CTABKA Posted June 10, 2021 Report Posted June 10, 2021 Leaflet House Rules Riley´s Road, CG Milk Factory (Operation Veritable) 1
CTABKA Posted December 28, 2021 Author Report Posted December 28, 2021 (edited) THE BATTLE OF THE REICHSWALD RILEY´S ROAD CG MILK FACTORY - OPERATION VERITABLE 19AM February, Monday morning - Canadian Assault. Overcast~when it rains it really pours (i.e., always heavy rain), Wet & Soft Ground (one additional MP per hexside to enter Plowed Fields), No wind at start. German at start OB: ELR: 3, SAN: 4 5 Ldr, 24 Sq-Eq (8x 228, 20x 548), 12 SWs (2 HMG, 2 MMG, 6 LMG, 2 PSK), 4 Guns (2x 88 LL PaK 43/41, 2x 88LL PaK 43), OBA 80+mm. Canadian at start OB: ELR: 3, SAN: 3 15 Ldr, 50 Sq-Eq (4x 228, 25x 458, 19x 457, 4x 447), 31 SWs (4 MMG, 12 LMG, 8 PIAT, 4 Lt MTR, 3 DC), 42 AFVs (4 Firefly, 12 Sherm, 3 MG Carrier, 3 WASP, 20 RAM Kangaroo), Two Retained OBA 70+mm & 100+mm. CREEPING BARRAGE: Each Creeping Barrage is only Corrected in the friendly PFPh and its Timing is never off (E12.72).After (not before) German setup the Canadian Player determines the Pre-Registered hex for each of his 3 Creeping Barrage 100+mm. AFTERMATH (8 Game Turns): The CanadiansTotal German Casualties 19 February: 5 Ldr, 24 Sq-Eq, 12 SWs, 4 Guns.Total Canadians Casualties 19 Februiary: 3 Ldr, 13 Sq-Eq, 4 SWs, 15 AFVs (4 Recalled), 20 Ram Kang. (16 Recall).Victory Conditions: 40 Location LVP gained by the Canadians, need 140 LVP to achieve Victory. Edited December 29, 2021 by CTABKA
CTABKA Posted December 28, 2021 Author Report Posted December 28, 2021 Operation Veritable: 19PM February, Monday Afternoon - Canadian Assault. Overcast, Wet & Soft Ground, No wind at start.AFTERMATH (7 Game Turns): The Canadians continue the "attack" on the afternoon with the aim to secure the area and gain control of the last 3 German controlled buildings, only a skirmish battle occurred during the day, the German lost 2 squads vs 1 Canadian squad lost (and got a Canadian Ldr Creation in CC), although to be fair the Canadians called down Lt Arty 70+mm upon them first to scare of any German reinforcements from entering. The Canadians also dugged many foxholes in several positions and their AFVs pushed Canadian-wrecks down into ditches. Note: one Canadian Ldr creation during CC.Total German Casualties 19 February: 5 Ldr, 26 Sq-Eq, 12 SWs, 4 Guns.Total Canadians Casualties 19 Februiary: 3 Ldr, 13 Sq-Eq, 4 SWs, 15 AFVs (4 Recalled), 20 Ram Kang. (16 Recall).Victory Conditions: 40 Location LVP gained by the Canadians, need 140 LVP to achieve Victory.Operation Veritable: 19 Night February - Idle CG date. Overcast, Wet & Soft Ground, No wind.Victory Conditions: 60 Location VP gained by the Canadians, need 140 Location VP to achieve Victory.
