CTABKA Posted July 4, 2020 Report Posted July 4, 2020 (edited) RED OCTOBER CG I X-TAG (23-29 October) MartinovskiLeaflet House Rules see link: http://forum.aslswed...?showtopic=3743 23rd October, Friday Morning - German Assault (1st phase), Clear, Moderate, no wind at start.German at start OB: ELR: 4, SAN: 3 OBA 100+mm with two Pre-Reg Hex & Offb'd Observer, OBA 100+mmm & Spotter Plane (5 CPP),Assault Engineers Coy, Two Rifle Coy, Three Sturm Coy (one Coy purchased 9 CPP),StuG IIIB pltn, StuG IIIG pltn, Pz IIIH pltn (3 CPP), STUKA (1 CPP). Total German OB: 9 AFVs (3 StuG IIIB, 3 StuG IIIG, 3 Pz IIIH).17 Leaders, 68 Sq-Eq (8x 838 AE, 36x 548 E, 24x 467 1st Line),33 SWs (5 MMG, 12 LMG, 2 Lt MTR, 2 ATR, 3 FT, 9 DC) Russian at start OB: ELR: 3, SAN: 4 6 WIRE, 4x 6 A-P Minefields, HIP 6 squads, 27x ?. 4 Guns & 4 Crews.2 Gds Rifle Coy, Gds SMG Coy, Militia Coy (start as Broken Units in factories), Hvy Weapon Pltn, 2 Rifle Coy-Reserve (8 CPP), 2 OBA Btln MTR 80+mm (2 CPP), Total Russian OB: 6 Guns (2 INF 76mm, 2 AT 45mm, 2 MTR 82mm),10 Leaders (2 Ldr creation), 77 Sq-Eq (24x 458 E, 9x 628 E, 10x 228 Crews, 24x 447 1st Line, 15x 426 C).31 SWs (2 HMG, 6 MMG, 10 LMG, 6 Lt MTR, 6 ATR, 1 DC), AFTERMATH (7 Game Turns): Bigly surprise attack, unleashed by the Wehrmacht in the early morning, the assault is relentless and supported by two German 100mm artillery modules that pound the Russians. The Russian defense is pushed backed and is unable to hold their South flank that is ripped up and the German attack sweep out the Russians from three factories and also gets footholds in two other factories before the morning assault is halted at lunch time. Resting and planning for the second phase of the battle that will be launched in the afternoon, in the meantime both sides bring in reinforcementsGerman Casualties: 8 Ldr, 24 Sq-Eq, 2 SWs, 3 AFVs (two Recalled).Russian Casualties: 3 Ldr, 40 Sq-Eq, 15 SWs, 2 Guns. German OB, after 23rd Oct Friday Morning Assault. 9 Ldr, 44 Sq-Eq (7 AE, 23.5 Elite, 13.5 1st/2nd Line),31 SWs (5 MMG, 12 LMG, 2 Lt MTR, 2 ATR, 8 DC, 2 FT), 6 AFVs: (2 StuG IIIB, 1 StuG IIIG, 3 Pz IIIH). Russian OB, after 23rd Oct Friday Morning Assault. 7 Ldr, 37 Sq-Eq (12.5 Elite, 8 Crews, 8.5 1st Line, 12 Conscripts),16 SWs (2 HMG, 4 LMG, 5 Lt MTR, 4 ATR, 1 DC), 4 Guns (1 INF 76mm, 1 MTR 82mm, 2 AT 45mm). Edited September 7, 2020 by CTABKA 1
