CTABKA Posted February 3, 2020 Report Posted February 3, 2020 (edited) RED OCTOBER CG I X-TAG (23-29 October)Leaflet House Rules see link: http://forum.aslsweden.com//index.php?showtopic=374323rd October, Friday Morning - German Assault (1st phase), Clear, Moderate, no wind at start.German at start OB: ELR: 4, SAN: 3 OBA 100+mm & Offb'd Observer,Two Rifle Coy, Two Sturm Coy, Assault Engineers Coy, StuG IIIB pltn, StuG IIIG pltn.PURCHASED: Early STUKA (2 CPP), Sturm Coy (9 CPP), Pz IIIH pltn (3 CPP),OBA 80+mmm with Pre-Reg Hex & Offb'd Observer (4 CPP).Total German OB: 17 Ldr,68 Sq-Eq (8x 838 AE, 36x 548 E, 24x 467 1st Line), 33 SWs (5 MMG, 12 LMG, 2 Lt MTR, 2 ATR, 3 FT, 9 DC),9 AFVs (3 StuG IIIB, 3 StuG IIIG, 3 Pz IIIH). Russian at start OB: ELR: 3, SAN: 4 5 WIRE, 4x 6 A-P Minefields, 4 Guns (2 INF 76mm, 2 AT 45mm),Hvy Wpn Pltn, 2 Gds Rifle Coy, Gds SMG Coy, Militia Coy (start as Broken Units in factories). PURCHASED: 2 Rifle Coy-Reserve (8 CPP), 2 OBA 80+mm (2 CPP),HIP 6 squads (18 FPP), 1x 6 A-P Minefield (18 FPP), 24 ? (24 FPP).Total Russian OB: 11 Ldr (1 Ldr creation),77 Sq-Eq (24x 458 E, 9x 628 E, 10x 228 Crews, 24x 447 1st Line, 15x 426 C), 31 SWs (2 HMG, 6 MMG, 10 LMG, 6 Lt MTR, 6 ATR, 1 DC),6 Guns (2 INF 76mm, 2 AT 45mm, 2 MTR 82mm).AFTERMATH: Bigly surprise attack, unleashed by the Wehrmacht, the assault is relentless and supported by two German artillery modules that pound the Russians. The Russian artillery do little impact to slow down the tide, mostly due to ammo shortage. The Russian defense collapse in the central sector and pushed backed elsewhere. The German attack is halted at lunch time and now resting and planning for the second phase of the battle that will be launched in the afternoon, in the meantime both sides bring in reinforcements7 Game TurnsGerman Casualties: 5 Ldr, 21 Sq-Eq, 3 SWs, 2 AFVs.Russian Casualties: 7 Ldr, 38 Sq-Eq, 11 SWs, 2 Guns.German OB, after 23rd Oct Friday Morning Assault. 12 Ldr,47 Sq-Eq (7 AE, 24.5 Elite, 15.5 1st/2nd Line), 30 SWs (5 MMG, 11 LMG, 2 Lt MTR, 2 ATR, 9 DC, 1 FT),7 AFVs: (2 StuG IIIB, 3 StuG IIIG, 2 Pz IIIH).Russian OB, after 23rd Oct Friday Morning Assault. 4 Ldr,39 Sq-Eq (12 Elite, 8 Crews, 11 1st Line, 12 Conscripts), 20 SWs (2 HMG, 3 MMG, 6 LMG, 5 Lt MTR, 3 ATR, 1 DC),4 Guns (2 INF 76mm, 2 MTR 82mm). Edited April 18, 2020 by CTABKA
CTABKA Posted February 5, 2020 Author Report Posted February 5, 2020 (edited) 23rd October, Friday Afternoon - German Assault (2nd phase), Overcast, Wet, Mild Breeze at start. German OB: ELR: 4, SAN: 3PURCHASED: 2nd Line Croatian Coy (5 CPP), Hvy Wpn pltn (6 CPP), INF Battery (4 CPP), SAN increase (1CPP),Fortifications: HIP 6 Squads & 1 Ldr (19 FPP), two Trenches (14 FPP), 7 ? (7 FPP).German OB: 15 Ldr,64 Sq-Eq (7 AE, 24.5 Elite, 10 Crews, 27.5 1st/2nd Line), 38 SWs (2 HMG, 7 MMG, 13 LMG, 3 Lt MTR, 3 ATR, 9 DC, 1 FT),6 Guns (2 GrW 34, 3 INF 75mm, 1 INF 150mm), 7 AFVs (2 StuG IIIB, 3 StuG IIIG, 2 Pz IIIH). Russian at start OB: ELR: 3, SAN: 4PURCHASED: Rifle Coy-Reserve (4 CPP), Militia Coy (4 CPP), AT Battery (4 CPP), T-70 pltn Dug-In & HIP (2 CPP), SAN increase (1 CPP), OBA 80+mm with Pre-Reg Hex (2 CPP), Fortifications: HIP 6 squads (18 FPP), 22 ? (22 FPP). Russian OB: 8 Ldr,68 Sq-Eq (12 Elite, 12 Crews, 23 1st Line, 27 Conscripts). 