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To Have And To Hold


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Bra kritik från Down Under! God ide att sända scenarios till Probst för speltestning (tänkte på det samma) och kul att dom spelade det på turneringen.



Round 3: "To Have And To Hold" by Mattias Rönnblom.


How many scenarios feature an assault to capture a bridge? Or an assault to *re*-capture one? Well, this scenario features both -- an American recon patrol has to quickly capture a very lightly-defended bridge and then hold it in the face of a determined German effort to recapture it. This scenario was the undoubted pick of the weekend, with no apparent flaws in balance and great fun for both sides. The Americans have a lot of FP but not many warm bodies, while the Germans are largely the reverse. Interesting VC (if the Americans don't have control of both hexes of the bridge at the end of *every* player turn, they lose) made the game tense for the duration -- which was its sole flaw; the game took a *lot* longer to finish than it looked like it would. (Except for one game, where the American player lost sight of the VC and forgot he was there to take the bridge -- thus losing at the end of the first player turn!) This overlong play was going to have unfortunate consequences for the remainder of the weekend. There were five American victories, but there was no perception that this was due to imbalance; rather, it just happened that the Americans won five times. The results could easily have gone the other way. Look for this one when it makes its public appearance.

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Det är bara att du kommer upp till Linköping i augusti till Friendly Fire så kanske du får chansen att spela det.  :D


Jag har spel-testat det en gång och det är säkert mer balanserat än den där "hunden" - "Seizing The Sittang Bridge"  :D  :D

Sittang är det coolasset.. colaset.. coolasetest.. mest coola scenariot sedan Breakout From Bokruisk och perfekt balanserat!! Eller hur Klas!? B)


I augusti sitter jag fast med barnen eftersom frugan åker till grekland med sin syster! Fast om ngn här anmäler sig som barnvakt (för er utan barn är det detsamma som HTH CC med Night + PTO) så är det ok. :rolleyes:

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