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A4.63 DASH


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A unit can Dash across a road into a Gully or INTO a Gully/stream.


A unit in a Gully (i.e., at crest status) cannot Dash across a road

A unit IN a Gully/Stream can Dash across a road.


En tråd om ämnet, med en annan vinkel. Kort summering av tråden: går ej utföra Dash om man startar i foxhole (går ej heller, dasha över väg in i foxhole).




A4.63 DASH: Infantry may declare a Dash through a road Location if it

declares a Dash move prior to moving, and then moves from a non-Open

Ground Location on one side of the road directly into the road and then

directly into a non-Open Ground Location on the other side of the road

provided the normal MF expenditure for this two-hex move is s the

unit's available MF. For purposes of determining the legality of a Dash

move, any Location out of the LOS of a frrer is also considered a non-

Open Ground Location. The Dashing unit may not have expended any

MF prior to the Dash [EXC: SMOKE grenade placement attempt; 24.1],

may expend no MF in the road or the Dashed-to location beyond the

minimum required to enter, and must end its MPh.....

Edited by CTABKA
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