25 SWs (2 HMG, 4 MMG, 8 LMG, 6 Lt MTR, 4 ATR, 1 DC),8 Guns (2 INF 76mm, 4 AT 45mm, 2 MTR 82mm), 3 AFVs (3 Dug-In T-70). AFTERMATH: The German attack resume, and divided into three spearheads. The North spearhead clear out two blocks of buildings and the token defense by the Russians are pushed into the factory were the attack comes to a halt when the Russian reserves is activated.The Central spearhead makes an attempt to push into the large factory complex and encounter Russian artillery that scores several severe hits that eliminate a German foothold and also knocked out a Pz III, but still the Germans gain control of a perimeter in the factory directly south of Martinovski Shop. The South spearhead with a foothold in a factory quickly eliminate and push out and pursuit the Russians into the roof-less factory east of that factory, a fire break out in the fallen factory that hamper the German advance and the Russians manage to put an end to the German attack.5 Game TurnsGerman Casualties: 2 Ldr, 10 Sq-Eq, 5 SWs, 3 AFVs (one Recall).Russian Casualties: 1 Ldr, 15.5 Sq-Eq, 9 SWs, 2 Guns, 1 AFV.German OB, after 23rd Oct Friday Afternoon Assault. 13 Ldr,54 Sq-Eq (5 AE, 23 Elite, 10 Crews, 21 1st/2nd Line), 32 SWs (2 HMG, 5 MMG, 12 LMG, 2 Lt MTR, 2 ATR, 8 DC, 1 FT),6 Guns (2 GrW 34, 3 INF 75mm, 1 INF 150mm), 4 AFVs (1 StuG IIIB, 3 StuG IIIG).Russian OB, after 23rd Oct Friday Afternoon Assault. 7 Ldr,52.5 Sq-Eq (9 Elite, 11 Crews, 19.5 1st Line, 18.5 Conscripts), 16 SWs (2 HMG, 2 MMG, 2 LMG, 5 Lt MTR, 4 ATR, 1 DC),6 Guns (1 INF 76mm, 2 MTR 82mm, 3 AT 45mm), 2 AFVs (Dug-In T-70). Edited February 13, 2020 by CTABKA
CTABKA Posted February 9, 2020 Author Report Posted February 9, 2020 (edited) 24th October, Saturday - German Assault, Overcast, Moist, Mild Breeze at start. German OB: ELR: 4, SAN: 3PURCHASED:Sturm Coy On-Map (12 CPP), Pz IIIL pltn (4 CPP).German OB: 20 Ldr (4 Ldr Creations),66 Sq-Eq (5 AE, 35 Elite, 10 Crews, 21 1st/2nd Line), 37 SWs (2 HMG, 6 MMG, 14 LMG, 2 Lt MTR, 2 ATR, 10 DC, 1 FT),6 Guns (2 GrW 34, 3 INF 75mm, 1 INF 150mm), 7 AFVs (1 StuG IIIB, 3 StuG IIIG, 3 Pz IIIL). Russian OB: ELR: 3, SAN: 4PURCHASED: Rifle Coy-Reserve (4 CPP), Militia Coy (4 CPP), ART Battery (5 CPP), SAN increase (1 CPP), OBA 80+mm with Pre-Reg Hex (2 CPP). Russian OB: 11 Ldr,81.5 Sq-Eq (9 Elite, 15 Crews, 31.5 1st Line, 33.5 Conscripts). 