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Bo Siemsen

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Posts posted by Bo Siemsen

  1. Nice AAReports Bo

    I can still remember that nasty Chinese Stuart blasting Canister at (single DR) three Japanese units that were standing in three different hexes, not much standing for them after that.


    Here is a rule-exploration about that specific situation that we played wrong .

    The Chinese has two 5-3-7 squads and a Stuart standing in the palm tree hex.

    The Japanese have a Concealed leader and squad with DC in the dense jungle

    not adjacent.


    Now comes the error - I believed that a DC Placement only succeeds if made by a Good Order

    and not Pinned unit (maybe some can check up the 1st edition rules) anyhow we played that

    the placement attempt failed and the squad charged into the palm trees and in the APh

    he throws the DC instead.

    The rules tell us that a DC Placement also succeeds if it is made by a unit that becomes Berserk

    (A unit that is Berserk in the beginning of its MPh may never Place a DC).


    Hey Mel,

    thank you.


    That one canister was my one moment of glory in that scenario. The one time the japanese got what they deserved.


    Regardless how we played that DC placement/beserker-squad it would still have been the end of me in that scenario. I wasn't doing particularly well with my poor plan - but that one squad really killed my chances. We'll see if I can do better next time.



    Bo Siemsen

  2. Precis. Det kommer att komma en speciell ASO Tournament SSR (som jag har drivit igenom):


    "PTO Terrain is in effect in all scenarios and replace all counters for Japanese" :D:D:D


    ASO takker for det gode forslag.

    Vi vil bruge en del af denne SSR i vores Fortress Cassino Mini-tournament.


    "PTO Terrain is in effect in all scenarios"


    God fornøjelse :blink:



    venlig hilsen

    Bo Siemsen

  3. Schwerpunkt har ännu en gång lyckats skapa en liten oklarhet. "I Shelling the Sivash", RPT9, står det i Rumänsk setup:


    "...set up < 4hexes from 17Z7 or < 3 hexes from 17S6."


    Så, betyder det att endast EN av områdena får besättas, att Rumänerna måste välja vilken hex de ska vara samlade runt, eller kan de (men måste inte) välja båda?



    Hej grabber,


    Hvis i stadig er i tvivl om dette kan jeg fortælle at der vil være en ASO clarification på dette scenarie.

    "...set up < 4hexes from 17Z7 AND/OR < 3 hexes from 17S6."


    Altså, I kan sætte op i begge områder.



    venlig hilsen

    Bo Siemsen

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