CTABKA Posted December 28, 2021 Author Report Posted December 28, 2021 Operation Veritable: 20AM February, Thuesday morning - German Assault. Overcast~when it rains it really pours, Wet & Very Heavy Mist. No wind at start. German Purchased (19PM, 19N, 20AM): 3 Para Inf Coy, 2 Pz Gr Coy, 2 Panther VG pltn Lehr , 1x Pz IVJ pltn Lehr, OBA 150+mm Hvy Arty, Fortifications (15 FPP). A20 Entry allowed from the West.German at start OB: ELR: 3, SAN: 3 15 Ldr, 48 Sq-Eq (30x 548, 18x 467), 18 SWs (15 LMG, 3 PSK), 15 AFVs (6x Panther, 3x Pz IVJ, 6x SPW 251/1), OBA Hvy Arty 150+mm Observer, Radio (3 FFE Misson).Canadian Purchased (19 PM, 19N, 20AM): 2 Inf Coy , Assault Eng Pltn, 3 AT Sect 57L, 1 AT Sect 76LL, SAN increase twice.Canadian at start OB: ELR: 3, SAN: 5 17 Ldr, 64 Sq-Eq (12x 228, 4.5x 458AE, 22.5x 458, 25.5x 457, 4.5x 447, 1x 436),40 SWs (4 MMG, 18 LMG, 4 Lt MTR, 5 DC, 9 PIAT), 8 Guns (6x AT 57L, 2x AT 76LL), 7 AFVs (6x Sherman~75, 1x WASP). OBA 100+mm with Radio (3 FFE Mission). AFTERMATH (6 Game Turns): A very heavy mist during the battle combined with very heavy rain had a profound effect during the battle. The Germans unleashed a vicious attack along the west edge and swiftly took control of the buildings and the barn, lost a Panther in the area to a Canadian-captured Pak 88LL that knocked it out, the German attack continued into the woods supported by heavy artillery that crushed Canadian position in the south part of the woods. Meanwhile, in the East portion of the map the German attacked stalled due to the Canadian 100mm artillery that blasted fields and the barn just in time to prevent the Germans from gaining control of the buildings around the crossroad. Along the south edge the Germans only probed the Canadian defense line and dugged foxholes under fire from Candians already dugged in along the crest line and from buildings.Canadians Casualties: 2 Ldr, 22 Sq-Eq, 7 SWs, 2 Guns, 2 AFVs (1 Recalled).German Casualties: 2 Ldr, 15 Sq-Eq, 2 SWs, 6 AFVs (1 Recalled).Canadian OB, after CG scenario 20AM Thuesday Morning. 15 Ldr, 42 Sq-Eq (10x 228, 2.5x 458 AE, 19.5x 458, 11x 457, 4x 447), 33 SWs (4 MMG, 16 LMG, 3 Lt MTR, 3 DC, 7 PIAT), 6 Guns (4x AT 57L, 2x AT 76LL). 5 AFVs (4x Sherman~75, 1x WASP).German OB, after CG scenario 20AM Thuesday Morning. 13 Ldr, 33 Sq-Eq (17x 548, 2.5x 468, 9.5x 467, 4x 447), 16 SWs (13 LMG, 3 PSK),1 Recaptured Pak 41/43 88LL, 9 AFVs (5x Panther, 2x Pz IVJ, 2x SPW 251/1),Victory Conditions: 78 Location VP gained by the Canadians, need 140 Location VP to achieve Victory.
CTABKA Posted December 28, 2021 Author Report Posted December 28, 2021 Operation Veritable: 20PM February, Thuesday afternoon - German Assault. Overcast~when it rains it really pours, Moist. No wind at start. German Purchased 20PM: Para Inf Coy, Pak40 Sect, PaK43 Sect, SAN increase, Fortifications (15 FPP), Jagdpanthe pltn Lehr. German at start OB: ELR: 3, SAN: 3 15 Ldr, 45 Sq-Eq (4x 228, 27x 548, 2.5x 468, 9.5x 467, 4x 447), 20 SWs (16 LMG, 4 PSK), 1 Recaptured Pak41/43 88LL, 2x PaK43 88LL, 2x PaK40 75L, 11 AFVs (2x Jagdpanther, 5x Panther, 2x Pz IVJ, 2x SPW 251/1), Canadian Purchased 20PM: AT Sect 76LL, SAN Increase, Fortifications (15 FPP), Tank Pltn, OBA 70+mm Btln MTR, OBA 100+mm Med Arty (HE) with one Pre-Reg Hex Canadian at start OB: ELR: 3, SAN: 4 15 Ldr, 43 Sq-Eq (12x 228, 2.5x 458 AE, 19.5x 458, 11x 457, 4x 447), 33 SWs (4 MMG, 16 LMG, 3 Lt MTR, 3 DC, 7 PIAT), 8 Guns (4x AT 57L, 4x AT 76LL). 