21 SWs (2 HMG, 3 MMG, 4 LMG, 6 Lt MTR, 5 ATR, 1 DC),10 Guns (1 INF 76mm, 4 ART 76mm, 3 AT 45mm, 2 MTR 82mm), 2 AFVs (2 Dug-In T-70). AFTERMATH: The German onslaught continue but only the North factory hall fall into German hands after inflicting heavy casualties upon the Russians. In the central factory complex the Germans attack comes to a complete standstill of stalemate as the Russian throughout the battle always counterattack any attempt to expand the German perimeter although a building outside the factory falls to a German assault. In the Southernmost factory a Russian Hero at the front line repulse all attempts by the Germans to force entry into the factory.5 Game TurnsGerman Casualties: 6 Ldr, 18 Sq-Eq, 6 SWs, 1 Gun, 3 AFVs (one Recall).Russian Casualties: 1 Ldr, 34 Sq-Eq, 5 SWs, 4 Guns, 1 AFV. German OB, after 24th Oct Assault on Saturday. 14 Ldr,48 Sq-Eq (4 AE, 27 Elite, 8 Crews, 13 1st/2nd Line), 31 SWs (2 HMG, 4 MMG, 13 LMG, 1 Lt MTR, 2 ATR, 9 DC),5 Guns (1 GrW 34, 3 INF 75mm, 1 INF 150mm), 4 AFVs: (2 StuG IIIG, 2 Pz IIIL).Russian OB, after 24th Oct Assault on Saturday. 10 Ldr,47.5 Sq-Eq (7 Elite, 12 Crews, 19.5 1st Line, 15 Conscripts), 16 SWs (2 HMG, 2 MMG, 3 LMG, 5 Lt MTR, 4 ATR).6 Guns (1 INF 76mm, 1 ART 76mm, 3 AT 45mm, 1 MTR 82mm), 1 AFV (Dug-In T-70). Edited February 13, 2020 by CTABKA
CTABKA Posted February 12, 2020 Author Report Posted February 12, 2020 (edited) 25th October, Sunday - German Assault, Overcast, Moist, no wind at start. German OB: ELR: 4, SAN: 2PURCHASED:Assault Engineers Coy On-Map (17 CPP).German OB: 18 Ldr (1 Ldr Creation),56 Sq-Eq (12 AE, 27 Elite, 8 Crews, 13 1st/2nd Line), 39 SWs (2 HMG, 4 MMG, 15 LMG, 1 Lt MTR, 2 ATR, 12 DC, 3 FT),5 Guns (2 GrW 34, 3 INF 75mm, 1 INF 150mm), 4 AFVs (2 StuG IIIG, 2 Pz IIIL). Russian OB: ELR: 3, SAN: 4PURCHASED: Rifle Coy-Reserve (4 CPP), Militia Coy (4 CPP), MOL-P pltn-reserve (1 CPP), INF Battery (4 CPP),T-34 M41 pltn Dug-In & HIP (3 CPP), Fortifications: HIP 6 squads (18 FPP), 22 ? (22 FPP). . Russian OB: 15 Ldr (one Ldr creation),77.5 Sq-Eq (7 Elite, 18 Crews, 31.5 1st Line, 30 Conscripts), 27 SWs (2 HMG, 3 MMG, 8 LMG, 6 Lt MTR, 5 ATR, 3 MOL-P),9 Guns (4 INF 76mm, 1 ART 76mm, 3 AT 45mm, 1 MTR 82mm), 4 AFVs (Dug-In T-70 & 3 Dug-In T-34 M41). AFTERMATH: The German onslaught continue, in the humungus slugathon the Russians are swept aside in the initial stage of the German assault, spearheaded by their young sturm pioneers led by seasoned old veterans, but run out of steam in the middle of the fighting as the Russian sons of peasents put up fearless resistance and take every opportunity of hand to hand close combat.The battle in the Red October factories is different compared from the factory fighting in the Red Barricades factories North of this area since the Red October factory complex is much more tightly clustered. 6 Game TurnsGerman Casualties: 4 Ldr, 18 Sq-Eq, 9 SWs, 1 Gun, 2 AFVs.Russian Casualties: 2 Ldr, 34.5 Sq-Eq, 6 SWs, 3 Guns. German OB, after 25th Oct Assault on Sunday. 14 Ldr, 1 Veh crew,38 Sq-Eq (9.5 AE, 21.5 Elite, 5 Crews, 4.5 2nd Line), 30 SWs (1 HMG, 4 MMG, 12 LMG, 1 Lt MTR, 1 ATR, 10 DC, 1 FT),4 Guns (1 GrW 34, 2 INF 75mm, 1 INF 150mm), 2 AFVs: (1 StuG IIIG, 1 Pz IIIL). Russian OB, after 25th Oct Assault on Sunday. 13 Ldr,43 Sq-Eq (7.5 Elite, 15 Crews, 17.5 st Line, 10.5 Conscripts), 21 SWs (1 HMG, 3 MMG, 5 LMG, 5 Lt MTR, 4 ATR, 3 MOL-P),6 Guns (1 INF 76mm, 1 MTR 82mm, 3 AT 45mm, 1 ART 76mm), 4 AFVs (Dug-In T-70 & 3x Dug-In T-34 M41). Edited February 13, 2020 by CTABKA