CTABKA Posted July 8, 2020 Author Report Posted July 8, 2020 (edited) 23rd October, Friday Afternoon - German Assault (2nd phase), Overcast, Moist, No wind at start.German reinforcements: ELR: 4, SAN: 4 2nd Line "Croatian" Coy (5 CPP),INF Gun Battery (4 CPP), PaK 40 Battery (4 CPP), OBA Btln MTR 80+mm (2 CPP), SAN increase (1CPP),German OB:12 Leaders, 59.5 Sq-Eq (7 AE, 23.5 Elite, 7 Crews, 25.5 1st/2nd Line),35 SWs (5 MMG, 14 LMG, 3 Lt MTR, 3 ATR, 8 DC, 2 FT), 6 AFVs (2 StuG IIIB, 1 StuG IIIG, 3 Pz IIIH),7 Guns (3 INF 75mm, 1 INF 150mm, 3 PaK 40). Russian reinforcements: ELR: 3, SAN: 3 Rifle Coy-Reserve (4 CPP), Militia Coy (4 CPP),T-60 M42 pltn Dug-In & HIP (2 CPP), T-70 pltn Dug-In & HIP (2 CPP), T-34 M41 pltn Dug-In & HIP (3 CPP),OBA Lt Arty 70+mm (1 CPP), Fortifications: HIP 6 squads (18 FPP), 22 ? (22 FPP).Russian OB:11 Leaders (one Ldr Creation), 64 Sq-Eq (12.5 Elite, 8 Crews, 20.5 1st Line, 27 Conscripts),24 SWs (2 HMG, 1 MMG, 9 LMG, 6 Lt MTR, 5 ATR, 1 DC), 4 Guns (1 INF 76mm, 1 MTR 82mm, 2 AT 45mm).9 AFVs (all Dug-In & HIP, 3 T-60 M42, 3 T-70, 3 T-34 M41). AFTERMATH (7 Game Turns): The Bigly surprise attack, unleashed in the morning continues in the afternoon, the Russian armed Militia is thrown into the line and suffer the most casualties during the day, the Germans encounter 7 hidden Dug-In tanks during the battle and destroys six of them. On the first day (14 Turns) of the battle the German have captured 6 factories of the 12 factories in the Red October district and also with a strong foothold in the largest central factory. During the night both sides rest and refit, and 24 October will be a close quarter battle as the frontlines are very close to each other in the tightly clustered factory complex.German Casualties: 2 Ldr, 16.5 Sq-Eq, 4 SWs, 2 AFVs.Russian Casualties: 4 Ldr, 17.5 Sq-Eq, 1 SW, 1 Gun, 6 AFVs. German OB, after 23rd Oct Friday Afternoon Assault. 10 Ldr, (Retained) OBA Btln MTR 80+mm.43 Sq-Eq (5 AE, 15.5 Elite, 7 Crews, 19 1st/2nd Line), 29 SWs (5 MMG, 11 LMG, 2 ATR, 2 Lt MTR, 7 DC, 2 FT),7 Guns (3 INF 75mm, 1 INF 150mm, 3 PaK 40), 4 AFVs (1 StuG IIIG, 3 Pz IIIH). Russian OB, after 23rd Oct Friday Afternoon Assault. 7 Ldr,46.5 Sq-Eq (11 Elite, 7 Crews, 16.5 1st Line, 15.5 Conscripts), 23 SWs (2 HMG, 1 MMG, 8 LMG, 5 ATR, 6 Lt MTR, 1 DC),3 Guns (1 MTR 82mm, 2 AT 45mm), 3 AFVs (all Dug-In T-70, T-60 M42, T-34 M41). Total Casualties on Friday 23rd October (14 Turns):German Casualties: 10 Ldr, 40.5 Sq-Eq, 6 SWs, 5 AFVs (two Recalled).Russian Casualties: 7 Ldr, 57.5 Sq-Eq, 16 SWs, 3 Guns, 6 AFVs. Edited September 7, 2020 by CTABKA