9 AFVs (7x Sherman~75, 1x Firefly~76LL,1x WASP). OBA 100+mm with Fieldphone and Pre-Reg Hex (4 FFE Mission), OBA 70+mm (3 FFE Mission). AFTERMATH (6 Game Turns): The battle started with two Canadian artillery modules starting indirect harrassing fire at German positions in the woods both at known and out of sight positions. The Germans started to crumble by the airbursts and routed/retreated, now the artillery modules were called off, as the Canadians started to sweep part of the woods after their enemy, hand-to-hand fighting erupted throughout the battle in the woods. In the central sector the Germans had brougt forward a pair of PaK guns that blasted and eliminated and forced the Canadians to flee from the crest line and buildings with the Germans in pursuit that halted as several Shermans opened fire and covered the Canadian footsoldiers retreat, but at a heavy price as they fell prey to panzerfaust and Panzerschrecks and a Panther that helped out with setting them ablaze. In the East sector, the going went bad fast for the Germans as a Jagdpanther was knocked out by an AT 76LL gun, and the other Jagdpanther were immobilized by a Lt MTR, a Panther stopped behind it to prevent lurking Shermans nearby to engage the turretless-immobilized-Jagdpanther. The German attacking footsoldiers were repulsed by an aggressive WASP and two Canadian heroes that convinced the other retreating Canadian soldiers to counter-attack, although the building on the hill was re-gained it came with a cost as the WASP among others fell victim mostly to Panther fire that at first had been smoked in, but smoke do not eliminate Panthers. Canadians Casualties: 6 Ldr, 12 Sq-Eq, 8 SWs, 1 Gun, 7 AFVs. German Casualties: 5 Ldr, 14 Sq-Eq, 6 SWs, 2 Guns (includes recaptured), 2 AFVs. Canadian OB, after CG scenario 20PM Thuesday Afternoon. 10 Ldr (one Ldr creation), 31 Sq-Eq (10x 228, 2x 458 AE, 13.5x 458, 6x 457, 4.5x 447), 25 SWs (3 MMG, 12 LMG, 2 Lt MTR, 1 DC, 7 PIAT), 7 Guns (3x AT 57L, 4x AT 76LL). 2 AFVs (2x Sherman~75). German OB, after CG scenario 20PM Thuesday Afternoon. 10 Ldr, 31 Sq-Eq (3x 228, 17x 548, 2x 468, 4.5x 467, 6x 447), 14 SWs (11 LMG, 3 PSK), 3 Guns (2x Pak43 88LL, 1x PaK40 75L), 9 AFVs (1x Jagdpanther, 5x Panther, 2x Pz IVJ, 1x SPW 251/1), Victory Conditions: 91 Location VP gained by the Canadians, need 140 Location VP to achieve Victory. Operation Veritable: 20 Night February - Idle CG date. Overcast, Moist. Victory Conditions: 104 Location VP gained by the Canadians, need 140 Location VP to achieve Victory.
CTABKA Posted December 28, 2021 Author Report Posted December 28, 2021 Operation Veritable: 21AM February, Wednesday morning - German Assault.Clear, Moist. No wind at start. Riley's Road LHR used.German Purchased 20N & 21AM: A20 Entry, MG pltn on-map, PzGr Coy Lehr, Panther pltn Lehr, 2x FlaKvierling Pltn, Fortifications (30FPP),SAN increase twice. OBA Hvy MTR 120mm with Pre-Reg Hex.German at start OB: ELR: 3, SAN: 4 13 Ldr, 43 Sq-Eq (7x 228, 17x 548, 12x 468, 4.5x 467, 6x 447), 21 SWs (2 HMG, 2 MMG, 14 LMG, 3 PSK), 3 Guns (2x Pak43 88LL, 1x PaK40 75L), 20 AFVs (1x Jagdpanther, 8x Panther, 2xPz IVJ, 4x FlaKPz IV/20, 5x SPW 251/1), OBA 120+mm with Pre-Reg Hex.Canadian Purchased 20N & 21AM: 2x Inf pltn Replacement, Inf Coy, AT 57L Sect, Fortifications (15FPP), Typhoon (FB), Two Med Arty 100+mm one Pre-Reg Hex.Canadian at start OB: ELR: 3, SAN: 413 Ldr, 48 Sq-Eq (12x 228, 2x 458 AE, 18.5x 458, 17x 457, 4.5x 447), 30 SWs (3 MMG, 15 LMG, 3 Lt MTR, DC, 8 PIAT), 9 Guns (5x AT 57L, 4x AT 76LL). 