CTABKA Posted February 12, 2020 Author Report Posted February 12, 2020 (edited) CASUALTIES:FRIDAY 23 Oct (7 Turns + 5 Turns = 12 Turns)German Cas: 7 Ldr, 31 Sq-Eq, 8 SWs, 5 AFVs (one Recalled).Russian Cas: 8 Ldr, 53.5 Sq-Eq, 20 SWs, 4 Guns, 1 AFV.SATURDAY 24 Oct (5 Turns)German Cas: 6 Ldr, 18 Sq-eq, 6 SWs, 1 Gun, 3 AFVs (one Recalled).Russian Cas: 1 Ldr, 34 Sq-eq, 5 SWs, 4 Guns, 1 AFV.SUNDAY 25 Oct (6 Turns)German Cas: 4 Ldr, 18 Sq-eq, 9 SWs, 1 Gun, 2 AFVs.Russian Cas: 2 Ldr, 34.5 Sq-eq, 6 SWs, 3 Guns.Total Casualties 23-25 October (23 Turns)German Casualties: 17 Ldr, 67 Sq-eq, 23 SWs, 1 Gun, 10 AFVs (2 Recalled).Russian Casualties: 11 Ldr, 122 Sq-eq, 31 SWs, 11 Guns, 2 AFVs. Edited March 31, 2020 by CTABKA
CTABKA Posted March 8, 2020 Author Report Posted March 8, 2020 (edited) 26th October, Monday - Idle Day.27th October, Thuesday - German Assault, Overcast, Wet, no wind at start. German OB: ELR: 4, SAN: 2PURCHASED: 26th October: Sturm Coy - reserve (8 CPP), Rifle Coy - reserve (6 CPP).27th October: 2nd Line Croatian Coy - enter (5 CPP), Pak 38 Battery (3 CPP). OBA Arty 150+mm with one Pre-Reg Hex (7 CPP).German OB: 22 Ldr, 1 Veh crew,75.5 Sq-Eq (9.5 AE, 33.5 Elite, 8 Crews, 28.5 1st/2nd Line), 44 SWs (1 HMG, 6 MMG, 18 LMG, 3 Lt MTR, 3 ATR, 12 DC, 1 FT),7 Guns (3 PaK 38, 1 GrW 34, 2 INF 75mm, 1 INF 150mm), 2 AFVs: (1 StuG IIIG, 1 Pz IIIL). Russian OB: ELR: 3, SAN: 4PURCHASED: 26th October: Assault Engineers (reserve). Gds SMG Coy (reserve).27th October: Two Rifle Coy - reserve (8 CPP),T-34 M41 pltn Dug-In & HIP (3 CPP), OBA 80+mm with one Pre-reg Hex (2 CPP), Fortifications: Two Trenches (14 FPP), HIP 4 sq. 2 HS, 2 Crew, 3 Ldr (21 FPP), 5x ? (5 FPP). Russian OB: 22 Ldr (one Ldr creation).85 Sq-Eq (9 AE, 16.5 Elite, 15 Crews, 41.5 st Line, 10.5 Conscripts), 43 SWs (1 HMG, 5 MMG, 14 LMG, 7 Lt MTR, 6 ATR, 3 MOL-P, 5 DC, 2 FT),6 Guns (1 INF 76mm, 1 MTR 82mm, 3 AT 45mm, 1 ART 76mm), 7 AFVs (Dug-In T-70 & 6 Dug-In T-34 M41). AFTERMATH: The CG is in its final stage, after an idle day, the onslaught is brutal the North factory block falls in German hands although not without costly losses, in the large central factory block, the Germans call in heavy artillery that helps them to gain a foot hold in the stone building close to Martinovski, although after two fire missions, further Heavy artillery access is denied, and due to that the Russians manage to stabilize the defense. In the South factory block the Germans encounter to much resistance and only gain little terrain gains. All the105 Militia-worker-soldiers perished in the inferno. 6 Game TurnsGerman Casualties: 7 Ldr, 23 Sq-Eq, 9 SWs, 2 Guns, 2 AFVs (one Recall).Russian Casualties: 6 Ldr, 34 Sq-Eq, 17 SWs, 5 Guns, 3 AFVs. German OB, after 27th Oct Assault on Thuesday. 15 Ldr, 1 Veh crew,52.5 Sq-Eq (6 AE, 24.5 Elite, 7 Crews, 18.5 1st/2nd Line), 35 SWs (1 HMG, 6 MMG, 13 LMG, 2 Lt MTR, 3 ATR, 9 DC, 1 FT),5 Guns (1 PaK 38, 1 GrW 34, 2 INF 75mm, 1 INF 150mm). Russian OB, after 27th Oct Assault on Thuesday. 16 Ldr,51 Sq-Eq (7 AE, 6 Elite, 9 Crews, 33.5 st Line), 26 SWs (1 HMG, 3 MMG, 6 LMG, 5 Lt MTR, 4 ATR, 2 MOL-P, 4 DC, 1 FT),1 Gun (1 AT 45mm), 4 AFVs (Dug-In T-70 & 3 Dug-In T-34 M41). Edited March 31, 2020 by CTABKA 1