CTABKA Posted July 22, 2020 Author Report Posted July 22, 2020 (edited) 24th October, Saturday - German Assault, Overcast, Moist, No wind at start.German reinforcements: ELR: 4, SAN: 5 Assault Engineers Coy (on-map 17 CPP), SAN increase (1CPP),German OB:14 Ldr (one Ldr Creation), 51 Sq-Eq (13 AE, 15.5 Elite, 7 Crews, 19 1st/2nd Line), 4 AFVs (1 StuG IIIG, 3 Pz IIIH), 37 SWs (5 MMG, 13 LMG, 2 ATR, 2 Lt MTR, 10 DC, 5 FT).7 Guns (3 INF 75mm, 1 INF 150mm, 3 PaK 40). (Retained) OBA Btln MTR 80+mm.Russian reinforcements: ELR: 3, SAN: 3 Rifle Coy-Reserve (4 CPP), Militia Coy (4 CPP), ART Battery (5 CPP),OBA Two 80+mm Btln MTR, each with a Pre-Reg Hex (4 CPP), Fortifications: HIP 6 squads & 2 Ldr (20 FPP), 20x ?.Russian OB:12 Ldr (two Ldr creation), 75.5 Sq-Eq (11 Elite, 11 Crews, 28.5 1st Line, 30.5 Conscripts),3 AFVs Dug-In (T-70, T-60 M42, T-34 M41). 28 SWs (2 HMG, 2 MMG, 10 LMG, 6 ATR, 7 Lt MTR, 1 DC),7 Guns (1 MTR 82mm, 2 AT 45mm, 3 ART 76mm).AFTERMATH (6 Game Turns): The attack resume the next day, the German thrusts is aimed at the factory in the south sector but fails due to Russian artillery and vicious Close combats that turns bad for the Germans. In the central factory area the Germans grind their way forward in a gruesome manner and the Russians keep throwing troops in front of the Germans to feed the monster and throw counter-attacks at them to throw them off balance to stall their advance, but still the Russians lost control of 20 Factory hexes. In the North sector the Batte front were rather calm.German Casualties: 3 Ldr, 17.5 Sq-Eq, 8 SWs, 2 Guns, 2 AFVs (one Recall).Russian Casualties: 1 Ldr, 25 Sq-Eq, 3 SWs, 1 Gun, 1 AFV.German OB, after 24th Oct Saturday [sAN: 4] 11 Ldr, 33.5 Sq-Eq (9 AE, 10 Elite, 6 Crews, 11.5 1st/2nd Line), 29 SWs (4 MMG, 10 LMG, 2 ATR, 2 Lt MTR, 9 DC, 2 FT),5 Guns (2 INF 75mm, 3 PaK 40), 2 AFVs (2 Pz IIIH).Russian OB, after 24th Oct Saturday [sAN: 3] 11 Ldr,50.5 Sq-Eq (7 Elite, 7 Crews, 29.5 1st Line, 10.5 Conscripts), 25 SWs (2 HMG, 2 MMG, 8 LMG, 6 ATR, 7 Lt MTR),6 Guns (1 MTR 82mm, 2 AT 45mm, 3 ART 76mm), 2 AFVs Dug-In & HIP (T-70, T-60 M42). Total Casualties 23rd-24th October (20 Turns):German Casualties: 13 Ldr, 58 Sq-Eq, 14 SWs, 2 Guns, 7 AFVs (three Recalled).Russian Casualties: 8 Ldr, 82.5 Sq-Eq, 19 SWs, 4 Guns, 7 AFVs. Edited September 7, 2020 by CTABKA
CTABKA Posted August 11, 2020 Author Report Posted August 11, 2020 (edited) 25th October, Sunday - German Assault, Overcast, Wet, No wind at start.German reinforcements: ELR: 4, SAN: 4 Sturm Coy (9 CPP), Pz IIIL pltn (4 CPP), INF Battery (4 CPP).German OB:14 Ldr, 47.5 Sq-Eq (9 AE, 22 Elite, 10 Crews, 11.5 1st/2nd Line), 34 SWs (5 MMG, 12 LMG, 2 ATR, 2 Lt MTR, 11 DC, 2 FT),9 Guns (5x INF 75mm, 1x INF 150mm, 3x PaK 40), 5 AFVs (2x Pz IIIH, 3x Pz IIIL). Russian reinforcements: ELR: 3, SAN: 3 Gds Rifle Coy (9 CPP), Militia Coy (4 CPP),OBA 80+mm Btln MTR (1 CPP), Fortifications (1 CPP): HIP 7 squads & 19x ?. Russian OB:14 Ldr, 77.5 Sq-Eq (19 Elite, 7 Crews, 29.5 1st Line, 25.5 Conscripts), 33 SWs (2 HMG, 3 MMG, 11 LMG, 8 ATR, 9 Lt MTR),6 Guns (1 MTR 82mm, 2 AT 45mm, 3 ART 76mm), 2 AFVs Dug-In & HIP (T-70, T-60 M42).AFTERMATH (6 Game Turns): The German attack continues, despite the Ruusian attempt to hold the line, it is impossible, when too many German guns brought to the front line during the night, starts to blast at point blank range at Russians that tries to fight back. The Russians lost control of a handful of stone buildings north of Martinovski. In the large factory complex the Germans grind their way forward and force the Russians to slowly retreat, but from time to time the Russians lash out like a wounded animal and counterattack, often with conscripts in an attempt to preserve their trained soldiers for the final stand, when they will be needed.German Casualties: 2 Ldr, 11 Sq-Eq, 7 SWs, 2 Guns, 1 AFV.Russian Casualties: 1 Ldr, 26 Sq-Eq, 6 SWs, 1 Gun.German OB, after 25th Oct Sunday [sAN: 4] 12 Ldr, 36.5 Sq-Eq (7 AE, 16.5 Elite, 10 Crews, 8 1st/2nd Line), 27 SWs (4 MMG, 8 LMG, 2 ATR, 2 Lt MTR, 10 DC, 1 FT),7 Guns (3x INF 75mm, 1x INF 150mm, 3x PaK 40), 4 AFVs (1 Pz IIIH, 3 Pz IIIL). Russian OB, after 25th Oct Sunday [sAN: 3] 13 Ldr, Retained OBA 80+mm Btln MTR.51.5 Sq-Eq (16 Elite, 7 Crews, 23 1st Line, 9 Conscripts), 27 SWs (2 HMG, 2 MMG, 8 LMG, 7 ATR, 8 Lt MTR),5 Guns (1x MTR 82mm, 1x AT 45mm, 3x ART 76mm), 2 AFVs Dug-In & HIP (T-70, T-60 M42). Total Casualties 23rd-25th October (26 Turns):German Casualties: 15 Ldr, 69 Sq-Eq, 21 SWs, 4 Guns, 8 AFVs (three Recalled).Russian Casualties: 9 Ldr, 108.5 Sq-Eq, 25 SWs, 5 Guns, 7 AFVs. Edited September 7, 2020 by CTABKA 1
CTABKA Posted September 2, 2020 Author Report Posted September 2, 2020 (edited) 26th October, Monday - Idle Day, Overcast, Wet, with a Mild Breeze at start - AFTERMATH (No Game Turns): The Germans are exchausted after taken 8 factories in brutal close quarter, they take the initiative to go idle and bring in fresh reinforcements, including a second Croatian Infantry Coy, for the final push to clear out Martinovski and the other 3 factories nearby. The Russians have no offensive plans and beg headquarter for reinforcemets, for the onslaught tomorrow, reports indicates that the Germans have been shifting forces and brought in 2 new Companies. During the idle day the fire rage on for the fourth day along the bouleward and spreads closer to the railway embankment and into the westernmost factory and there the fire will continue to burn next day. 27th October, Tuesday - German Assault, Clear, Wet, with a Mild Breeze at start.German reinforcements: ELR: 4, SAN: 4 26th