2 AFVs (2x Sherman~75), 2x FB Typhoon, Two Med Arty 100+mm one with Pre-Reg Hex.AFTERMATH (6 Game Turns): The battle over the hill alongside Goch-Kalkar road is furious, the losses are staggering. What happended, the Germans made a clean sweep of the hill, after intense struggle. The Germans cleared out the Woods after pounding the British position with 120+mm Hvy Mortar artillery. Despite the British hammer of two 100+mm artillery that hammered the German attack on the hill of the central sector they were too many and several panzer in support, and the Brithish that refused to retreat were pulvirized. The German drove on hard north of the woods with a handful of Panthers leading the charge and quickly knocked out two Shermans with Riders, but lost three Panthers by British AT 76 longbarrel guns, that was supposed to cover the Shermans going to reinforce the hill battle (they were not used as baits). At the end of the battle the German have ripped large gaps in the Canadian defence line and only the timely arrival of two Typhoon Fighter Bombers that Strafed and kills 30 Germans soldiers and set the footsoldiers into panic mode and turned others into mud-crawlers, saved the day. The first day with clear weather and the weather forecast is more clear weather and air support.Canadians Casualties: 8 Ldr, 29 Sq-Eq, 18 Sws, 4 Guns, 2 AFVs.German Casualties: 3 Ldr, 13.5 Sq-Eq, 6 Sws, 1 Gun, 12 AFVs (5 Recalled / the British sniper recalled 3 of them).Canadian OB, after CG scenario 21AM Wednesday Morning. 5 Ldr, 19 Sq-Eq (6x 228, 0.5x 248 AE, 7.5x 458, 7x 457, 1x 447), 12 SWs (MMG, 7 LMG, Lt MTR, 3 PIAT), 5 Guns (2x AT 57L, 3x AT 76LL). SAN: 3.German OB, after CG scenario 21AM Wednesday Morning.10 Ldr, 29.5 Sq-Eq (6x 228, 10x 548, 8.5x 468, 2.5x 467, 4.5x 447, 1x 436), 15 SWs (HMG, 2 MMG, 9 LMG, 3 PSK), SAN: 2.2 Guns (1x Pak43 88LL, 1x PaK40 75L), 8 AFVs (4x Panther, 2x Pz IVJ, 1x FlaKPz IV/20, 1x SPW 251/1).Victory Conditions: 112 Location VP gained by the Canadians, need 140 Location VP to achieve Victory.
CTABKA Posted December 28, 2021 Author Report Posted December 28, 2021 Operation Veritable: 21PM February, Wednesday afternoon - German Assault. Clear, Moist. No wind at start. German Purchased 21PM: PzGr Coy, PaK40 sect, Fortifications (15FPP). German at start OB: ELR: 3, SAN: 2 13 Ldr, 40.5 Sq-Eq (8x 228, 10x 548, 8.5x 468, 12.5x 467, 4.5x 447, 1x 436), 18 SWs (HMG, 2 MMG, 12 LMG, 3 PSK), 4 Guns (1x Pak43 88LL, 3x PaK40 75L), 11 AFVs (4x Panther, 2x Pz IVJ, 1x FlaKPz IV/20, 4x SPW 251/1). Canadian Purchased 21PM: MG pltn (on-map), AT 76LL Sect, Fortifications (15FPP), Typhoon (FB), Med Arty 100+mm OBA, Btln MTR 70+mm OBA. SAN increase. Canadian at start OB: ELR: 3, SAN: 4 5 Ldr, 22 Sq-Eq (12x 228, 0.5x 248 AE, 7.5x 458, 7x 457, 1x 447), 16 SWs (5 MMG, 7 LMG, Lt MTR, 3 PIAT), 7 Guns (2x AT 57L, 5x AT 76LL). AFTERMATH (7 Game Turns): The German attack continued on the afternoon, after having brought forward reinforcements and more guns to the crest line overlooking the Goch-Kalkar road. The British co-ordinated artillery attack after artillery attack, desperatly trying to fend off the German attack. The German concentrated its effforts primarly east of the Milk Factory and succeded to vipe out most of the Candian units in that sector, but the German took substantial losses in both tanks and men crossing the relative open terrain vs stiff defenders with both artillery- and air-support. Along the other non-east frontline the German conducted probing attacks, suppressed the Canadians defenders and slowly captured a canadian position after another, then the evening with the february winterdarkness arrived without any ground snow to light up the terrain, cease fire was next, then evacuated the wounded, rest after soup, replenishment and more reinforcements were called for. Canadians Casualties: 1 Ldr, 10.5 Sq-Eq, 5 SWs, 3 Guns. German Casualties: 3 Ldr, 16 Sq-Eq, 4 Sws, 2 Guns, 7 AFVs (1 Recalled). Canadian OB, after CG scenario 21PM Wednesday afternoon. 