CTABKA Posted March 30, 2020 Author Report Posted March 30, 2020 (edited) 28th October, Wednesday - German Assault, Overcast, Moist, no wind at start. German OB: ELR: 4, SAN: 2PURCHASED: Pionieer Coy - on-map (17 CPP). German OB: 18 Ldr, 1 Veh crew,60.5 Sq-Eq (14 AE, 24.5 Elite, 7 Crews, 18.5 1st/2nd Line), 43 SWs (1 HMG, 6 MMG, 15 LMG, 2 Lt MTR, 3 ATR, 12 DC, 4 FT),5 Guns (1 PaK 38, 1 GrW 34, 2 INF 75mm, 1 INF 150mm). Russian OB: ELR: 3, SAN: 3PURCHASED: Gds SMG Coy (7+2 CPP). Militia Coy (4 CPP). INF Battery (4 CPP). Russian OB: 20 Ldr,76.5 Sq-Eq (7 AE, 15 Elite, 12 Crews, 33.5 st Line, 15 Conscripts), 27 SWs (1 HMG, 3 MMG, 6 LMG, 5 Lt MTR, 4 ATR, 2 MOL-P, 5 DC, 1 FT),4 Gun (1 AT 45mm, 3 INF 76mm), 4 AFVs (Dug-In T-70 & 3 Dug-In T-34 M41). AFTERMATH: The Battle starts with a fury as several Berserks appear on both sides, quite early the Russians can sense that the Germans are reeling back after some failed aggressive moves, much thanks to excellent gunnery by the Russian Infantry-Guns blasting at Point Blanck range and often with intensive fire . Three Human Waves are conducted, along the front line, the South HW fails and is gunned down by the Germans, whilethe Central HW and the HW in the Martinovski factory achieve their goal and push the German out of certain factory blocks. With only one CG scenario (29 Oct) left to attack and evict all Russians out of the factory complex., the German command decide not to attack the last CG Day granted by OKH, it is deemed an impossible task to acchieve (on 5-8 Turns) that goal, and no further attempts will historically be made until November.-The October battle for Red October factory complex is lost, the Russian victory is secured. A short summary report will be conducted to try to anylize what the Germans could have done better and the LHR will be reviewed. 6 Game TurnsGerman Casualties: 9 Ldr, 32.5 Sq-Eq, 16 SWs, 4 Guns.Russian Casualties: 7 Ldr, 44.5 Sq-Eq, 11 SWs, 2 Guns, 2 AFVs. German OB, at the end of 28th Oct, Wednesday. 9 Ldr,28 Sq-Eq (5 AE, 13 Elite, 5 Crews, 7.5 1st/2nd Line), 27 SWs (1 HMG, 4 MMG, 8 LMG, 2 Lt MTR, 3 ATR, 5 DC, 4 FT), 1 Gun (GrW 34). Russian OB, at the end of 28th Oct, Wednesday. 13 Ldr,35 Sq-Eq (3 AE, 7 Elite, 8 Crews, 13.5 st Line, 7.5 Conscripts), 16 SWs (2 MMG, 2 LMG, 3 Lt MTR, 3 ATR, 2 MOL-P, 4 DC),2 Gun (1 AT 45mm, 1 INF 76mm), 2 AFVs (2 Dug-In T-34 M41). Edited March 31, 2020 by CTABKA
carlsson Posted March 31, 2020 Report Posted March 31, 2020 Nu har nu ju lirat kampanjen/erna ett tag. Om man bortser från balansen, hur är spelupplevelsen? Är det roligt, eller kommer ni aldrig mer spel RO?
