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Skjuta sönder en Gun som inte är Possessed


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Går det förstöra en Unpossessed Gun med en CH från en 122L AT-kanon?


Enligt A9.74 så kan bara en Unpossessed Gun förstöras av OVR eller Indirect Fire.


Men C11.4 lämnar en del frågor, plötsligt så används termen "Unattended" och där verkar det som att en Gun kan förstöras av övrig eldgivning också...?


11.4 DIRECT HIT: Once a hit is secured (or in the case of OBA/DC attacks which do not need hits), the firer rolls on the IFT to determine the effects on the crew and Gun. If the Final DR (prior to any gunshield DRM) results in a KIA vs the Gun (after any necessary Random Selection), the Gun is considered to have taken a Direct Hit and is destroyed along with its manning Infantry. A K result is also considered a Direct Hit, although it does not actually strike the Gun; rather it causes the Gun to malfunction and causes Casualty Reduction to its manning Infantry [EXC: if AP was fired; 11.52]. Gunshield DRM never apply to a Direct Hit. If the IFT DR does not result in a Direct Hit, the hit is considered a Near Miss and the +2 DRM for any gunshield is applied (if applicable) to the same DR to determine the effect (if any) on the manning Infantry. Even unattended Guns must check for elimination. Gunshield modifiers are lowered by one to +1 vs all forms of Indirect Fire. A CH automatically destroys both the Gun and its manning Infantry.


Vad gäller?

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A9.74 RANDOM SW/GUN DESTRUCTION: When a Final KIA result occurs on the IFT [EXC: to determine Gun Destruction due to ordnance/bomb/DC/OBA; see C11.4-.52], make a dr on the same column of the IFT for each SW/Gun possessed by the unit(s) eliminated by that KIA. Indirect Fire and OVR attacks can also destroy unpossessed weapons in the target hex. A -1 drm applies to the SW Destruction dr if the KIA was due to a fully-tracked AFV OVR, but no DRM carries over from the original KIA resolution. If the Final dr is a KIA, that SW/Gun is eliminated; if it is a K, that SW/Gun is malfunctioned (or eliminated if already malfunctioned). An overrunning, fully-tracked AFV which ends its MPh in a target Location may check for Random SW Destruction of unlimbered, NM, and RFNM (C10.2-.26) Guns and abandoned weapons even if the OVR did not result in a KIA unless the weapon is in an entrenchment. A fully-tracked AFV may make an OVR attack vs a Location devoid of Personnel to automatically destroy any Gun/SW therein not in an entrenchment, but must pay normal OVR MP costs. See 11.13 for Random SW/Gun destruction occurring in CC.


Läs efter EXC i A9.74. Hänvisar till C11.4-.52 för Guns. Sedan C11.4 ...... Even unattended guns osv .

För CH'n enligt ovan crittas 122L'en bort. Vad krittade? En lousy lt mtr? Haha

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Det är en 122L Gun som skulle, medelst Area Fire, skjuta in sig på en hex där det stod en Unpossessed/Unattended 81 mm MTR...


All logik säger att den borde kunna eliminera vapen som inte hålls av någon, men vi hittade det inte trots att det stod mitt framför näsan. Det är dock olyckligt att reglerna plötsligt blandar in andra termer och delar upp det på det sättet som det är.


Tack för svaret i alla fall!

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