Oct: Sturm Coy - Reserve (8 CPP), 2nd Line "Croatian" Coy - Reserve (4 CPP).27th Oct: Assault Engineers Coy (on-map 17 CPP), Nebelwerfer 150+mm Rocket OBA module, one Pre-Reg Hex (3 CPP).German OB: 20 Ldr, 68.5 Sq-Eq (15 AE, 28.5 Elite, 10 Crews, 20 1st/2nd Line), 44 SWs (5 MMG, 14 LMG, 3 ATR, 3 Lt MTR, 15 DC, 4 FT),7 Guns (3x INF 75mm, 1x INF 150mm, 3x PaK 40), 4 AFVs (1 Pz IIIH, 3 Pz IIIL). Russian reinforcements: ELR: 3, SAN: 3 26th Oct: Assault Engineers Coy - Reserve (11 CPP), Hvy Weapon Pltn - Reserve (5 CPP).27th Oct: Militia Coy (4 CPP), Gds SMG Coy -Reserve (6 CPP), T-34 M41 Pltn (5 CPP), T-60 M42 Dug-In Pltn (2 CPP).Russian OB:18 Ldr, 87.5 Sq-Eq (9 AE, 25 Elite, 13 Crews, 23 1st Line, 24 Conscripts), 40 SWs (4 HMG, 4 MMG, 10 LMG, 7 ATR, 8 Lt MTR, 5 DC, 2 FT),7 Guns (3x MTR 82mm, 1x AT 45mm, 3x ART 76mm), 8 AFVs (3x T34 M41, 5 AFVs Dug-In T-70 & 4x T-60 M42). Retained OBA 80+mm Btln MTR.AFTERMATH (6 Game Turns): The Germans clash head-on Russian Enginners Coy that are annilathed and are no more except for a HS of 5 men and their Russian officers are slain. A Nebelwerfer rocket struck the area and killed some 30 Russians mostly in the reserves and disrupted their lines. The fighting is brutal and a bigly amount of lead from bullets and explosive from handgrenades, demo charges in the factory halls are used among hissing flamethrowers. German men crawling outside the exterior high factory walls, and rush into the factory and encounter factory workers now Militia troops that often have no real fighting chance, bravely they try anyhow, since that is orders from above. The loss of Terrain today is 14 Factory hexes, 50 more Factory hexes to conquer for the Germans in their last push 28-29 October.German Casualties: 6 Ldr, 21.5 Sq-Eq, 5 SWs, 2 Guns, 1 AFV (Recall).Russian Casualties: 8 Ldr, 46 Sq-Eq, 20 SWs, 2 Guns, 1 AFV.German OB, after 27th Oct Thuesday [sAN: 2] 14 Ldr, 47 Sq-Eq (13.5 AE, 20 Elite, 8 Crews, 9.5 1st/2nd Line), 39 SWs (5 MMG, 11 LMG, 3 ATR, 2 Lt MTR, 14 DC, 4 FT),5 Guns (3x INF 75mm, 1x INF 150mm, 1x PaK 40), 3 AFVs (1 Pz IIIH, 2 Pz IIIL).Russian OB, after 27th Oct Thuesday [sAN: 3] 10 Ldr, 41.5 Sq-Eq (0.5 AE, 13.5 Elite, 9 Crews, 10.5 1st Line, 12.5 Conscripts), 20 SWs (3 HMG, 2 MMG, 4 LMG, 3 ATR, 7 Lt MTR, 1 DC),5 Guns (2x MTR 82mm, 1x AT 45mm, 2x ART 76mm), 7 AFVs (3x T34 M41, 4 AFVs Dug-In T-70 & 3x T-60 M42). Retained OBA 80+mm Btln MTR. Total Casualties 23rd-27th October (32 Turns):German Casualties: 21 Ldr, 90.5 Sq-Eq, 26 SWs, 6 Guns, 9 AFVs (four Recalled).Russian Casualties: 17 Ldr, 154.5 Sq-Eq, 45 SWs, 7 Guns, 8 AFVs. Edited September 7, 2020 by CTABKA