CTABKA Posted March 31, 2020 Author Report Posted March 31, 2020 (edited) Nu har nu ju lirat kampanjen/erna ett tag. Om man bortser från balansen, hur är spelupplevelsen? Är det roligt, eller kommer ni aldrig mer spel RO?Det är kul. Spela på en ny annorlunda karta är kul. fabrikerna är mer ihop klustrade, samt ny variant av Victory Conditions, etc etc Det som är dåligt är vissa ohistoriska design decision men dessa är borttagna med LHR och Martinovski husregeln fungerar bättre än vad vi kunde hoppas på för att simulera Motanfallen via den hemliga stora kulverten och fabrikens stora betongbro som löper ovan fabriksgolvet.Kortat ner kampanjen (ta bort 30-31 Oktober) gör kampanjen historisk och mer snabbspelad, dessutom ska 26 Oktober vara en Historisk vilo dag. det betyde att man spelar bara 7 Scenarior (ca 45 Turns istället för 62 Turns). Åtta hexrows har totalt tagits bort (48 hexes lång karta har kapats ner till 40 hexes) om du tittar på perimeter för Operation Hubertus så ser man att tysken antagligen inte anföll och/eller tog dessa kantområdena i alla fall inte oktober månad, dessutom när man beskär kartan , är det lättare att spela, vi har ett stort bord som knappt räcker till om man spelar med hela kartan. och man behöver inte sträcka sig lika mycket efter saker eller för att slå tärningar, och slutligen spar man allt mellan 20-40 min (givetvis spar ni ännu mer tid om ni spelar långsamt) för varje CG scenario man spelar utan dessa kartkanter. Kartkanterna ska självklart vara med när man spelar Operation Hubertus-Hunden RO 11-15 Nov. för då gäller andra VCs. Edited March 31, 2020 by CTABKA 1
CTABKA Posted July 5, 2022 Author Report Posted July 5, 2022 (edited) CASUALTIES:FRIDAY 23 Oct (7 Turns + 5 Turns = 12 Turns) German Cas: 7 Ldr, 31 Sq-Eq, 8 SWs, 5 AFVs (one Recalled). Russian Cas: 8 Ldr, 53.5 Sq-Eq, 20 SWs, 4 Guns, 1 AFV.SATURDAY 24 Oct (5 Turns) German Cas: 6 Ldr, 18 Sq-eq, 6 SWs, 1 Gun, 3 AFVs (one Recalled). Russian Cas: 1 Ldr, 34 Sq-eq, 5 SWs, 4 Guns, 1 AFV.SUNDAY 25 Oct (6 Turns) German Cas: 4 Ldr, 18 Sq-eq, 9 SWs, 1 Gun, 2 AFVs. Russian Cas: 2 Ldr, 34.5 Sq-eq, 6 SWs, 3 Guns. Monday 26 Oct Idle Day, THUESDAY 27 Oct (6 Turns) German Cas: 7 Ldr, 23 Sq-eq, 9 SWs, 2 Guns, 2 AFVs (one Recall). Russian Cas: 6 Ldr, 34 Sq-eq, 23 SWs, 5 Guns, 3 AFVs. THURSDAY 28 Oct (6 Turns) German Cas: 9 Ldr, 32.5 Sq-eq, 16 SWs, 4 Guns. Russian Cas: 7 Ldr, 44.5 Sq-eq, 11 SWs, 2 Guns, 2 AFVs. Total Casualties (35 Turns) German Casualties: 33 Ldr, 122.5 Sq-eq, 48 SWs, 7 Guns, 12 AFVs (3 Recalled). Russian Casualties: 24 Ldr, 200.5 Sq-eq, 65 SWs, 18 Guns, 7 AFVs. Edited March 31, 2020 by CTABKA Edited July 5, 2022 by CTABKA
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