted February 14, 2024 (edited) Day 12, 28 October, IDLE DAY, Clear, Dry, Hvy Wind. German reinforcements: Pionier 1:Coy, Heavy Weapon 3:Pltn (both Reserve). Russian reinforcements: Rifle 10:Coy, Rifle 11:Coy, SMG 12:Coy, Hvy Weapon 4:Pltn (all Reserve). Day 13, 29 Oct, Dual Attack, Overcast, Moist, Mild Breeze at start. German reinforcements [ELR: 4] [SAN: 2]: Sturm 7:Coy, OBA: Two Btln MTR 80+mm. German Order of Battle: 24 Ldr, 76.5 Sq-Eq (13 Crews, 8 Assault Engineers, 31.5 Elite, 30.5 1st/2nd Line), 58 SWs (5 HMG, 9 MMG, 23 LMG, 7 ATR, 5 Lt MTR, 3 FT, 6 DC), 6 Guns (2x PaK38, INF 75mm, INF 150 mm, 2x GrW 34). Russian reinforcements [ELR: 3] [SAN: 4]: Rifle 12:Coy (Reserve), SMG Coy 13:Coy (Reserve), Heavy Weapon 5:Pltn, SAN increase, Fortifications (40 FPP). Russian OB: 30 Ldr, 125.5 Sq-Equiv (22 Crews, 9 Assault Engineers, 13.5 Elite, 76 1st Line, 16 Conscripts), 47 SWs (4 HMG, 9 MMG, 14 LMG, 8 ATR. 7 Lt MTR, 5 DC), 6 Guns (AT 45mm, 5x MTR 82mm), T-70 dug-in. AFTERMATH (7 Game Turns): Dual Attack in the Barrikady German Casualties: 10 Ldr, 18 Sq-Eq, 6 SWs, 3 Guns. Russian Casualties: 4 Ldr, 23 Sq-Eq, 11 SWs, 3 Guns. Germ OB, end of 29th Oct [SAN: 2]: 14 Ldr, 58.5 Sq-Eq (10 Crews, 8 Ass Eng, 24.5 Elite, 21 1st/2nd Line), 52 SWs (4 HMG, 8 MMG, 21 LMG, 7 ATR, 4 Lt MTR, 2 FT, 6 DC), 3 Guns (PaK38, INF 75 & 150mm). Russian OB, end of 29th Oct {SAN: 3]: 26 Ldr, 102.5 Sq-Eq (18 Crews, 9 AE, 15.5 Elite, 56 1st Line, 13 Con), 36 SWs (2 HMG, 6 MMG, 10 LMG, 8 ATR, 5 Lt MTR, 5 DC), 3 Guns (3x MTR 82mm), AFV T-70. TOTAL LOSSES 17-29 October (6+7+6+6+0+7+8+7+6+6+7+0+7= 73Turns) German Casualties: 50 Ldr, 190 Sq-Eq, 63 SWs, 10 Guns, 9 AFVs (one Recalled). Russian Casualties: 35 Ldr, 289.5 Sq-Eq, 70 SWs, 17 Guns, 2 AFVs. Edited February 14, 2024 by CTABKA
CTABKA Posted July 20, 2024 Author Report Posted July 20, 2024 (edited) Day 13, 30 October, IDLE DAY, Overcast. German reinforcements: Rifle 13:Coy (Reserve), Pz IIIH Pltn, Pz IIIL Pltn. Russian reinforcements: Gds SMG 3&4:Coy (Reserve), OBA: Btln MTR 80+mm Offb´d Observer, Fortifications (40 FPP). Day 15, 31 Oct, German Assault, Overcast, Moist, No Wind at start. German reinforcements [ELR: 4] [SAN: 2]: Sturm 8:Coy, OBA: Heavy Weapon Pltn 4:Pltn. German Order of Battle: 18 Ldr, 85.5 Sq-Eq (16 Crews, 8 Assault Eng, 36.5 Elite, 33 1st/2nd Line), 66 SWs (6 HMG, 12 MMG, 25 LMG, 8 ATR, 5 Lt MTR, 2 FT, 8 DC), 5 Guns (2x GrW34, PaK38, INF 75 & 150mm), 6 AFVs (3x Pz IIIH, 3x Pz IIIL). Russian reinforcements [ELR: 3] [SAN: 3]: Rifle 13 & 14 Coy (Reserve), OBA: Med Arty 120+mm. AT Gun Battery. Russian OB: 34 Ldr, 146.5 Sq-Eq (22 Crews, 9 Assault Eng, 33.5 Elite, 80 1st Line, 13 Conscripts), 48 SWs (2 HMG, 8 MMG, 14 LMG, 10 ATR, 7 Lt MTR, 7 DC), 7 Guns (4x AT 45mm, 3x MTR 82mm), 1 AFV T-70 (Dug-In). AFTERMATH (6 Game Turns): The Germans give up, the Russians have a substantiv force and AD Hoc Coy will enter soon. Some fast decisions and play by the German command led to defeat. German Casualties: 3 Ldr, 21 Sq-Eq, 18 SWs, 3 Guns, 2 AFVs. Russian Casualties: 3 Ldr, 23.5 Sq-Eq, 8 SWs, 1 Gun. Germ OB, end of 31th Oct [SAN: 2]: 15 Ldr, 64.5 Squad-Equival (14 Crews, 8 Assault Engineers, 30.5 Elite, 19 1st/2nd Line), 48 SWs (5 HMG, 12 MMG, 24 LMG, 3 Lt MTR, 2 FT, 2 DC), 2 Guns (PaK38, INF 150mm), 4 AFVs (2x Pz IIIH, 2x Pz IIIL). Russian OB, end of 31th Oct {SAN: 3]: 31 Ldr, 123 Sq-Eq (20 Crews, 7.5 Assault Engin, 31.5 Elite, 63.5 1st Line, 10.5 Conscripts), 40 SWs (2 HMG, 6 MMG, 14 LMG, 5 ATR, 6 Lt MTR, 7 DC), 6 Guns (4x AT 45mm, 2x MTR 82mm), 1 AFV T-70 (Dug-In). TOTAL LOSSES 17-31 October (6+7+6+6+0+7+8+7+6+6+7+0+7+6= 79Turns) German Casualties: 53 Ldr, 211 Sq-Eq, 81 SWs, 13 Guns, 11 AFVs (one Recalled). Russian Casualties: 38 Ldr, 313 Sq-Eq, 78 SWs, 18 Guns, 2 AFVs. Edited July 20, 2024 by CTABKA 1
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