CTABKA Posted September 7, 2020 Author Report Posted September 7, 2020 (edited) 28th October, Wednesday - German Assault, Clear, Wet, No wind at start.German reinforcements: ELR: 4, SAN: 4 Rifle Coy (7 CPP), STUKA (1 CPP),Hvy Arty 150+mm OBA module, one Pre-Reg Hex, Spotter Plane (8 CPP).German OB: 17 Ldr (one Ldr creation), 59 Sq-Eq (13.5 AE, 20 Elite, 8 Crews, 21.5 1st/2nd Line), 44 SWs (6 MMG, 13 LMG, 4 ATR, 3 Lt MTR, 14 DC, 4 FT),5 Guns (3x INF 75mm, 1x INF 150mm, 1x PaK 40), 3 AFVs (1 Pz IIIH, 2 Pz IIIL). Russian reinforcements: ELR: 3, SAN: 3 Gds Rifle Coy - on-map (11 CPP), Rifle Coy (5 CPP).Btln MTR 80+mm OBA module, one Pre-Reg Hex (2 CPP).Russian OB:14 Ldr, 65.5 Sq-Eq (0.5 AE, 25.5 Elite, 9 Crews, 22.5 1st Line, 12.5 Conscripts), 33 SWs (3 HMG, 4 MMG, 9 LMG, 6 ATR, 10 Lt MTR, 1 DC),5 Guns (2x MTR 82mm, 1x AT 45mm, 2x ART 76mm), 7 AFVs (3x T34 M41, 4 AFVs Dug-In T-70 & 3x T-60 M42). Retained OBA. AFTERMATH(6 Game Turns): The combat struggle begins and a German Spotter plane call in two fire misson in the northmost factories and 50 Russian soldiers are eliminated in rubble collapse and high explosives, and the whole sector crumbles as the German push into the factories as the Russians defense is comprimised after the heavy artillery strikes, another two fire missons are thereafter called down on the Martinovski but hardly dent the factory with its massive structure although it do freeze up movement in the rear. All seven Russians tanks are knocked out during the battle, by Stukas, CC, Guns, Panzer, or simple abandoned as they become isolated as the Geman Infantry bypass their dug.in positions. The Germans make a concentrated effort to gain control of Martinovski, but the Russian sacrifice many soldiers to hold onto their perimeter. No real attack effort occurred against the southernmost Russian controlled factory. The Germans gained Control of 19 factory hexes during the battle and the last day their aim is now to capture the last 31 factory hexes that the Russians are prepared to hold onto at all cost.German Casualties: 4 Ldr, 14.5 Sq-Eq, 3 SWs, 1 AFV (Recall).Russian Casualties: 5 Ldr, 29.5 Sq-Eq, 11 SWs, 3 Guns, 7 AFVs. German OB, after 28th Oct Wednesday [sAN: 2] 13 Ldr, 44.5 Sq-Eq (12.5 AE, 14 Elite, 7 Crews, 14.5 1st/2nd Line), 41 SWs (6 MMG, 12 LMG, 4 ATR, 3 Lt MTR, 13 DC, 3 FT),5 Guns (3x INF 75mm, 1x INF 150mm, 1x PaK 40), 2 AFVs (1 Pz IIIH, 1 Pz IIIL). Russian OB, after 28th Oct Wednesday [sAN: 3] 9 Ldr, 35 Sq-Eq (0.5 AE, 13.5 Elite, 7 Crews, 14 1st Line, 3.5 Conscripts), 22 SWs (2 HMG, 2 MMG, 4 LMG, 5 ATR, 8 Lt MTR, 1 DC),2 Guns (1x AT 45mm, 1x ART 76mm). Total Casualties 23rd-28th October (38 Turns):German Casualties: 25 Ldr, 105 Sq-Eq, 29 SWs, 6 Guns, 10 AFVs (five Recalled).Russian Casualties: 22 Ldr, 184 Sq-Eq, 56 SWs, 10 Guns, 15 AFVs. Edited November 4, 2020 by CTABKA