4 Ldr, 11.5 Sq-Eq (9x 228, 3.5x 458, 3.5x 457), 11 SWs (4 MMG, 5 LMG, Lt MTR, PIAT), 4 Guns (4x AT 76LL). SAN: 4. German OB, after CG scenario 21PM Wednesday afternoon. 10 Ldr, 24.5 Sq-Eq (7x 228, 5x 548, 3x 468, 6.5x 467, 3.5x 447, 3x 436), 14 SWs (HMG, 2 MMG, 9 LMG, 2 PSK), SAN: 2. 2 Guns (1x Pak43 88LL, 1x PaK40 75L), 4 AFVs (2x Panther, 2x Pz IVJ). Victory Conditions: 118 Location VP gained by the Canadians, need 140 Location VP to achieve Victory. Operation Veritable: 21 Night February - Idle CG date. Victory Conditions: 124 Location VP gained by the Canadians, need 140 Location VP to achieve Victory.
CTABKA Posted December 28, 2021 Author Report Posted December 28, 2021 Operation Veritable: Interlude AM (22-25 February, Thursday-Sunday) Morning - German Assault.Clear, Moist. No wind at start. Riley's Road LHR used. German Purchased 21N & Interlude AM: PzGr Coy Lehr, PaK43 sect, OBA Hvy Arty with Pre-Reg Hex 150+mm. German at start OB: ELR: 3, SAN: 2 13 Ldr, 35.5 Sq-Eq (9x 228, 5x 548, 13x 468, 6.5x 467, 3.5x 447, 3x 436), 17 SWs (HMG, 2 MMG, 12 LMG, 2 PSK),4 Guns (3x Pak43 88LL, 1x PaK40 75L), 8 AFVs (2x Panther, 2x Pz IVJ. 4x SPW 251/1).Canadian Purchased 21N & Interlude AM: MG pltn, Two AT 57L sect, Carrier Pltn, Two OBA Hvy MTR each with a Pre-Reg Hex, Typhoon (FB), Fortifications (75 FPP). Canadian at start OB: ELR: 3, SAN: 4 4 Ldr, 15.5 Sq-Eq (17x 228, 3.5x 458, 3.5x 457), 15 SWs (8 MMG, 5 LMG, Lt MTR, PIAT), 8 Guns (4x AT 76LL, 4x AT 57LL). AFTERMATH (7 Game Turns): The battle continue into the final stages. The German command, launched their fifth counterattack in the morning and started to pound the Milk Factory area with heavy artillery. The German attack across mostly open terrain with the support of hvy artillery still suffered severe losses due to fighterbombers that knocked out panzer and infantry, while British arillery that broke up attack wave after another and they discovered that the canadians have fortified all buildings during the night mostly with heaps of sandbags brought forward and placed at every window, doorway and the factory-gates. Suddenly the fortied building east of the factory got struck my a direct hit in the cellar and rubbled the building hex and killed all inside it and destroyed all weapons and one of the British artillery observers, the smoking heap of rubble was captured before the cease fire occured and the Panzer Lehr units withdrew. The Germans will now make its last and sixth counterattack in the afternoon (Interlude PM scenario). The British have called in its last coy from the reserves, since only 45 men supported by two Wasps are in the front line. Canadians Casualties: 3 Ldr, 11 Sq-Eq, 8 Sws, 4 Guns, 4 AFVs.German Casualties: 5 Ldr, 17 Sq-Eq, 1 SWs, 2 Guns, 6 AFVs (one Recall).Canadian OB, after CG scenario Interlude AM.2 Ldr (one Ldr cr), 4.5 Sq-Eq (4x 228, 1x 458, 1.5x 457), 7 SWs (2 MMG, 3 LMG, Lt MTR, PIAT), 4 Guns (2x AT 76LL, 2x AT 57LL), 2 AFVs (2x Wasp).German OB, after CG scenario Interlude AM. 8 Ldr, 18.5 Sq-Eq (4x 228, 3x 548, 7x 468, 2.5x 467, 4x 447), 16 SWs (HMG, 2 MMG, 12 LMG, PSK), 2 Guns (2x Pak43 88LL), 2 AFVs (Panther, Pz IVJ).Victory Conditions: 129 Location VP gained by the Canadians, need 140 Location VP to achieve Victory.