CTABKA Posted November 28, 2020 Author Report Posted November 28, 2020 (edited) 29th October, Thursday - German Assault, Clear & Gusty, Moist, With a Mild Breeze at start.German reinforcements: ELR: 4, SAN: 2 Hvy Pltn (6 CPP), STUKA (1 CPP), Pz IVF1 Pltn (5 CPP). Pak 38 Battery (3 CPP).German OB: 13 Ldr, 49 Sq-Eq (12.5 AE, 14 Elite, 16 Crews, 14.5 1st/2nd Line), 45 SWs (2 HMG, 8 MMG, 12 LMG, 4 ATR, 3 Lt MTR, 13 DC, 3 FT),10 Guns (3x INF 75mm, 1x INF 150mm, 1x PaK 40, 3x PaK 38, 2x GrW 34), 5 AFVs (1 Pz IIIH, 1 Pz IIIL, 3 Pz IVF1). Russian reinforcements: ELR: 3, SAN: 4 INF Battery (4 CPP), ART Battery (5 CPP), T-70 Pltn Dug-In (2 CPP), SAN Increase (1 CPP),Two Btln MTR 80+mm OBA module, each with one Pre-Reg Hex (4 CPP), Fortifications: WIRE, Trenches, ?.Russian OB:9 Ldr, 38.5 Sq-Eq (0.5 AE, 13.5 Elite, 14 Crews, 14 1st Line, 3.5 Conscripts), 22 SWs (2 HMG, 2 MMG, 4 LMG, 5 ATR, 8 Lt MTR, 1 DC),9 Guns (1x AT 45mm, 5x ART 76mm, 3x INF 76mm), 3 AFVs (Dug-In T-70).AFTERMATH (8 Game Turns): The last German Assault, the Russians feel confident that they can hold the line, the German attack stall at the beginning of the battle as the Germans are hammered by two Russian battaliion OBA modules directed by two Offboard observers directing several artillery strikes upon the attackers. The slugfeast continues and the Russian are grinded into smaller and smaller pockets, End dr of 1, 1-3 or 1-5 on the Turn Record chart had resulted in a clear Russian victory, but the Germans refuse to call for a cease fire, At the beginning of Turn 8 the Russians still have a foothold in both factories, but both are in the end wiped out by the last German effort. The Battle is over.German Casualties: 5 Ldr, 32 Sq-Eq, 21 SWs, 3 Guns, 3 AFVs (one Recall).Russian Casualties: 8 Ldr, 36 Sq-Eq, 20 SWs, 8 Guns, 3 AFVs. German OB, after 29th Oct Wednesday [sAN: 2] 7 Ldr, 17 Sq-Eq (3 AE, 5 Elite, 8 Crews, 5 1st/2nd Line), 24 SWs (2 HMG, 5 MMG, 7 LMG, 2 ATR, 2 Lt MTR, 4 DC, 2 FT),7 Guns (INF 75mm, INF 150mm, PaK 40, 2x PaK 38, 2x GrW 34), 2 AFVs (1 Pz IIIH, 1 Pz IVF1). Russian OB, after 29th Oct Thursday [sAN: 3] 1 Ldr, 2.5 Sq-Eq (2 Crews, 1.5 1st Line), 2 SWs (1 ATR, 1 Lt MTR), 1 Gun (1x AT 45mm). Total Casualties 23rd-29th October (46 Turns):German Casualties: 30 Ldr, 137 Sq-Eq, 50 SWs, 9 Guns, 13 AFVs (six Recalled).Russian Casualties: 30 Ldr, 220 Sq-Eq, 76 SWs, 18 Guns, 18 AFVs. Edited November 29, 2020 by CTABKA 1
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