CTABKA Posted December 28, 2021 Author Report Posted December 28, 2021 Operation Veritable: Interlude PM (22-25 February, Thursday-Sunday) Afternoon - German Assault.Clear, Moist. No wind at start. Riley's Road LHR used. German Purchased Interlude PM: PzGr Coy Lehr. German at start OB: ELR: 3, SAN: 2 10 Ldr, 28.5 Sq-Eq (4x 228, 3x 548, 17x 468, 2.5x 467, 4x 447), 19 SWs (HMG, 2 MMG, 15 LMG, PSK), 2 Guns (2x Pak43 88LL), 6 AFVs (Panther, Pz IVJ, 4x SPW 251/1). Canadian Purchased Interlude PM: Inf Coy, RAM Kangaroo sect, Two OBA Med Arty & Hvy Arty each with a Pre-Reg Hex, Typhoon (FB), Fortifications. Canadian at start OB: ELR: 3, SAN: 4 5 Ldr, 14.5 Sq-Eq (4x 228, 6x 458, 6.5x 457), 11 SWs (2 MMG, 6 LMG, 2 Lt MTR, PIAT), 4 Guns (2x AT 76LL, 2x AT 57LL), 2 AFVs (2x Wasp).AFTERMATH (7 Game Turns): The battle continue into the final stages. The German command, launched its sixth and last counterattack in the afternoon, they manage to gain a foothoold in the Milk factory. The Canadians failure to keep them out, was mostly due to denial of Battery Access of the OBA with a pre-reg hex of the German position in the rubbled building next to the factory - 1st battery access attempt 9 Black & 2 Red, then 2nd battery access attempt 9 Black & 1 Red. Now the Canadians must counterattack in the morning 26th February. Canadians Casualties: 4 Ldr, 10.5 Sq-Eq, 5 Sws, 1 Gun, 2 AFVs.German Casualties: 2 Ldr, 7.5 Sq-Eq, 4 SWs, 5 AFVs (one Recall).Canadian OB, after CG scenario Interlude PM.1 Ldr, 4 Sq-Eq (2x 228, 1x 458, 2x 457), 7 SWs (2 MMG, 3 LMG, 2 Lt MTR), 3 Guns (1x AT 76LL, 2x AT 57LL).German OB, after CG scenario Interlude PM. 8 Ldr, 21 Sq-Eq (1x 228, 2x 548, 16x 468, 1x 467, 1.5x 447), 15 SWs (HMG, 2 MMG, 12 LMG), 2 Guns (2x Pak43 88LL), 1 AFV (Pz IVJ).Victory Conditions: 132 Location VP gained by the Canadians, need 140 Location VP to achieve Victory. Operation Veritable: Interlude Night February - Idle CG date. Victory Conditions: 135 Location VP gained by the Canadians, need 140 Location VP to achieve Victory.
Fiedler Posted December 29, 2021 Report Posted December 29, 2021 Ser episkt ut, intressant. Vilka är det som spelar (tror dock jag könner igen Melvins hand på en av bilderna😃) och vem har vilken sida?
CTABKA Posted March 19, 2023 Author Report Posted March 19, 2023 (edited) Operation Veritable - Leaflet House rules LHR 2021 Riley´s Road Operation Veritable.pdf Edited March 19, 2023 by CTABKA See LHR 20 WASP
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